The main aim of this research is to investigate the implementation of gender mainstreaming and gender equity initiatives in the Department of Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment towards attaining 50% representation of women in middle and senior management positions. It is critical to understand the measures and strategies in place within the Department of Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment to increase the representation of women in middle and senior management positions. Therefore, this research assesses whether the strategies that are used by the Department of Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment are effective in promoting gender mainstreaming and equity in middle and senior management positions. Furthermore, it examines methods used to identify and address any potential resistance. A feminist theory is applied to explain the significance of gender mainstreaming and equity in the workplace. A qualitative research methodology was used, in which case a total sample of twenty-five (25) participants was selected. Face-to-face, semi-structured interviews were conducted with research participants who were selected using purposive and snowball sampling. The empirical findings show that the Department of Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment has different strategies to attain gender mainstreaming and gender equity. Such strategies include the implementation of employment equity plans, earmarked positions, Deputy Director-Generals performance agreements, empowerment, and awareness programmes. The research further revealed that the strategies are not fully effective; however, there is no potential resistance that has been detected. The participants emphasised the need for continued monitoring and evaluation of set targets to advance gender mainstreaming and equity within the Department of Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment. This study could be valuable to researchers, academics, and practitioners who are interested in understanding gender, diversity, and equity issues, especially in the public sector.
Xikongomelokulu xa ndzavisiso lowu i ku lavisisa ku simekiwa ka ku nghenisiwa ka rimbewu na migingiriko ya ndzingano wa rimbewu eka Ndzawulo ya Swihlahla, Tihlampfi, na Mbango eka ku ku lava ku kuma vuyimeri bya 50% bya vaxisati eka swiyimo swa le xikarhi na swa le henhla. I swa nkoka ku twisisa magoza na switirateji leswi nga kona eka Ndzawulo ya Swihlahla, Tihlampfi, na Mbango swo ndlandlamuxa vuyimeri bya vaxisati eka swiyimo swa vufambisi swa le henhla na swa le xikarhi. Hikwalaho, ndzavisiso lowu wu hlela loko switirateji leswi tirhisiweke hi Ndzawulo ya Swihlahla, Tihlampfi na Mbango swi tirhiseka eka ku phuromota ku nghenisa rimbewu na ndzingano eka swiyimo swa le xikarhi swa vufambisi na swa le henhla. Ku ya emahlweni, wu kambela maendlelo lama tirhisiweke ku kombisa na ku lulamisa ku lwisana kwihi kumbe kwih loku nga vaka kona. Ku tirhisiwa thiyori ya vaxisati ku hlamusela nkoka wo nghenisa rimbewu na ndzingano entirhweni. Ndzavisiso wo hlamusela wu tirhisiwile, laha nhlayo ya sampulu ya vatekaxiave va 25 yi hlawuriweke. Tiinthavhiyu to vulavurisana mi langutanile, na to vutisela swivutiso ti endliwile na vatekaxiave va ndzavisiso lava hlawuriweke hi ku tirhisa sampulu ya xikongomelo na yo lava vanhu. Leswi nga kumiwa swi komba leswaku Ndzawulo ya Swihlahla, Tihlampfui na Mbango yi na switirateji swo hambana ku fikelela ku nghenisiwa ka rimbewu na ku ringana ka rimbewu. Switirateji sweswo swi katsa ku simekiwa ka tipulani ta ndzingano wa matholelo, swiyimo leswi vekiweke tihlo, mitwanano ya matirhelo ya Valawuri -Jenerali ku nyika matimba, na minongonoko ya ndzemikiso. Ndzavisiso wu ya emahlweni wu humesela erivaleni leswaku switirateji a swi tirhi hi ku hetiseka, hambiswiritano, a ku na ku lwisana kokarhi koku voniweke. Vatekaxiave va tshikelerile xilaveko xo ya emahlweni ku kambisisiwa na ku hleriwa ka tithagete leti vekiweke ku yisa emahlweni ku nghenisiwa ka rimbewu na ndzingano eka Ndzawulo ya Swihlahla, Tihlampfi na Mbango. Dyondzo leyi yi nga va na nkoka eka valavisisi, tiakhademiki na vatirhi lava tsakelaka ku twisisa rimbewu, ku hambana, na timhaka ta ndzingano, ngopfu-ngopfu eka xiyenge xa mfumo.
Maikemisetsomagolo a dinyakisiso tse ke go nyakisisa phethagatso ya maitekelo a go tsenya tirisong melawana ya tsa bong le tekatekano ya bong ka Kgorong ya Kagodithokgwa, Boreahlapi, le Tikologo ka nepo ya go fihlelela kemedi ya 50% ya basadi ka maemong a bolaodi bja magareng le bja maemo a godingwana. Go bohlokwa go kwesisa magato le maano ao a diriswago ka gare ga Kgoro ya Kagodithokgwa, Boreahlapi, le Tikologo go oketsa kemedi ya basadi ka maemong a bolaodi bja magareng le bja maemo a godingwana. Ka fao, dinyakisiso di sekaseka ge eba maano ao a somiswago ke Kgoro ya Kagodithokgwa, Boreahlapi, le Tikologo a soma gabotse go tswetsa pele go tsenya tirisong melawana ya tsa bong le tekatekano ya bong ka maemong a bolaodi bja magareng le bja maemo a godingwana. Godimo ga fao, di lekola mekgwa ye e somiswago go tseba le go rarolla tshitiso ye e ka kgonagalago. Teori ya ba go lwela ditokelo tsa basadi e a diriswa go hlalosa bohlokwa bja go tsenya tirisong melawana ya tsa bong le tekatekano ya bong ka mosomong. Mokgwa wa dinyakisiso wa boleng o somisitswe, gomme ka go realo sampole ka botlalo ya bakgathatema ba masomepedihlano (25) e kgethilwe. Dipotsiso tsa dipoledisano tsa sebele, tsa dipotsiso tse di bulegilego tsa go nyaka tlhaloso di dirilwe fao bakgathatema ba dinyakisiso bao ba kgethilwego ka go somisa sampole ya maikemisetso le ya gore banyakisiswa ba nyake banyakisiswa ba bangwe. Dikutollo tsa dinyakisiso tsa bohlatse di laetsa gore Kgoro ya Kagodithokgwa, Boreahlapi, le Tikologo e na le mekgwa ye e fapafapanego go fihlelela go tsenya tirisong ga melawana ya tsa bong le tekatekano ya bong. Maano a mohuta woo a akaretsa phethagatso ya maano a tekatekano mosomong, maemo ao a beetswego ba bong bjo itsego, ditumelelano tsa phethagatso ya mesomo ka Balaodipharephare. Dinyakisiso di tswetse pele go utolla gore maano a ga a some gabotse ka botlalo; le ge go le bjale, ga go na le kgonagalo ya tshitiso ye e bonwego. Bakgathatema ba gateletse tlhokego ya gore go be le tlhokomelo ye e tswelago pele le tshekatsheko ya dinepiso tse di beilwego ka nepo ya go tswetsa pele go tsenya tirisong ga melawana ya tsa bong le tekatekano ya bong ka Kgorong ya Kagodithokgwa, Boreahlapi, le Tikologo. Dinyakisiso tse di ka ba mohola go banyakisisi, go dirutegi, le go basomi ba tsa bong bao ba nago le kgahlego go kwesiseng ga bong, go farologana, le merero ya tsa tekatekano, kudukudu ka lekaleng la mmuso.