This study aimed to design and implement a Rural Blended Learning Strategy (RBLS) to assist Physical Sciences teachers with blended teaching and learning in rural schools. The study was navigated by the research question: What is the nature and impact of the designed strategy on blended learning of Physical Sciences teachers in rural schools? Literature was reviewed on available opportunities, challenges, and existing strategies from different contexts. Theories such as social constructivism, and community of inquiry were visited. The Analyse, Develop, Design, Implement, and Evaluation (ADDIE) model was key in developing the Rural Blended Learning Strategy (RBLS). A qualitative case study design was employed, relying on observation field notes and interview guides as data collection instruments and the conceptual framework, Detailed Analysis System, and literature as analysis methods. The purposeful sampling strategy was employed by selecting participants with the required features that the study targets. The findings revealed that network signals, lack of devices, poor institutional support, poor technology skills, workload, and teacher-centred methods acted as barriers for the implementation of the RBLS. However, the availability of devices and computer lab, exposure to the Learning Management Systems (LMSs), Social Media (SM), and Videoconferencing (VC) platforms by some teachers and learners presented a good opportunity for the implementation of the strategy. Even though some teachers tried to implement the RBLS, none did it with distinctions. It is recommended that the Department of Basic Education (DBE) provide schools with sufficient classes and computer laboratories with devices, employ more Educator Assistants (EAs) with sufficient Information and Communications Technology (ICT) skills, train teachers and all stakeholders on blended learning and its implementation, empower Senior Education Specialists (SESs) on the use LMSs, SM and VC platforms in teaching Physical Sciences and engage network service providers on the provision of zero-rated LMSs and VC platforms. The university should organise community engagement and in-service learning on the RBLS. It also recommended that the School Governing Bodies (SGBs) invest in back-up electricity, include in their policies the implementation of the RBLS, and strengthen their institutional support to both learners and teachers.
Dyondzo leyi a yi kongomisiwile eka ku dizayina na ku tirhisa Qhinga ra Dyondzo yo
Hlanganisiwa ya le Matikoxikaya (RBLS) leswaku ku ta pfuna vadyondzisi va Sayense ya Miri eka ku dyondzisa na ku dyondza loku pfanganisiweke, eswikolweni swa le makaya. Dyondzo leyi yi fambisiwa hi xivutiso xa ndzavisiso lexi nge: Hi wihi muxaka na vuyelo bya maqhinga lama endliweke eka dyondzo leyi pfanganisiweke ya vadyondzisi va Sayense ya Miri eswikolweni swa le makaya? Matsalwa ya kamberiwile eka minkarhi leyi nga kona, mintlhontlho, tindlela leti nga kona ku suka eka swiyimo swo hambana. Tithiyori to fana na social constructivism, community of inquiry ti endzeriwe. Modele wa Nxopaxopo, Hluvukisa, Dizayina, Tirhisa, na Ku Kambisisa (ADDIE) a wu ri wa nkoka eka nhluvukiso wa Qhinga ra Dyondzo yo Hlanganisiwa ya le Matikoxikaya (RBLS). Dizayini ya dyondzo ya xiyimo xa xiyimo yi tirhisiwile, ku titshege hi tinotsi ta nsimu ya ku langutisisa na swiletelo swa mimbulavurisano tanihi switirhisiwa swo hlengeleta datha, na rimba ra miehleketo, Sisiteme ya Nxopaxopo wa Vuxokoxoko na matsalwa tanihi tindlela ta nxopaxopo. Qhinga ra ku tekela swikombiso leri nga na xikongomelo ri tirhisiwile hi ku hlawula vatekaxiave lava nga na swihlawulekisi leswi lavekaka leswi dyondzo yi swi kongomisaka. Swikumiwa swa the swi paluxa leswaku swikombiso swa netiweke, ku pfumaleka ka switirhisiwa, nseketelo wo biha wa nhlangano, vuswikoti bya thekinoloji byo biha, ntirho, tindlela leti kongomisiweke eka vadyondzisi swi tirhile tanihi swihinga eka ku tirhisiwa ka RBLS. Hambiswiritano, ku kumeka ka switirhisiwa na lebu ya khompyuta, ku hlangana na tipulatifomo ta Tisisiteme ta Vulawuri bya Dyondzo (LMS), Vuhangalasi bya Mahungu bya Vanhu (SM), na Vhidiyokhonferense (VC) hi vadyondzisi van’wana na vadyondzi swi nyikile nkarhi lowunene wa ku tirhisiwa ka maqhinga. Hambi leswi vadyondzisi van’wana va ringeteke ku tirhisa RBLS, a nga kona loyi a swi endleke hi ku hambana. Swibumabumelo swa endliwa.
Thuto ye e be e ikemiseditse go hlama le go phethagatsa Leano la Thuto ye e Hlakantswego ya Dinagamagaeng (RBLS) ka nepo ya go thusa barutisi ba Mahlale a Mmele ka ga go ruta le go ithuta mo go hlakantswego, dikolong tsa dinagamagaeng.
Thuto e ile ya sepetswa ke potsiso ya nyakisiso ye: Ke mohuta le khuetso efe ya leano leo le hlamilwego go thuto ye e hlakantswego ya barutisi ba Mahlale a Mmele dikolong tsa dinagamagaeng? Dingwalo di ile tsa lekolwa gape ka ga dibaka tse di lego gona, ditlhohlo, maano ao a lego gona go tswa maemong a go fapana. Diteori tsa go swana le social constructivism, setshaba sa nyakisiso di ile tsa etelwa. Mohlala wa Sekaseka, Hlabolla, Rala, Phethagatsa, le Tekolo (ADDIE) e bile senotlelo sa tlhabollo ya Leano la
Thuto ye e Hlakantswego ya Dinagamagaeng (RBLS). Moralo wa thuto ya mohlala wa boleng o ile wa thwala, go ithekgile ka dintlha tsa tshemo ya go lebelela le ditlhahlo tsa poledisano bjalo ka didiriswa tsa kgoboketso ya datha, le tlhako ya kgopolo, Tshepediso ya Tshekatsheko ye e Dintsi le dingwalo bjalo ka mekgwa ya tshekatsheko. Leano la go tsea mehlala leo le nago le morero le somisitswe ka go kgetha batswasehlabelo bao ba nago le diponagalo tse di nyakegago tseo nyakisiso e di nepisitsego. Dikutollo tsa go utolla gore matshwao a netweke, go hloka didiriswa, thekgo ye mpe ya setheo, mabokgoni a theknolotsi a mabe, mosomo, mekgwa ye e lebanego le barutisi e somile bjalo ka mapheko a phethagatso ya RBLS. Le ge go le bjalo, go hwetsagala ga didiriswa le laboratori ya khomphutha, go pepentshwa ga Ditshepediso tsa Taolo ya Thuto (LMS), Methopo ya Leago (SM), le diforamo tsa Videoconferencing (VC) ke barutisi ba bangwe le baithuti go tsweleditse sebaka se sebotse sa phethagatso ya leano. Le ge barutisi ba bangwe ba ile ba leka go phethagatsa RBLS, ga go le o tee yo a e dirilego ka dipharologantsho. Ditshisinyo di a dirwa.