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An exploration of the teaching practices of education officers at a science centre in Pretoria, Gauteng Province

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dc.contributor.advisor Mudau, Awelani V. Bilankulu, Hasani Justice 2020-11-16T09:26:34Z 2020-11-16T09:26:34Z 2018-11 2020-11-16
dc.description Abstract in English, Tswana and Xitsonga en
dc.description.abstract Education officers based at science centres and museums play a significant role in teaching the visiting learners science. However, little is known about their teaching practices at these centres. The purpose of this study was to investigate the teaching practices of education officers when teaching science in a science centre environment. The focus of this study was on the education officers’ knowledge and instructional strategies used in teaching science at a science centre in Pretoria, Gauteng province. A qualitative case study approach was used. Data was collected from the three participating education officers using semi-structured interviews and observations. Data was analysed separately from each case using education officers’ knowledge framework guidance. The findings from this study indicate that although education officers have shown an adequate content knowledge in teaching science at the science centre their teaching method was teacher-centred and non-interactive and show-and-tell strategies were more common amongst the education officers. The study also revealed that education officers did not use their resources/exhibits effectively in teaching science. It is recommended in this study that intensive training of education officers is required before they can interact with the visiting learners. en
dc.description.abstract Baokamedi ba thuto ba kwa mafelong a maranyane le dimusiamo ba tshameka karolo e e botlhokwa mo go ruteng barutwana ba ba etileng dithuto tsa maranyane. Mme goitsiwe go le gonnye ka mekgwa e ba e dirisang kwa mafelong a. Morero wa thuto e ne e le go tlhatlhoba mekgwa ya baokamedi ba thuto fa ba ruta dithuto tsa maranyane mo tikologong ya lefelo la maranyane. Ntlhakgolo ya thuto e e ne e lebile kitso le mekgwa e e dirisiwang mo go ruteng maranyane mo lefelong la maranyane kwa Pretoria, porofensing ya Gauteng. Mokgwa wa boleng ba kgetsi thuta o dirisitswe. Tshedimosetso e tserwe mo baokameding ba thuto ba bararo ba ba neng ba tsere karolo ka mokgwa wa dipotsolotso tsa seka-kago le tebelelo. Tshedimosetso e tlhatlhobilwe kgetsi le kgetsi go dirisiwa kgakololo ya lenaneo la kitso ya baokamedi ba thuto. Dipitlhelelo tsa thuto e di supa gore le ga baokamedi ba thuto ba bontsha kitso e e lekaneng mo go ruteng maranyane kwa lefelong la dithuto tsa maranyane mekgwa ya bone ya go ruta e ne e lebagane bone gape e sena kamano mo go dimo ga moo mekgwa ya go buwa le go bontsha e ne e le tlwaelo gareng ga baokamedi ba thuto. Thuto e bontshitse gape gore baokamedi ba thuto ba ne ba sa dirisi didiriswa ka natlafalo mo go ruteng maranyane. Kgakololo go tswa mo thutong eno ke gore baokamedi ba thuto ba tlhoka katiso e e utlwalang pele ba ka kopana le baithuti ba ba etang. tn
dc.description.abstract Vadyondzisi lava kumekaka eka ndhawu ya science na museum va tlanga xiphemu xa nkoka swinene eku dyondziseni ka vadyondzi lava va endzelaka ndhawu leyi. Hambi swiri tano, i swi ntsongo leswi tivekaka hi madyondziselo ya science eka ndhawu leyi. Xikongomelo nkulu xa dyondzo leyi akuri ku lavisisa tindlela ta madyondziselo ya vadyondzisi loko va dyondzisa tidyondzo ta science endhawini leyi ya tidyondzo science. Dyondzo leyi ayi kongomisiwile eka vutivi na tindlela leti vadyondzisi va letelaka ha kona vadyondzi edhawini leyi ya science ePitori, eka Xifundzha nkulu xa Gauteng. Maendlelo ya qualitative case study ya tirhisiwile eka vulavisisi lebyi. Vuxokoxoko byi hlengeletiwile ku sukela eka vadyodzisi vanharhu va science hi ndlela ya mbulavurisano na vulangutisisi bya vukheta swinene. Vuxokoxoko lebyi byi hleriwile hi ku hambana hambana hi kuya hi vutivi bya vadyondzisi lava vanharhu. Hambi leswi vadyondzisi lava va nga kombisa vutivi byo ringanela no twisisa tidyondzo ta science eka ndhawu leyi, swi kumekile leswaku madyodziselo ya vona aya pfumeleli vadyondzi ku va teka xiphemu eku tirhiseni ka swikombiso na switirhisiwa swo pfuneta ku twisisa tidyondyo ta science. Vadyondzisi a va tirhisa ndlela yo vulavula no komba switithisiwa na swikombiso swo pfuneta tidyondzo leti ehandle ko pfumelela vana ku tirhisa swilo leswi swa science. Ku yisa emahlweni, swi kumekile leswaku vadyondzisi a va tirhisi switirhisiwa kumbe swikombiso swo va pfuneta eka dyondzo ya science hi ku hetiseka. Hi ku landzelela dyondzo leyi, ku tsundzuxiwa leswaku vadyondzisi va kuma dyondzo yo enta no enela ku suka eka va vutivi byo antswa va nga si nyikiwa mpfumelelo wo dyondzisa vana tidyondzo ta science. ts
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (xi, 212 leaves) : color illustrations en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject Education officers en
dc.subject Education officers’ knowledge en
dc.subject Science centre en
dc.subject Teaching practices en
dc.subject Instructional strategies en
dc.subject Teacher-centred en
dc.subject Resources/exhibits en
dc.subject Non-interactive en
dc.subject Training en
dc.subject Baokamedi ba thuto tn
dc.subject Kitso ya baokamedi ba thuto tn
dc.subject Lefelo la maranyane tn
dc.subject Mekgwa ya go ruta tn
dc.subject Mekgwa ya taelo tn
dc.subject Go lebagane Morutis tn
dc.subject Didiriswa/ditshupegetso tn
dc.subject Tlhoka kamano tn
dc.subject Katiso tn
dc.subject Vadyondzisi ts
dc.subject Vutivi bya vadyondzisi ts
dc.subject indlela ta madyondziselo eka ndhawu ya science ts
dc.subject Tindlela ta vuleteri ts
dc.subject Switirhisiwa/swikombiso ts
dc.subject.ddc 507.4682275
dc.subject.lcsh Science museums -- Educational aspects -- South Africa -- Pretoria -- Case studies en
dc.subject.lcsh Science -- Study and teaching -- Activity programs -- South Africa -- Pretoria -- Case studies en
dc.subject.lcsh Museum docents -- Training of -- South Africa -- Pretoria -- Case studies en
dc.subject.lcsh Tour guides (Persons) -- Training of -- South Africa -- Pretoria -- Case studies en
dc.subject.lcsh Museums and schools -- South Africa -- Pretoria -- Case studies en
dc.title An exploration of the teaching practices of education officers at a science centre in Pretoria, Gauteng Province en
dc.type Dissertation en
dc.description.department Science and Technology Education en M. Ed. (Specialisation in Natural Science Education)

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