The major purpose of this study was to determine the perceptions and experiences of Social Sciences (SS) educators in selected Gauteng schools regarding the revised National Curriculum Statement’s (NCS) policy document, Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) within the Intermediate Phase, Grades 4 to 6. The study also sought to investigate what educators thought about the CAPS modifications and how they affect SS in terms of content coverage and assessment completion, as well as how to accommodate learners with learning difficulties. The participants in the study were asked to answer the following research question: What have Intermediate Phase educators’ experiences been with the SS CAPS implementation? To answer the research question and fulfil the study’s goal and objectives, a qualitative case study research design guided by an interpretative research paradigm was used. The sample of the 12 participants was taken from the four clusters or regions that constitute the Johannesburg North district. Three educators, one of whom was a subject head or head of a department (HOD) from each of the clusters, were interviewed and also had their lessons observed while teaching. As a prerequisite of participation, the educators had to have been trained and experienced in both the CAPS and curricular reforms that preceded it, as insights from that cohort was sought. Semi-structured interviews, instructional observations, and document analysis, such as lesson plans and assessment activities, were used to gather data. The goal of using many methodologies in this study was to ensure that validity and reliability could be reached through triangulation. The gathered data was analysed using a rigorous process of thematic analysis. The study’s principal conclusions are that there are still obstacles in implementing the amended NCS CAPS. The findings from the data revealed that, while educators are pleased with the improvements in the SS CAPS, several issues are impeding its implementation. The main stumbling blocks to the successful implementation of the SS CAPS are the educators’ lack of knowledge in both SS components, History and Geography; overwhelming content and the need to teach topics stated in the Annual Teaching Plan (ATP) at a rapid pace; the lack of appropriate resources for teaching SS; the insufficient training that educators received prior to the implementation of the CAPS; and the language of teaching and learning that is a barrier for curriculum instruction for the majority of Intermediate Phase learners. The study also revealed that SS educators would like the History segment’s curriculum to be decolonised in order to make it more Afrocentric. The main recommendation is that the SS content must be trimmed because it is incompatible with the time allotted for the subject and that History and Geography must be treated as two independent subjects so that better models for enhancing the teaching of these subjects can be developed.
Ndivho khulwane ya ngudo heyi ho vha u ta mbonalo na tshenzhemo ya vhadededzi vha Saintsi dza Matshilisano (SS) kha zwikolo zwo nangwaho zwa Gauteng zwi tshi elana na linwalo la mbekanyamaitele ya Tshitatamennde tsha Kharikhulamu ya Lushaka (NCS) tsho sedzuluswaho, Tshitatamennde tsha Mbekanyamaitele ya u Linga Kharikhulamu (CAPS) kha Vhuimo ha Vhukati, Gireidi ya 4 u swika ya 6. Ngudo yo dovha ya todisisa nga ha uri vhadededzi vha humbula mini nga ha u shandukiswa ha CAPS na uri zwi kwama hani SS zwi tshi ya nga u katela zwi re ngomu na u thaphudza ndingo, na uri vha dzhenisisa hani vhana vhane vha kondelwa kha u guda. Vhadzheneli kha ngudo vho humbelwa u fhindula mbudziso dza thodisiso dzi tevhelaho: Ndi zwifhio zwe vhadededzi vha Vhuimo ha Vhukati vha tshenzhela kha u shumiswa ha SS CAPS? U fhindula mbudziso ya thodisiso na u swikelela ndivho na zwipikwa zwa thodisiso, ho shumiswa ngona ya thodisiso ya khwalithethivi kha ngudo dzi tshi khou endedzwa nga u shumisa thalutshedzo dzo disendekaho nga thodisiso. Tsumbonanguludzwa dza vhadzheneli vha 12 dzo dzhiwa u bva kha kilasita nṋa kana madzingu o bveledzaho Tshitiriki tsha Devhula ha Johannesburg. Vhadededzi vhararu, munwe o vha muhulwane wa thero kana muhulwane wa muhasho (HOD) u bva kha kilasita inwe na inwe, o ithaviwuwa na ngudo dzavho dzo dzo lavheleswa musi vha tshi khou funza. Sa thodea thangeli ya u dzhenelela, vhadededzi vho gudela na u tshenzhela kha vhuvhili hazwo CAPS na u khakhulula kharikhulamu yo i rangelaho, sa musi ho sedzwa ndivho u bva kha tshigwada. Inthaviwu i si na tshivhumbeo, u lavhelesa kufunzele kwa mudededzi, na u saukanya manwalo a ngaho pulane dza ngudo na mishumo ya ndingo zwo shumiswa u kuvhanganya data. Tshipikwa tsha u shumisa ngona nnzhi kha ngudo heyi ho vha u khwathisedza uri maga a ngona o shumiseswa zwavhudi na uri a nga swikelelwa nga kha dzo tevhedzwa nga kha thodisiso. U kuvhanganywa ha data ho saukanywa hu tshi shumiswa kuitele kukondaho kwa u saukanya na u talutshedza data. Magumo a ngudo mahulwane ndi a uri hu kha divha na zwithithisi kha u shumisa NCS CAPS zwo khwiniswaho. Mawanwa u bva kha data o wanulusa uri, musi vhadededzi vho takadzwa nga u khwinisea kha SS CAPS, zwitenwa zwo fhambanaho zwi khou thivhela u shumiswa hayo. Zwithithisi zwihulwane kha u thivhela u shumiswa ho fhelelaho ha SS CAPS ndi u sa vha na ndivho ha vhadededzi kha khethekanyo dza SS, Divhazwakale na Divhashango; zwi re ngomu zwine zwa konda na thodea ya u funza thoho dzo bulwaho Pulane ya Nwah nga Nwaha ya u Funza (ATP) nga u tavhanya; thahelelo ya zwishumiswa zwo teaho zwa u funza SS, vhugudisi vhu so ngo linganaho vhune vhadededzi vha vhu wana phanda ha u shumisa CAPS; na luambo lwa u funza na u guda lune lwa vha tshithivheli kha u funza kharikhulamu kha vhunzhi ha vhagudiswa vha Vhuimo ha Vhukati. Ngudo yo dovha ya wanulusa uri vhadededzi vha SS vha nga takalela khethekanyi ya kharikhulamu ya Divhazwakle uri i sa vhe ya vhukoloni uri i disendeke nga Vhuafurika. Themendelo khulwane ndi ya uri zwi re ngomu kha SS zwi re ngomu i fanela u fhungudzwa ngauri a i ngo livhanyiswa zwavhudi na tshifhinga tsho nagwaho tsha thero uri Divhazwakale na Divhashango zwi fanela u dzhiwa sa thero mbili dzo diimisaho nga dzothe uri zwiedziswa zwa khwine zwa u khwinisa u funza thero idzi zwi bveledzwa na u guda.
Die belangrikste doel van hierdie studie was om die persepsies en ervarings van opvoeders in Sosiale Wetenskappe (SW) in uitgesoekte Gautengse skole te bepaal met betrekking tot die hersiene Nasionale Kurrikulumverklaring (NKV) se beleidsdokument, Kurrikulumassesseringbeleidverklaring (KABV) in die Intermediere Fase (graad 4 tot 6). Die studie het ook gepoog om te ondersoek wat opvoeders van die KABV-wysigings dink en hoe hulle SW implementeer met betrekking tot inhoudsdekking en assesseringvoltooiing, asook hoe hulle leerders met leerprobleme akkommodeer. Die deelnemers aan die studie is gevra om die volgende navorsingsvraag te beantwoord: Hoe het Intermediere Fase-opvoeders die WS-KABV-implementering ervaar? Om hierdie navorsingsvraag te beantwoord en die studie se doelstellings te bereik, is ʼn kwalitatiewe gevallestudie-navorsingsontwerp gebruik wat deur ʼn vertolkende navorsingsparadigma gelei is. Die steekproef van die 12 deelnemers is uit die vier klusters of streke waaruit die Johannesburg-Noord-distrik bestaan, geneem. Onderhoude is gevoer met die opvoeders, waarvan een ʼn vakhoof of departementshoof is van elke kluster; hulle lesse is ook waargeneem terwyl hulle onderrig gee. As ʼn voorvereiste van deelname moes die opvoeders opleiding en ervaring in beide die KABV en kurrikulere hervormings gehad het wat dit voorafgegaan het, omdat insig van daardie kohort nodig was. Semigestruktureerde onderhoude, onderrigwaarnemings en dokumentontleding, soos lesplanne en assesseringsaktitwiteite is gebruik om data te versamel. Die doel daarvan om baie metodologieë in hierdie studie te gebruik was om te verseker dat geldigheid en betroubaarheid deur triangulasie bereik kan word. Die versamelde data is ontleed deur ʼn streng proses van tematiese ontleding te gebruik. Die studie se hoofgevolgtrekkings was dat daar steeds baie hindernisse in die implementering van die aangepaste NKV-KABV is. Die bevindings van die data het getoon dat alhoewel opvoeders tevrede is met die verbeterings in die WS-KABV, is daar steeds verskeie kwessies wat die implementering daarvan verhinder. Die grootste hindernis tot die suksesvolle implementering van die WS KABV is die opvoeders se gebrek aan kennis in beide WS-komponente, Geskiedenis en Aardrykskunde; oorweldigende inhoud en die behoefte om onderwerpe in die Jaarlikse Leerplan (JLP) vinnig te onderrig; die gebrek aan toepaslike hulpbronne om WS te onderrig; die onvoldoende opleiding wat opvoeders ontvang voor die implementering van die KABV; en die taal van onderrig en leer wat ʼn hindernis tot kurrikulumonderrig vir die meeste Intermediere Fase-leerders. Die studie het ook getoon dat WS-opvoeders die Geskiedenis-segment se kurrikulum wil dekoloniseer om dit meer Afrosentries te maak. Die hoofaanbeveling is dat die WS-inhoud aangepas moet word omdat dit onversoenbaar met die tyd is wat vir die vak toegewys is en dat Geskiedenis en Aardrykskunde as twee onafhanklike vakke hanteer moet word sodat beter modelle ontwikkel kan word vir die bevordering van die onderrig van hierdie vakke.