This study investigates the development and implementation of a strategic framework aimed at enhancing the teaching and learning of science within the context of a unique educational setting, specifically the National Zoological Garden in Pretoria, South Africa. With the growing emphasis on hands-on and experiential learning approaches, science centres, zoos and botanical gardens have gained recognition as valuable platforms for science education. This qualitative multiple case study design located within an interpretive paradigm focuses on the National Zoological Garden's endeavour to optimize its potential as an educational institution, examining the challenges faced and innovative strategies employed. Drawing on a qualitative approach, this research delves into the various aspects of the strategic framework's development and execution. The study involved teachers and learners from six schools as well as education officers working for the National Zoological Garden. Qualitative data were collected through observations, semi-structured interviews and dairies and analysed using a typology approach.
The findings highlight the multifaceted nature of the strategic framework, encompassing curriculum design, teacher training, resource allocation, and community engagement. In addition, the study reveals the challenges faced in integrating formal education goals with the zoo's recreational aspects, and how these challenges were addressed through innovative instructional strategies. Furthermore, it explores the impact of the strategic framework on visitor experiences, learning outcomes, and the overall perception of the zoo as an educational institution. The case study of the National Zoological Garden in Pretoria provides valuable insights into the complexities of developing and implementing an effective science education framework within a non-traditional educational environment. The research contributes to the broader discourse on enhancing science education through experiential learning settings and offers practical implications for educators, administrators, and policymakers seeking to maximize the educational potential of zoos, botanical gardens, and similar institutions. Ultimately, this study underscores the significance of strategic planning and collaboration in bridging the gap between conservation, recreation, and science education.
Patlisiso eno e batlisisa go dirwa le go tsenngwa tirisong ga thulaganyo ya togamaano e e ikaeletseng go tokafatsa go ruta le go ithuta saense mo tikologong e e kgethegileng ya thuto, segolobogolo Serapa sa Bosetshaba sa Diphologolo kwa Pretoria, Afrika Borwa. Ka go gatelelwa thata mekgwa ya go ithuta ka diatla le, Serapa sa Diphologolo le Botanical Garden di ile tsa simolola go tsewa jaaka mafelo a a botlhokwa a go ruta batho saense. Thulaganyo eno ya go ithuta ka maemo a a farologaneng e e leng mo thulaganyong ya go tlhalosa dilo e bua thata ka maiteko a Serapa sa Bosetshaba sa Diphologolo a go tokafatsa bokgoni jwa yone jaaka setheo sa thuto, e sekaseka dikgwetlho tse e lebaneng le tsone. Ka go dirisa mokgwa wa boleng, patlisiso eno e sekaseka dintlha tse di farologaneng tsa go dirwa le go diragadiwa ga thulaganyo eno ya maano. Mo patlisisong eno go ne go na le barutabana le baithuti go tswa kwa dikolong tse tharo mmogo le batlhankedi ba thuto ba ba berekang kwa Serapeng sa Bosetshaba sa Diphologolo. Tshedimosetso ya boleng e ne ya kokoanngwa ka go ela tlhoko, go botsolodiwa ka tsela e e rulagantsweng le tiriso ya dibukana mme ene ya sekasekwa ka go dirisa mokgwa wa typology approach.
Se se fitlheletsweng se bontsha gore thulaganyo eno, ena le dikarolo di le ditsi tse di akaretsang go tlhama kharikhulamo, tlhatlhobo ya barutabana, go neela batho dilo tse ba di tlhokang le go dira gore banne le seabe. Mo godimo ga moo, patlisisio e no e senola dikgwetlho tse di neng di le teng fa gone go kopanngwa thuto ya semmuso le dikarolo tsa boitapoloso tsa serapa sa diphologolo, le kafa dikgwetlho tseno di neng tsa rarabololwa ka teng ka go dirisa mekgwa e mesha ya go ruta. Mo godimo ga moo, esekaseka kafa thulagano eno e amang maitemogelo a baeti ka teng, dipoelo tsa go ithuta le kakaretso yotlhe ya separa sa diphologolo e tsewang ka teng jaaka setheo sa thuto. Patlisiso ya Serapa sa Diphologolo kwa Pretoria e re naya tshedimosetso e e maleba ka go tlhama le tsennya tirisong thulaganyo e e nonofileng ya thuto ya saense mo tikologong e e seng ya tlwaelo ya thuto., Botonical Garden le tse dingwe tse di tshwanang le tsone. Kgabagare, patlisiso e no e gatelela botlhokwa jwa go rulaganya dilo ka tsela e e tshwanetseng le go dirisana mmogo mo go direng gore gonne le pharologano fa gare ga go sireletso dilo tsa tlholego, boitapoloso le go ruta batho saense.
Ndavisiso lowu, wu komba dyondyo na maendlelo ka ku tumbuluxa ndlela yo antswisa tidyondzo ta sayense ka tidhawu to dyodya sayense ku fana na ntanga wa swihari wale Pretoria. Swi kolo swo tala swi vhakela ntanga wa swihari ku yak u hungaseni, a swi swi tivi kuri ntanga lowu wuna vutshila bya sayense. Vadyonndzisi vale xikolweni a va ngheneleli ka swi ave swa dyondzo loko va vhakele ntanga lowu, na vona van ava xikolo va tsakisiwa hi ku vona swi harhi ntsena a va ti nyiketeli ku twisisa sayense ley inga kona ka ntanga lowu. Hambi vari vadyondzisi vale ntangeni a va endli leswaku vana va titwa vari na ku navela ku dyondza sayense.
Xikongomelo xa vulavisisi-dyondzo leyi i ku tumbuluxa maedlelo lawa ma nga tirhisiwaka ku hlohlotela vudyondzisi na ku dyondza sayense ka ntanga lowu. Mulavisisi u tirhisi qualitative case study hi ku tirhisa constructivism ku tumbuluxa maedlelo lawa. Interpretative paradigm yi tirhisiwile ka vulavisisi lebyi. Swikolo swinhanru swa ku hambana ku huma ka tiprovinsi to hambana leswi nga vhakela ntanga swi tirhisiwile ka xiphemu xo sungula. Va ngheneleri a kuri vana va xikilo, vadyondzi va von vana na vadyondzisi vale ntangeni. Swi nwana swikolo swi nharhu swi nghenelele ka xiphemu xa vumbirhi.
Marungula ya kumeke hi ku langutisa matirhele, ku vutisa swi vutisa na ku tsala hansi hi masiku leswi endlekaka entangeni. Marungula ku suka ka swiphemu leswi nharhu ya hleriwe hi ku tirhisa mahlelelo ya typology. Marungula lawa ya kote ku tumbuluxa madyondziselo na ku dyondza ka sayense a ntangeni lama vuriwaka TLSSC. Vuxokoxoko byi kombile leswaku ntanga lowu a wu tirhisiwi hi ku hetiseka ku dyondzisa no dyondza siyense. Maritiselo ya TLSSC ya kombe leswaku ku laveka ku tirha kunwe ka vadyonzisi lava vhakaku na vana ntangeni, vana va xikolo na vadyondzisi vale ntangeni. Vulavisisi-dyondzo byi hlohlotela leswaku kuva na timiting xikari ka ndzawulo ya dyondzo, va dyondzisi vale xikiloni, va dyondzisi vale ntangeni ku vulavula hi ma dyondziselo na ku dyondza ka sayeni e ntangeni wa swihari. Ti dyondzo ti nwana ti nga ha endliwa ku antswisa TLSSC leyi nga tumbuluxiwa.