The use of dialogue in teaching and learning is important for learners as it enhances communication competence needed within educational settings and beyond. This qualitative study explored the Grade 9 Technology teachers’ use of dialogue to enhance learners’ communication competence in the teaching and learning design process. Six teachers were purposively selected from three public high schools in the Tshwane South District. The social constructivist theory guided this study. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and observations and were transcribed, coded and arranged into themes using a thematic data analysis method. The study revealed that learners are more likely to interact in classroom discussions when they believe that their opinions matter. Regardless of the challenges experienced in this study regarding classroom overcrowding, which led to the increase in noise level, it was found that teachers' use of dialogue and questioning in the teaching of the subject of Technology, inspired learners to reflect, which helped them to clarify their understanding and improve their communication competence. It was also revealed that learners’ understanding of the concepts demonstrated increased learner enjoyment of the classroom as they interacted, hence helping them enhance their communication competence. Based on the findings on using dialogue to enhance learners’ communication competence, it is recommended that teachers should prioritise dialogue and structure lessons in ways that guide learners into meaningful dialogue that develops their understanding and enhances their learning. However, teachers need to provide a nurturing atmosphere where learners feel secure and comfortable in contributing to the conversation.
Ukusetshenziswa kwezingxoxo ekufundiseni nasekufundeni kubalulekile kubafundi njengoba kuthuthukisa ikhono lokuxhumana okudingekayo ezimeni zokufunda nasezimpilweni zangaphandle. Le ncwadi yocwaningo lwezinga eliphezulu ihlola indlela othisha beze-Tekhnoloji besebenzisa izingxoxo ukuthuthukisa ikhono lokuxhumana kubafundi ohlelweni lokufunda. Othisha abathandwayo abaningana abavela ezikoleni ezahlukene ezintathu ezisemphakathini zikaTshwane South District bahloliwe. Umgomo we-Theory ye-Social Constructivism uholisile kulesi study. Imininingwane yaqoqwa ngokusebenzisa izingxoxo ezihlelwe kahle kanye nokubuka, kwahlanganiswa, kwacutshungulwa futhi kwahlelwa ngezihloko ngokusebenzisa indlela yokuhlaziya idatha ye-Thematic Analysis. Ucwaningo luthole ukuthi abafundi bavame ukuxhumana ezingxoxweni zeklasi uma bekwazi ukuthi imicabango yabo ibalulekile. Naphezu kwezinkinga ezitholakele kulesi study mayelana nokugxila kwezihlalo okukhulu, okwaholela ekwandeni kwezinga lephimbo, kutholakale ukuthi ukusetshenziswa kwezingxoxo nothisha kanye nemibuzo ekufundiseni izifundo zeTekhnoloji kushukumisele abafundi ukuba bacabangele, okwasiza ekucaciseni ukuqonda kwabo nasekuthuthukiseni ikhono lokuxhumana. Kutholakale futhi ukuthi ukuqonda kwabafundi ngezifundo kwakukhombisa ukwaneliseka okukhulu kwabo ekilasini njengoba bephendulana, ngakho-ke bekwazi ukuthuthukisa ikhono lokuxhumana. Ngokusekelwe ezifundweni zokusebenzisa izingxoxo ukuthuthukisa ikhono lokuxhumana kwabafundi, kuhlonishwe ukuthi othisha kufanele babeke phambili izingxoxo futhi bahlele izifundo ngendlela ezoholela abafundi ekuxoxweni okuhloniphekile okuthuthukisa ukuqonda kwabo nokufunda kwabo. Kodwa-ke, othisha kudingeka bahlinzeke ngezimo ezixhasa lapho abafundi bezwa bephumule futhi bejabulile ekuthatheni izinqumo.
Tsholofelo ya go dirisa dipotso le dipuisano mo thutong le thutamisong e botlhokwa go baithuti, ka gonne e nonotsha bokgoni jwa puisano bo bo hlokegang mo mekgweting ya thuto le go feta. Patlisiso e e tlhwatlhwakgolo e tlhahlobile tshedimosetso ya baphatlalatsi ba thuto ya thekenolotsi ba sekgang ya go dirisa dipuisano go nonotsha bokgoni jwa puisano ba baithuti mo tshegetsing le morerong wa thuto. Baithuti ba le lesome ba ne ba kgethwa ka maikaelelo a go tswa dikolong tse tharo tsa sechaba mo Aforikeng Borwa kwa Tshwane South District. Melao ya thero ya Social Constructivism e ne ya kgona go aga patlisiso e. Tshedimosetso e ne ya kgobokanngwa ka go dirisa dipotso tse di hlophilweng le go lemoga, mme tsa tlhagisiwa, tsa kgetholwa, mme tsa ranolwa go tsa diteng ka go dirisa tshekatsheko ya datha ya thematic analysis. Patlisiso e bontshitse gore baithuti ba atamela go dirisana mo dipuisanong tsa klaseng fa ba dumela gore maikutlo a bona a botlhokwa. Le fa go ne go le leetsweng mo patlisisong e ka dikgwetlho tse baithuti ba tshelang ka tsona jaaka phatlalatso ya klaseng, e e neng e tlisa maemo a lerata, go lemogilwe gore go dirisiwa ga dipuisano le dipotso ke baphatlalatsi mo thutong ya sekgang sa thekenolotsi go ne ga kgothatsa baithuti go iketleeletsa, e e thusitseng go tlhalosa kutlwisiso ya bona le go ntsha bokgoni jwa puisano. Go ne gape ga bonala gore kutlwisiso ya baithuti mo ditshegetsing e ne e supa go oketsega ga go itumelela ga baithuti mo klaseng fa ba dirisana, mme seo se ba thusitse go nonotsha bokgoni jwa bona jwa puisano. Go tswa mo diphongweong tse di bontshitseng go dirisa dipuisano go nonotsha bokgoni jwa puisano ba baithuti, go kgothaletswa gore baphatlalatsi ba simolole ka go tlotla dipuisano le go laola dithuto ka ditsela tse di tla thusang baithuti go tsenela mo dipuisanong tse di nang le maikaelelo tse di nonotsang kutlwisiso ya bona le go nonotsha thuto. Le fa go le jalo, baphatlalatsi ba tlhoka go fa tikologo e e nonotsang fa baithuti ba ikutlwa ba le bolokehileng le ba amogelesegile go tsenya dikakanyo mo dipuisanong.