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Riglyne ter verbetering van konsentrasietegnieke van laerskoolsportbeoefenaars

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dc.contributor.advisor Roets, H. E. (Hester Elizabeth) af Griffith, William Charles 2010-10-05T12:39:05Z 2010-10-05T12:39:05Z 2010-02
dc.identifier.citation Griffith, William Charles (2010) Riglyne ter verbetering van konsentrasietegnieke van laerskoolsportbeoefenaars, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description Text in Afrikaans
dc.description.abstract The primary aim of this investigation was to compile guidelines to improve the concentration techniques of primary school sport participants. In order to achieve this goal, a theoretical as well as an empirical investigation were conducted. During the literature study, different aspects of concentration were analyzed and the role of the primary school coach was highlighted in each instance. The literature study indicated that the primary school sport participants’ sport experience would benefit, if the primary sport participants would use concentration techniques during their sport participation. During the empirical study (in which 61 primary school sport participants participated), it was indicated that • Most of the primary school sport participants had very little exposure to concentration techniques. • Self talk, as a concentration technique, was used by most of the participants. The Here-and-Now concentration technique was the least used concentration technique by the participants. The literature study as well as the empirical study indicated that there are guidelines that primary school participants can use in order to better their concentration techniques. en
dc.description.abstract Die primêre doel van hierdie ondersoek was om riglyne saam te stel wat laerskoolsportbeoefenaars kan help om beter te konsentreer gedurende hulle sportdeelname. Ten einde hierdie doel te bereik, isʼn teoretiese sowel as ʼn empiriese ondersoek uitgevoer. Tydens die teoretiese ondersoek is verskillende aspekte van konsentrasie ontleed, waarin die rol van die laerskoolafrigter telkens toegelig is. Die teoretiese ondersoek het aangetoon dat die laerskoolsportbeoefenaars se sportbelewenis daarby sou baat indien die laerskoolsportbeoefenaars konsentrasietegnieke gedurende hulle sportdeelname sou gebruik. Volgens die empiriese ondersoek (waaraan 61 proefpersone deelgeneem het) is aangetoon dat: • Die meerderheid laerskoolsportbeoefenaars baie min bloot gestel word aan konsentrasietegnieke. • Selfspraak, as konsentrasietegniek, was die meeste gebruik, terwyl die Hier-en- Nou konsentrasietegniek die minste gebruik is deur die proefpersone. Die teoretiese sowel as die empiriese ondersoek het aangetoon dat daar wel riglyne is wat gevolg kan word om die laerskoolsportbeoefenaars te help om hulle konsentrasietegnieke te verbeter. af
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (xii, 138 leaves)
dc.language.iso other en
dc.subject.ddc 796.01
dc.subject.lcsh Sports for children -- Psychological aspects
dc.subject.lcsh Attention in children
dc.subject.lcsh Attention -- Psychological aspects
dc.title Riglyne ter verbetering van konsentrasietegnieke van laerskoolsportbeoefenaars en
dc.type Dissertation en
dc.description.department Educational Studies M. Ed. (Voorligting)

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