This research explored the phenomenon of housebreaking at Crystal Park Extension 32 from a victim risk perspective. Crystal Park Extension 32 area was developed more than 12 years ago and it is located on the eastern side of Benoni, Ekurhuleni Municipality (Gauteng Province). This area is a semi-suburb with 400± households. A year or two after the area was established, it was struck by a string of housebreaking incidents which left residents desperate for help. This triggered need to conduct this study. To accomplish this task, the qualitative approach, which applied the case study research design, was utilised. Since this research was qualitative in nature, two non-probability research methods were used to select participants. Convenience sampling was utilised to select eight (8) victims, the primary units of analysis, while purposive sampling was used to sample five (5) subject matter experts (SMEs), the secondary units of analysis. The SMEs included three (3) SAPS members from Crystal Park Police Station,
Nyakisiso ye e sekasekile ditiragalo tse di diregilego ka Extension 32 Crystal Park tsa bohodu bja go thuba ka dintlong, go tswa go maitemogelo a batswasehlabelo. Lefelo la Crystal Park Extension 32 le hlomilwe mengwaga ya go feta ye 12 ye e fetilego gomme le ka lehlakoreng la ka bohlabela bja Benoni, Mmasepaleng wa Ekurhuleni (Profense ya Gauteng). Lefelo le ke lefelo la ka thoko ga toropo leo le nago le malapa a ka bago a 400. Ngwaga goba ye mebedi ka morago ga gore lefelo le le hlongwe, go ile gwa ba le ditiragalo tsa go thuba dintlo tseo di ilego tsa dira gore badudi ba hloke thuso. Se se ile sa dira gore go be le tlhokego ya go dira nyakisiso ye. Mokgwa wa khwalithethifi o somisitswe go kgoboketsa datha ka mokgwa wa go kgetha dikemedi fela go tswa go batswasehlabelo ba seswai (8), le go kgetha dikemedi ka morero ka go kgetha batseakarolo ba ditsebi ba ba hlano (5). Batseakarolo ba ditsebi bao ba somisitswego go nyakisiso ke maloko a mararo (3) a SAPS go tswa Seteiseneng sa Maphodisa sa Crystal Park, lelo
Lolu cwaningo luhlole isenzeko sokugqekezwa kwezindlu e-Crystal Park Extension 32, ngokombono wengozi yesisulu. Indawo yase-Crystal Park Extension 32 yakhiwa eminyakeni engaphezu kweyi-12 edlule futhi itholakala ohlangothini olusempumalanga neBenoni, ngaphansi kwaMasipala Ekurhuleni (eSifundazweni sase-Gauteng). Le ndawo iyindawo esadolobha elinamakhaya angama-400±. Ngemva konyaka owodwa noma emibili kusukela le ndawo isunguliwe, kwahlaselwa uhide lwezigameko zokugqekezwa kwezindlu nokwashiya izakhamuzi zikhungathekile futhi zidinga usizo. Lokhu-ke kudale ukuthi kube nesidingo sokwenza lolu cwaningo. Ukufeza lo msebenzi, kwathathwa indlela yocwaningo echazayo futhi kwasetshenziswa nomklamo wocwaningo lwendaba. Njengoba lolu bekuwucwaningo lwendlela echazayo, kusetshenziswe izindlela ezimbili zocwaningo ezingalindelekile ukuze kukhethwe abahlanganyeli. Ukusampula kokuqoqwa kweminininigwane okufinyelela kalula kwasetshenziswa ukuze kukhethwe izisulu eziyisishiyagalombili (8), okungamayunithi ayinhloko okuhlaziy