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Stressimptomatologie by nooddienspersoneel

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dc.contributor.advisor Breed, Marita Oosthuizen, Marinda 2015-01-23T04:24:02Z 2015-01-23T04:24:02Z 1994-11
dc.identifier.citation Oosthuizen, Marinda (1994) Stressimptomatologie by nooddienspersoneel, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description Text in Afrikaans
dc.description.abstract Die studie fokus op die effek van krisiswerk op die helper in terme van stres, die uitbrandingsindroom en posttraumatiese stresversteuring (PTSV). Salutogeniese konstrukte as moderatorveranderlikes in die stres-siekte-verhouding word ook ondersoek. 'n Beskikbaarheidsteekproef van 52 ambulansmanne en 52 kontrolegroepwerkers is verkry. Biografiese, koherensie-, uitbrandings-, PTSV- en stresvraelyste is ingevul en statisties verwerk. Resultate dui daarop dat ambulansmanne hul werk as buitengewoon stresvol beleef en dat meer ambulansmanne diagnoseerbare PTSV vertoon. Daar blyk geen verskil tussen die twee groepe te wees nie met betrekking tot die voorkoms van uitbranding en streservaring. 'n Negatiewe verband tussen koherensiebelewing en die voorkoms van stressimptome en uitbranding is verkry. Ambulansmanne het 'n buitengewoon stresvolle werk en vertoon meer simptome van stresversteurings as mense in ander beroepe. Aanbevelings word gedoen oor hoe om die negatiewe konsekwensies van stres te verminder. af
dc.description.abstract The study focuses on the effect of crisis work on the assistant in terms of stress, the burnout syndrome and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Salutogenic constructs as moderator variables in the stress-illness relationship are also investigated. An availability sample of 52 ambulancemen and 52 control group workers was obtained. Biographic, coherence, burnout, PTSD and stress questionnaires were completed and statistically processed. Results indicate that ambulancemen experience their work as exceptionally stressful and that more Ambulancemen display diagnosable PTSD. There appears to be no difference between the two groups in respect of the incidence of burnout and experience of stress. A negative connection between the experience of coherence and the incidence of stress symptoms and burnout was obtained. Ambulancemen have an exceptionally stressful job and display more symptoms of stress disorders. Recommendations are made on how to reduce the negative consequences of stress. en
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (iii, 146 leaves) en
dc.language.iso af
dc.subject Stress en
dc.subject Burnout syndrome en
dc.subject Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) en
dc.subject Salutogenic constructs en
dc.subject Sense of coherence en
dc.subject Stress-illness relationship en
dc.subject Crises en
dc.subject Disaster en
dc.subject Trauma en
dc.subject Communication en
dc.subject Ambulanceman en
dc.subject Age en
dc.subject Marital state en
dc.subject.ddc 155.935
dc.subject.lcsh Post-traumatic stress disorder en
dc.subject.lcsh Ambulance service en
dc.subject.lcsh Burn out (Psychology) en
dc.subject.lcsh Emergency medical technicians en
dc.subject.lcsh Stress (Psychology) en
dc.title Stressimptomatologie by nooddienspersoneel af
dc.title.alternative Stress symptomatology among emergency service staff en
dc.type Dissertation
dc.description.department Industrial and Organisational Psychology M. Com. (Bedryfsielkunde) en

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