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A model for online professional development of early childhood teachers in South Africa

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dc.contributor.advisor Hannaway, D. van der Westhuizen, Leonie Magdalena 2024-07-24T13:03:37Z 2024-07-24T13:03:37Z 2024-01-08
dc.description Text in English, Afrikaans and Zulu en
dc.description.abstract This study aimed to explore professional development in the digital era, taking into account current realities and challenges. The research focussed on programme design approaches and incorporated perspectives and theories relevant to current contextual realities. The objective was to create an effective online professional development (OTDP) model for teachers that considers their practical insights and experiences, empowering them to navigate evolving Early Childhood Education (ECE) environments. The study was informed by the ICT competency framework and included specific teacher roles, adult learning theories, and in-service professional development as key components. The study utilised a phenomenological inquiry design and collected data from 23 early childhood teachers in Gauteng. The empirical findings highlighted the teachers’ experiences, beliefs and needs for continuous professional development (CPD) programmes. Subsequent analyses resulted in the OTDP model, which was aligned with teachers' experiences and beliefs. The study's synthesis contributes a model of Early Childhood Development that emphasises authentic caring. The model has implications for professional development practices, policy changes, and future research directions. en
dc.description.abstract Die doel van hierdie studie was om professionele ontwikkeling in die digitale era te ondersoek met inagneming van huidige realiteite en uitdagings. Die navorsing het gefokus op program-ontwerpbenaderings en het perspektiewe en teorieë geïnkorporeer wat verband hou met huidige kontekstuele realiteite. Die doelwit was om ’n effektiewe aanlyn professionele ontwikkelingsmodel vir onderwysers te skep wat hulle praktiese insigte en ervarings in ag neem en hulle bemagtig om ontwikkelende Vroeëkinderjare-onderwysomgewings te navigeer. Die studie is ingelig deur die IKT-bevoegdheidsraamwerk en het spesifieke onderwysersrolle, volwasse leerteorieë en indiens-professionele ontwikkeling as sleutelkomponente ingesluit. Die studie het ’n fenomenologiese ondersoekontwerp gebruik en data van 23 kleinkindonderwysers in Gauteng ingesamel. Die empiriese bevindinge het die onderwysers se ervarings, oortuigings en behoeftes vir deurlopende professionele ontwikkelingsprogramme uitgelig. Daaropvolgende ontledings het gelei tot die aanlyn professionele ontwikkelingsmodel, wat in lyn is met onderwysers se ervarings en oortuigings. Die studie se sintese dra by tot ’n model van kleinkind-ontwikkeling wat outentieke omgee beklemtoon. Die model het implikasies vir professionele ontwikkelingspraktyke, beleidsveranderinge en toekomstige navorsingsrigtings. Sleutelwoorde: professionele ontwikkeling; aanlyn professionele onderwyserontwikkeling; onderwysersopleiding; vroeëkinderjare-onderwys; Suid-Afrika; volwasse leer; digitale leer; outentieke omgee; fenomenologiese navorsing. af
dc.description.abstract Lolu cwaningo beluhlose ukuhlola intuthuko yobungcweti esikhathini sedijithali, kucatshangelwa izinto ezingokoqobo nezinselele zamanje. Ucwaningo lugxile ezindleleni zokwenza izinhlelo kanye nokuhlanganisa imibono nemiqondo ehambisana nezimo zamanje. Injongo bekuwukwakha isifanekiso esiphumelelayo sokuthuthukiswa kochwepheshe ku-inthanethi (i-OTDP) yothisha esicabangela ulwazi lwabo olusebenzayo nabahlangabezane nako, kubanike amandla okuzulazula ezindaweni ezithuthukayo Zemfundo Yezingane Ezisakhula (ECE). Ucwaningo lwenziwe wuhlaka lwamakhono e-ICT futhi lwahlanganisa izindima ezithile zothisha, imibono yokufunda kwabantu abadala, kanye nokuthuthukiswa kochwepheshe emsebenzini njengezingxenye ezibalulekile. Lolu cwaningo lusebenzise indlela yobunjalo bezinto ngendlela abantu abahlangabezana nazo futhi lwaqoqa imininingwane kothisha abezingane ezisakhula abangama-23 eGauteng. Okutholiwe okunobufakazi kwagqamisa ulwazi lothisha, izinkolelo kanye nezidingo zezinhlelo zokuthuthukiswa kochwepheshe okuqhubekayo (CPD). Ukuhlaziya okwalandela kwaholela esifanekisweni se-OTDP, esasihambisana nolwazi nezinkolelo zothisha. Ukuhlanganiswa kwalolu cwaningo kunikela isifanekiso Sokuthuthukiswa Kwezingane Ezisakhula esigcizelela ukunakekela okuyiqiniso. Isifanekiso sinemithelela yezinqubo zokuthuthukiswa kochwepheshe, izinguquko zenqubomgomo, nezinkombandlela zocwaningo zesikhathi esizayo. zu
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (196 leaves): illustrations (chiefly color) en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject Professional development en
dc.subject Online teacher professional development en
dc.subject Teacher education en
dc.subject Early childhood education en
dc.subject South Africa en
dc.subject Adult learning en
dc.subject Digital learning en
dc.subject Authentic caring en
dc.subject Phenomenological research en
dc.subject Fourth Industrial Revolution and Digitalisation en
dc.subject Student Support and Co-Curricular Activities en
dc.subject SDG 4 Quality Education en
dc.subject SDG 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure en
dc.subject.other UCTD en
dc.title A model for online professional development of early childhood teachers in South Africa en
dc.type Thesis en
dc.description.department Early Childhood Education en PhD (Education) en

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