dc.contributor.advisor |
Dirsuweit, Teresa |
dc.contributor.author |
Maseki, Boloko Joel
dc.date.accessioned |
2024-04-26T08:45:50Z |
dc.date.available |
2024-04-26T08:45:50Z |
dc.date.issued |
2023-06 |
dc.identifier.uri |
https://hdl.handle.net/10500/31068 |
dc.description |
Abstract in English with French, SePedi and Tsonga translations |
en |
dc.description.abstract |
Since 1994, a number of immigrants from African countries have settled in South African cities. In this thesis, the everyday lives of Congolese migrants in an urban enclave in Tshwane were explored through the application of Lefebvre’s triad in the production of space. The study was designed as a qualitative inquiry. The data-gathering process included multiple sources: face-to-face interviews (n=48), participant observations, field notes, and memos. Salient themes and patterns capturing Congolese immigrants’ citizenship and sense of urban belonging in Tshwane were developed through Lefebvre’s spatial triad. Conceived space is produced through the body of legal frameworks on immigration that shapes and regulates the citizenship stratification of immigrants. Lived space relates to the experiences of Congolese migrants in accessing urban services. Poor access to employment, education, healthcare, and housing shows that this lived space is dominated by a lack of social protection. Perceived space relates to how Congolese immigrants reappropriate urban space through participation in their social networks to resist and overcome their social and economic exclusion. These social networks offer a safety corridor that forges a sense of belonging through everyday urban struggles. In keeping with the notion of the right to the city, this study advocates the reformulation of urban policies to be more inclusive of migrants |
en |
dc.description.abstract |
Depuis 1994, les villes sud-africaines abritent un certain nombre d'immigrants en provenance de pays africains et qui s’ y sont installés. En appliquant la théorie de la triade de Lefebvre dans la production de l’espace, cette thèse explore la vie quotidienne des migrants congolais dans la ville de Tshwane. L'étude a été conçue comme une enquête qualitative. La collecte de données a regroupé plusieurs sources notamment 48 entretiens face-à-face, des observations des participants dans leurs différents milieux de vie, des notes de terrain et des mémos. Les thèmes et modèles saillants capturant la citoyenneté et le sentiment d’appartenance urbaine des immigrants congolais à Tshwane ont été développés à travers la triade spatiale de Lefebvre. L’espace conçu est produit à travers l’ensemble des cadres juridiques sur l’immigration qui façonnent et régulent la stratification citoyenne des immigrants. L'espace vécu représente les expériences des migrants congolais à travers l'accès des services urbains. Le faible accès à l’emploi, à l’éducation, aux soins de santé et au logement montre que cet espace vécu est dominé par un manque de protection sociale. L’espace perçu dévoile la manière dont les immigrés congolais se réapproprient l’espace urbain en exploitant leurs réseaux sociaux pour résister et surmonter leur exclusion sociale et économique de la cité. Au quotidien, ces réseaux sociaux offrent un corridor de sécurité qui forge un sentiment d’appartenance à travers les luttes urbaines. Conformément à la notion de droit à la ville, cette étude préconise la reformulation des politiques urbaines pour qu’elles soient plus inclusives envers les migrants. |
fre |
dc.description.abstract |
Go tloga ka 1994, bafudugedi ba le mmalwa ba ba tswang kwa dinageng tsa Aforika ba dula mo ditoropokgolong tsa Aforikaborwa. Mo thesiseng eno, go sekasekilwe matshelo a letsatsi le letsatsi a bafudugedi ba ba tswang kwa Congo mo lefelobodulong le go nnang bone fela ka ntlha ya bosetšhaba jwa bone, le le mo toropong ya Tshwane, ka go dirisa dintlhatharo tsa ga Lefebvre mo go tlholweng ga lefelo. Thutopatlisiso e dirilwe jaaka mokgwatlhotlhomiso wa go sekaseka maitemogelo a batho. Tirego ya go kgobokanya deitha e akareditse metswedi e mentsi: dipotsolotso tse di diregang ka tlhamalalo le ka namana (n=48), ditebelelo ka kelotlhoko tsa batsayakarolo, dintlha tsa tlhotlhomiso e e sa direlweng mo laboratoring, le di-memo. Meono le diphethene tsa botlhokwa tse di tlhagisang boagi jwa bafudugedi ba kwa Congo le mowa wa gore ke karolo ya Tshwane di dirilwe ka go dirisa dintlhatharo tsa lefelo go ya ka Lefebvre. Lefelo ka moo re le akanyang ka teng le dirilwe ka go dirisa setlhopha sa matlhomeso a semolao ka ga bofudugedi a a dirang le go laola karologantsho ya bafudugedi go ya ka boagi jwa bone. Lefelo le go tshelwang mo go lone le amana le maitemogelo a bafudugedi ba ba tswang kwa Congo a go fitlhelela ditirelo tsa mo toropong. Phitlhelelo e e bokoa ya ditiro, thuto, tlhokomelo ya pholo, le matlo e bontsha gore lefelo leno le go tshelwang mo go lone le tlhotlhelediwa le go laolwa ke go sa nne teng ga mananeo le dipholisi tse di fokotsang le go thibela khumanego. Lefelo ka moo re le bonang ka teng le amana le tsela e bafudugedi ba ba tswang kwa Congo ba fetolang lefelotoropo ka go tsaya karolo mo dikamanong tsa bone le batho go emelana le go laola go sa akarediwe ga bone mo loagong le ikonomi. Dikamano tseno tsa batho di neela lefelo le le tlhokang tokafatso ya pabalesego le le agang mowa wa go nna karolo ya batho mo dikgaratlhong tsa bone tsa letsatsi le letsatsi tsa mo toropong. Go tsamaisana le kakanyo ya tshwanelo ya go nna mo toropokgolong, thutopatlisiso eno e atlanegisa tlhamoseša ya dipholisi tsa ditoropo gore di akaretse thata bafudugedi. |
nso |
dc.description.abstract |
U bva 1994, vhunzhi ha ṱhunḓu u bva mashangoni a Afrika vho ḓa vha dzula ḓoroboni khulwane dza Afrika Tshipembe. Kha thesisi heyi, vhutshilo ha ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe ha ṱhunḓu dza Congolese kha vhupo ha Tshwane ho wanulusa nga kha vhuṱumani ha Lefebvre nga kha u bveledza tshikhala. Ngudo yo bveledzwa sa ṱhoḓisiso ya khwanthithethivi. Kuitele kwa u kuvhanganya data kwo katela zwiko zwo vhalaho: inthavuwi dza u tou livhana zwifhaṱuwo (n=48), u sedza nga vhadzheneli, u ṅwala notsi musi vha tshi khou ita ṱhoḓisiso, na mimemo. Thero khulwane na phatheni dzo dzheniswaho kha vhadzulapo vha ṱhunḓu dza na vhuvha ha ḓorobo khulwane dzine vha dzula khadzo Tshwane dzo bveledzwa nga kha vhuṱumani ha vhupo ha Lefebvre. Tshikhala tsho bveledzwaho tshi bveledzwa nga kha furemiweke dza mulayo dzine dza fhaṱa na u langula khethekanyo ya vhudzulapo ha ṱhunḓu. Fhethu ha vhudzulo hu ṱumanya tshenzhemo dza ṱhunḓu dza Congolese kha u swikelela tshumelo dza ḓoroboni khulwane. U shaya u swikelela mushumoni, pfunzo, ndondolo ya mutakalo, na dzinnḓu zwi sumbedza uri fhethu ha vhudzulo ho ḓala u shaya tsireledzo ya matshilisano. U dzhiela nṱha tshikhala tshi elanaho na nga ha uri ṱhunḓu dza Congolese dzi wanulusa hani tshikhala ḓoroboni nga kha u dzhenelela kha netiweke dza matshilisano dzavho u hana na u kunda u siwa nnḓa kha zwa matshilisano na zwa ikonomi. Netiweke ya matshilisano i ṋetshedza nḓila ine ya fhaṱa vhuvha ha u tea nga kha u lusa ha ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe ha ḓorobo khulwane. Kha u dzudza muhumbulo wa pfanelo dza ḓorobokhulwane, ngudo yo tikedza u bveledzwa hafhu ha mbekanyamaitele dza ḓorobo khulwane u katela zwihulwane ṱhunḓu. |
tso |
dc.format.extent |
1 online resoure (xiii, 290 leaves): illustrations, portraits, (some color) |
en |
dc.language.iso |
en |
en |
dc.subject |
Citizenship |
en |
dc.subject |
Congolese immigrants |
en |
dc.subject |
Inclusive governance |
en |
dc.subject |
Conceived |
en |
dc.subject |
Lived |
en |
dc.subject |
Perceived |
en |
dc.subject |
The right to the city |
en |
dc.subject |
Tshwane. |
en |
dc.subject |
Boagi |
nso |
dc.subject |
Bafudugedi ba ba tswang kwa Congo |
nso |
dc.subject |
Taolo e e akaretsang botlhe |
nso |
dc.subject |
Ka moo re akanyang ka teng |
nso |
dc.subject |
Ka moo re tshelang ka teng |
nso |
dc.subject |
ka moo re bonang ka teng |
nso |
dc.subject |
Tshwanelo ya go nna mo toropokgolong |
nso |
dc.subject |
Tshwane |
nso |
dc.subject |
Vhudzalapo |
tso |
dc.subject |
Thunḓu dza Congolese |
tso |
dc.subject |
Muvhuso wo ṱanganelaho |
tso |
dc.subject |
U bveledza, dzhiela nṱha |
tso |
dc.subject |
Pfanelo dza ḓorobo khulwane |
tso |
dc.subject |
Tshwane |
tso |
dc.subject |
Reduced Inequality |
en |
dc.subject |
La citoyenneté |
fre |
dc.subject |
Les immigrés congolais |
fre |
dc.subject |
Inclusifs |
fre |
dc.subject |
Espaces conçu |
fre |
dc.subject |
Vécu |
fre |
dc.subject |
Perçu |
fre |
dc.subject |
Le droit à la ville |
fre |
dc.subject |
Tshwane |
dc.subject |
SDG 10 Reduced Inequality |
en |
dc.subject.ddc |
323.60968227 |
dc.subject.lcsh |
Immigrants -- South Africa --City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality -- Economic conditions |
en |
dc.subject.lcsh |
Citizenship -- Social aspects -- South Africa --City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality |
en |
dc.subject.lcsh |
Emigration and immigration -- Social aspects -- South Africa --City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality |
en |
dc.title |
Citizenship and urban sense of belonging: a case study of Congolese immigrants in Tshwane (Pretoria) |
en |
dc.type |
Thesis |
en |
dc.description.department |
College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences |
en |
dc.description.degree |
D. Phil. (Department of Philosophy (College of Agriculture and environmental Sviences)) |
en |