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Urban tourism demand modelling : a City of Tshwane investigation

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dc.contributor.advisor Swart, Magdalena Petronella (Nellie)
dc.contributor.advisor Oliphant, K. Gotore, Medalto 2023-11-13T08:48:55Z 2023-11-13T08:48:55Z 2023-01-29
dc.description Abstracts in English, Tswana and Zulu en
dc.description.abstract Previous studies on urban tourism in South Africa have mostly focused on the supply side. However, for there to be supply there has to be demand, so it is important that the demand side of urban tourism be understood. The Behavioural Intention Model was used to explain the behavioural intention of tourists in relation to their demand for the CoT as a tourism destination. The research intended to develop a Model of Factors Influencing Urban Tourism Demand by investigating if Affective Tourist Demand (affect) mediated the relationship between Cognitive Tourist Demand (cognition) and Conative Tourist Demand (conation). Through the application of a probability sampling technique, the current study used a cross-sectional survey to generate data. A questionnaire consisting of 7-point Likert scale statements was used to collect data. Statistical analysis was done using the International Business Machine Statistical Package for the Social Sciences V28 software. Structural equation modelling was used to produce a complete mediation model, where it was found that Affective Tourist Demand (mediator variable) had a mediation effect on the relationship between Cognitive Tourist Demand (endogenous variable) and Conative Tourist Demand (exogenous variable) in a Model of Factors Influencing Urban Tourism Demand. The developed model outlined what the CoT authorities should consider if they plan to attract visitors to the city for urban tourism. The study’s findings could be used when developing marketing strategies for the city as a tourism destination. en
dc.description.abstract Dithutopatlisiso tsa mo nakong e e fetileng tse di ka ga bojanala mo ditoropong tse dikgolo mo Aforikaborwa di ne di tsepamisa ka bontsi mo letlhakoreng la go tlamela tirelo. Le fa go ntse jalo, gore go nne le tlamelo ya tirelo go tshwanetse ga nna le tlhokego ya tirelo ya go nna jalo, ka ga jalo go botlhokwa go tlhaloganya letlhakore la tlhokego ya bojanala jwa mo ditoropong tse dikgolo. Go dirisitswe Sekao sa Mabaka a a Tlhotlheletsang Maitsholo a a rileng go tlhalosa mabaka a a tlhotlheleditseng maitsholo a bajanala a go batla gore City of Tshwane e nne lefeloboyo la bojanala. Maitlhomo le maikemisetso a tlhotlhomiso ke go tlhama Sekao sa Mabaka a a Tlhotlheletsang Ditlhoko tsa Bojanala Mo Toropong e Kgolo ka go batlisisa gore a mme Keletso e e Dirwang ke gore o ikutlwa jang ka Lefelo la Bojanala (maikutlo) e rarabolotse bothata jwa kamano fa gare ga Keletso e e Dirwang ke se o se itseng ka Lefelo la Bojanala (kakanyo) le Go atlanegisa Lefelo la Bojanala (tiragatso). Ka tiriso ya mokgwa wa go tsaya disampole o o dirwang kwa ntle ga thulaganyo e e rileng, thutopatlisiso ya ga jaana e dirisitse patlisiso e go sekasekiwang data e e tswang mo bathong ba le bantsi ba ba farologaneng ka nako e le nngwe. Go kgobokanya data, go dirisitswe lenaneopotsolotso le le nang le maitlhophelo a le 7 a a tlhalosang gore o dumalana kgotsa o ganetsana go le kana kang le polelopotso. Go dirilwe tshekatsheko ya dipalopalo ka go dirisa software ya v28 ya Boditšhabatšhaba ya Tshekatsheko ya Dipalopalo tsa Kgwebo ya Disaense tsa Dikamano tsa Batho. Go dirisitswe sekao se se sekasekang kamano ya sebako le sebakwa go dira sekao se se feletseng sa tharabololo, moo go fitlhetsweng gore Keletso e e Dirwang ke gore o ikutlwa jang ka Lefelo la Bojanala (pharologantsho e e tlhalosang sebako le sebakwa) e nnile le tharabololo mo kamanong ya fa gare ga Keletso e e Dirwang ke se o se itseng ka Lefelo la Bojanala (pharologantsho e e tlhotlhelediwang go tswa mo teng) le Keletso ya Bojanala e e Tlhotlhelediwang ke Boikaelelo jwa Go ja Nala gape le Go atlanegisa Lefelo la Bojanala (pharologantsho e e tlhotlhelediwang go tswa kwa ntle) mo Sekaong sa Mabaka a a Tlhotlheletsang Bojanala jwa mo Ditoropong tse Dikgolo. Sekao se se tlhamilweng se tlhalositse se bothati jwa CoT bo tshwanetseng go se akanyetsa fa ba loga maano a go ngokela bajanala mo toropokgolong. Go ka dirisiwa diphitlhelelo tsa thutopatlisiso mo tlhamong ya ditogamaano tsa go bapatsa toropokgolo jaaka lefeloboyo la bojanala. tn
dc.description.abstract Izifundo zangaphambilini zezokuvakasha zasemadolobheni eNingizimu Afrika ziye zagxila kakhulu ohlangothini lokuhlinzeka. Kodwa-ke, ukuze kube nokuhlinzekwa kufanele kube nesidingo, ngakho-ke kubalulekile ukuthi uhlangothi lwesidingo sezokuvakasha zasemadolobheni luqondwe kahle. IModeli Yezinhloso Zokuziphatha isetshenziselwe ukuchaza inhloso yokuziphatha yezivakashi maqondana nesidingo sazo eDolobheni LaseTshwane njengendawo yokuvakasha. Ucwaningo luhlose ukusungula iModeli Yezici Ezinethonya Esidingweni Sezokuvakasha Zasemadolobheni ngokuphenya ukuthi ingabe iSidingo Sezivakashi Esinomthelela (ukuba nomthelela) sibuchazile ubudlelwano phakathi kweSidingo Sezivakashi Sokuqonda (ukuqonda) kanye neSidingo Sezivakashi Esihlosiwe (okuhlosiwe). Ngokusetshenziswa kwendlela yokusampula ngokubheka amathuba akhona, ucwaningo lwamanje lusebenzise inhlolovo ebheka izingxenye eziningi ukuze kukhiqizwe imininingo. Kusetshenziswe iphephamibuzo elinezitatimende eziyizinhlangothi eziyisi-7 zesilinganiso sikaLikert. Kuhlaziywe izibalo kusetshenziswa uhlelo olusetshenziswa kukhompuyutha olwaziwa ngokuthi yi-International Business Machine Statistical Package for the Social Sciences V28. Kusetshenziswe izindlela zokulinganisa nokuhlaziya ubudlelwano ukukhiqiza imodeli ephelele echaza ubudlelwano, nalapho kutholakala khona ukuthi iSidingo Sezivakashi Esinomthelela (umehluko ebudlelwaneni) saba nomthelela ekuchazweni kobudlelwano phakathi kweSidingo Sezivakashi Sokuqonda (umehluko wokungaphakathi) kanye neSidingo Sezivakashi Esihlosiwe (umehluko wokungaphandle) kumaModeli Ezici Ezinethonya Esidingweni Sezokuvakasha Zasemadolobheni. Imodeli esunguliwe yaveza lokho abaphathi beDolobha LaseTshwane okumele bacabange ngakho uma behlela ukuheha izivakashi edolobheni maqondana nezokuvakasha zasedolobheni. Okutholakele ocwaningweni kungasetshenziswa uma kusungulwa amasu okumaketha idolobha njengendawo yokuvakasha. zu
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (xxii, 339 leaves) : illustrations, color graphs, color charts en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject Affective tourist demand en
dc.subject SDG 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure en
dc.subject Behavioural intention en
dc.subject Cognitive Tourist Demand en
dc.subject Conative Tourist Demand en
dc.subject Destination management en
dc.subject Urban Tourism Demand Factors en
dc.subject Mediation en
dc.subject Modelling en
dc.subject Tourist attraction en
dc.subject Urban tourism demand en
dc.subject.other UCTD
dc.title Urban tourism demand modelling : a City of Tshwane investigation en
dc.type Dissertation en
dc.description.department Colleges of Economic and Management Sciences en M. Com. (Tourism Management)

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