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A Quantitative Inquiry into South African Undergraduate University Students’ Perceptions of Religiously Sanctioned Homophobia

Show simple item record Maake, Tshepo 2025-01-30T07:14:47Z 2025-01-30T07:14:47Z 2022-08-01
dc.identifier.citation Maake, TB. 2022. ‘A Quantitative Inquiry into South African Undergraduate University Students’ Perceptions of Religiously Sanctioned Homophobia’. Open Journal for Sociological Studies, 6(2): 67-84. en
dc.identifier.issn ISSN (Online) 2560-5283
dc.description.abstract The paper investigates the factors that inform university undergraduate students’ perceptions of religiously sanctioned homophobia. Data was drawn from a quantitative survey conducted in 2017 on students’ perceptions of social norms, heteronormativity, and homophobia at a South African urban-based university. A total of 330 undergraduate students completed the survey. The study found statistically significant correlations between the factors of sex, degree of religiosity and family socialization and the undergraduate students’ perceptions of religiously sanctioned homophobia. Male students demonstrated more support for religiously sanctioned homophobia than did female students. Students with a higher degree of religiosity were more likely to support statements that enforced homophobia than did students with a lower degree of religiosity. Students who had been socialized in homophobic families were more likely to support religiously sanctioned homophobia than were students who had grown up in more tolerant families. The study did not find statistically significant correlations between the factors of frequency of exposure to religious services and place of origin and the undergraduate students’ perceptions of religiously sanctioned homophobia. The paper makes a substantive contribution to the limited South African studies that focus on the broader student population’s perceptions of religiously sanctioned homophobia en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.publisher Center for Open Access in Science en
dc.subject heteronormativity en
dc.subject homophobia en
dc.subject religion en
dc.subject gender en
dc.subject south africa en
dc.title A Quantitative Inquiry into South African Undergraduate University Students’ Perceptions of Religiously Sanctioned Homophobia en
dc.type Article en
dc.description.department Sociology en

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