In this paper, we aim to explore public reactions to non-normative expressions of masculinity within South African society. We argue that although society has become more accepting of such expressions, there still exists ...
Maake, Tshepo(Center for Open Access in Science, 2022-08-01)
The paper investigates the factors that inform university undergraduate students’ perceptions of religiously sanctioned homophobia. Data was drawn from a quantitative survey conducted in 2017 on students’ perceptions of ...
South African literature demonstrates that heteronormative ideologies are evident at universities and inform various discriminations against LGBTIQ+ students. These heteronormative ideologies emanate from the traditional ...
In this study, we explore how HIV-related social stigma in a South African rural township community informs parents’ and caregivers’ decisions to disclose their children’s HIV-positive status to them. To achieve the aim ...
The study examined the challenges of caring for adolescent foster children post-foster placement with the intention to develop guidelines for social work intervention. The research approach of the study was qualitative and ...
Introduction: Globally and in South Africa, young people are predisposed to contracting the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) due to several social challenges. These social challenges include poverty and gangsterism. In ...
This research explored the experiences of employed Black African men in Gauteng regarding paternity leave. Grounded in the symbolic interactionist and liberal feminist theoretical frameworks, a qualitative research approach ...
The majority of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disclosure research in South Africa has focused on spouses and sexual partners. Few studies have researched how parents and caregivers disclose children’s HIV-positive ...
The Covid-19 pandemic caused disruptions in higher education in South Africa, with institutions transitioning to remote teaching and learning. Literature reveals that the pandemic affected lecturers' and students’ teaching ...
This study is an evaluation of the implementation of the Sizanani Community Network (SCN) support group initiatives in supporting people who are living with the human immunodefiency virus (PLHIV) in Mamelodi, Pretoria. The ...
This dissertation explores the framing of violent ethno-political conflicts through media discourse, with a specific focus on the Oromo-Somali (sometimes interchanged as Somali-Oromo conflict, without changing the intention ...
This thesis examined the future of durable peace in Africa using Liberia and Rwanda as case
studies. It did so by examining how leadership emerges and shapes social policy for building
inclusivity and addressing the root ...
The investigation on the experiences of non-Muslim communities of Southern Borno in the Federal Republic of Nigeria under the Boko Haram insurgency is inevitable, considering the dire humanitarian situation that has since ...
Maake, Tshepo; Rugunanan, Pragna(Tayler and Francis Online, 2023-01-30)
Sexual diversity is a contentious topic in South Africa because many people still hold the perception that sexual identity can only be understood in heteronormative terms. This article adopts a feminist research approach ...
Maake, Tshepo(Nova South Eastern University, 2021-12-03)
Qualitative research on gay experiences in South African society is slowly gaining momentum. However, it is accompanied by serious ethical implications and positionality dilemmas that should be considered in carrying out ...
This paper discusses the power differentials between various gay men that shape the construction of multiple unequal gay masculinities in South Africa. I argue that there is no single homogenous gay masculinity but multiple ...
Background: Available literature indicates that the male occupational culture of the South
African mining industry marginalises and excludes women; however, limited attention has
been given to the heteronormative element ...
The National Health Insurance is a health financing system that aims to redistribute South Africa’s financial resources by pooling funds from the public and purchasing healthcare services on behalf of the population from ...
Vicente, Andresa Natacha Gomes de Almeida(2022-01)
The case study of Bolivian radical feminist group Mujeres Creando is aimed at
exploring both the micro and macropolitical challenges to and strategies for
building feminist solidarities within the broader context of ...
Bayane, Percyval(Open Journal for Sociological Studies, 2023-06-28)
The paper investigates factors influencing binge drinking behavior among university undergraduate students. Data is drawn from a quantitative survey conducted on undergraduate students’ perceptions of peer pressure, students ...