The aim of the study was to analyze the alignment of the South African Police Service’s
(SAPS) Basic Training Learning Programme and the SAPS strategic plan as it plays
an important role in the development of newly appointed police officials, providing a
vehicle for the SAPS to move towards a professional service. The qualitative approach
was followed in the research. The population of the study consists of the three main
components involved in the BTLP and SAPS strategic plan, SAPS Tshwane Training
Academy, Division: Human Resource Development and the Strategic Planning
Five themes emerged from the study, the knowledge of the origin and purpose of the
SAPS strategic plan, the value of the SAPS strategic plan, the alignment of the BTLP
with international police training standards, the value that the BTLP attach to the SAPS
strategic plan and lastly the management of the SAPS strategic plan by the senior
Inhloso yalolu cwaningo bekuwukuhlaziya ukuhambisana phakathi kwesu
Lokusebenza KwamaPhoyisa aseNingizimu Afrika kanye noHlelo lwawo lokuFunda
Oluyisisekelo (i-SAPS) kanye nohlelo lwesu lwe-SAPS njengoba ludlala indima
ebalulekile ekuthuthukisweni kwezikhulu zamaphoyisa ezisanda kuqashwa,
ukuhlinzeka imoto ukuze i-SAPS iqhubekele emsebenzini wobuchwepheshe. Indlela
yocwaningo echazayo yalandelwa ocwaningweni. Inani labantu ocwaningweni
liqukethe okuthathu okuyinhloko izingxenye ezithintekayo ohlelweni lwesu lwe-BTLP
kanye ne-SAPS, Isikole sokuqeqesha saseTshwane se-SAPS, Isigaba:
Ukuthuthukiswa Kwabasebenzi kanye nengxenye Yokuhlelwa Kwamasu Kwavela
izindikimba ezinhlanu ocwaningweni, ulwazi lomsuka nenhloso yocwaningo yohlelo
lwesu lwe-SAPS, ukubaluleka kwesu lohlelo lwe-SAPS, ukuhambisana kwe-BTLP
namazinga okuqeqesha amaphoyisa omhlaba, inani i-BTLP elinamathisele ohlelweni lwesu lwe-SAPS futhi okokugcina ukuphathwa kohlelo lwesu lweSAPS ngabaphathi
Maikaelelo a thutopatlisiso e ne e le go lokolola go lepalepana ga Lenaneothuto la
Katiso ya Motheo la Ditirelo tsa Sepodisi sa Aforikaborwa (SAPS) le togamaano ya
SAPS ka ntlha ya fa le na le seabe sa botlhokwa mo tlhabololong ya mapodisi a a sa
tswang go thapiwa, ka go rialo le tlamela SAPS ka tsela ya go leba kwa go tlameleng
ka ditirelo tsa seporofešenale. Go dirisitswe molebo wa khwalitatifi mo patlisisong eno.
Setlhophasegolo sa thutopatlisiso e ne e le dikarolokgolo tse tharo tse di nang le
seabe mo BTLP le mo togamaanong ya SAPS le Akademi ya Katiso ya Tshwane ya
SAPS, Karolo: Tlhabololo ya Badiri le karolo ya Togamaano. Go tlhageletse merero e
metlhano go tswa mo thutopatlisisong e leng, kitso ya tshimologo le maikemisetso a
togamaano ya SAPS, boleng jwa togamaano ya SAPS, go lepalepana ga BTLP le
dipeelo tsa boditšhabatšhaba tsa katiso ya mapodisi, boleng jo bo tliswang ke BTLP
mo togamaanong ya SAPS, le ka moo botsamaisibogolwane bo tsamaisang
togamaano ya SAPS ka gona.