dc.contributor.advisor |
Van Wyk, Michael, 1960-
dc.contributor.author |
Thaanyane, Mamosa Esther
dc.date.accessioned |
2021-11-24T14:09:24Z |
dc.date.available |
2021-11-24T14:09:24Z |
dc.date.issued |
2021-06 |
dc.identifier.uri |
https://hdl.handle.net/10500/28321 |
dc.description |
Abstracts in English and Afrikaans |
dc.description |
Completed by 888 |
dc.description.abstract |
This study examined Entrepreneurship Education teachers’ classroom practices in relation to the preparation of learners for the world of work. The study adopted the mixed methods sequential explanatory approach, where data was collected from both quantitative and qualitative ways but consolidated at the discussion stage. Individual interviews and questionnaires were used to collect data. It was then analysed using t-tests, ANOVA and thematic analysis. The findings of this research revealed that scope and nature of Entrepreneurship Education is relevant to the preparation of learners for the job market. This is seen its aims that it equips them with employability skills needed in the labour market. On the other hand, results showed that the teaching methods and strategies that have been adapted by Entrepreneurship Education teachers do not match with its aims. This is because they do not allow learners to take responsibility of their own learning because all activities are done by teachers for their learners.
The results further showed that teachers lack pedagogical content knowledge because they are not able to effectively select the appropriate teaching and strategies to teach Entrepreneurship education. There are other challenges that teachers face in order to prepare learners to acquire the skills needed in the labour market. The standard examinations that are taken by learners are decisive because they only assess the cognitive skills only and they drive the curriculum. The background of learners also becomes an obstacle in that learners who do not pre-requisite knowledge about Entrepreneurship Education. Teacher education also prevent learners to acquire employability skills as teachers themselves are not adequately trained. Thirdly, it was also revealed that not all Entrepreneurship Education teachers received training to teach it and that result in them being incompetent to put the changes in practice for they are not even offered teacher professional development. It was also revealed that Entrepreneurship Education are not able to prepare learners for the world of work because teaching is examination oriented. The fifth point was that they do not get support from the relevant stakeholders. Shortage of teachers in most schools led to schools hiring unqualified teachers hence they cannot effectively make a change in learners. School administrations also determine the curriculum to be used in their schools and the way it should be taught because most of them want to be recognised as best performing schools. Class organisation and time allocated for teaching Entrepreneurship Education as classes are overcrowded and do not allow teachers to give remedials to learners. |
en |
dc.description.abstract |
Hierdie studie ondersoek Entrepreneurship Education -onderwysers se klaskamerpraktyke in verband met die voorbereiding van leerders op die werkswêreld. Die studie het die opeenvolgende verduidelikende benadering van gemengde metodes aangeneem, waar data op kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe maniere versamel is, maar in die besprekingsfase gekonsolideer is. Individuele onderhoude en vraelyste is gebruik om data in te samel. Dit is daarna geanaliseer met behulp van t-toetse, ANOVA en tematiese analise. Die bevindinge van hierdie navorsing het aan die lig gebring dat die omvang en aard van entrepreneurskapsopvoeding relevant is vir die voorbereiding van leerders op die arbeidsmark. Die doel hiervan is dat dit hulle toerus met vaardighede wat hulle op die arbeidsmark benodig. Aan die ander kant het die resultate getoon dat die onderrigmetodes en -strategieë wat deur onderwysers in entrepreneurskapsopvoeding aangepas is, nie ooreenstem met die doelwitte daarvan nie. Dit is omdat hulle nie toelaat dat leerders verantwoordelikheid neem vir hul eie leer nie, omdat alle aktiwiteite deur onderwysers vir hul leerders gedoen word. Die resultate het verder getoon dat onderwysers 'n gebrek aan kennis van pedagogiese inhoud het omdat hulle nie die toepaslike onderrig en strategieë vir die onderrig van entrepreneurskap effektief kan kies nie. Daar is ander uitdagings waarmee onderwysers te staan kom om leerders voor te berei om die vaardighede wat hulle op die arbeidsmark benodig, aan te leer. Die standaardeksamens wat deur leerders afgelê word, is deurslaggewend omdat hulle slegs die kognitiewe vaardighede beoordeel en die kurrikulum bestuur. Die agtergrond van leerders word ook 'n struikelblok deurdat leerders wat nie kennis oor entrepreneurskapsopvoeding benodig nie. Onderwysersopleiding verhoed ook dat leerders vaardighede in diensbaarheid verwerf, aangesien onderwysers self nie voldoende opgelei is nie. Ten derde is dit ook onthul dat nie alle onderwysers in entrepreneurskapsopleiding opleiding ontvang het om dit te onderrig nie, en dat hulle onbevoeg is om die veranderinge in die praktyk te bring, omdat hulle nie eens professionele ontwikkeling van onderwysers gebied word nie. Dit is ook onthul dat entrepreneurskapsopvoeding nie leerders kan voorberei op die werkwêreld nie, omdat onderrig eksamengerig is. Die vyfde punt was dat hulle nie ondersteuning van die betrokke belanghebbendes kry nie. Tekort aan onderwysers in die meeste skole het daartoe gelei dat skole ongekwalifiseerde onderwysers aangestel het, daarom kan hulle nie effektief 'n verandering by leerders aanbring nie. Skooladministrasies bepaal ook die leerplan wat in hul skole gebruik moet word en die manier waarop dit onderrig moet word omdat die meeste van hulle erken wil word as skole wat die beste presteer. Klasorganisasie en tyd toegewys vir die onderrig van entrepreneurskapsopvoeding, aangesien klasse oorvol is en onderwysers nie toelaat om remediëring aan leerders te gee nie. |
af |
dc.format.extent |
1 online resource (xvii, 274 leaves) : illustrations (chiefly color), color graphs |
en |
dc.language.iso |
en |
en |
dc.subject |
Entrepreneurship education |
en |
dc.subject |
Teachers’ practices |
en |
dc.subject |
Explanatory sequential approach |
en |
dc.subject |
Pedagogical content knowledge |
en |
dc.subject |
Learner-centred methods |
en |
dc.subject |
Teacher-centred methods |
en |
dc.subject |
Descriptive statistics |
en |
dc.subject |
Inferential statistics |
en |
dc.subject |
Self-efficacy |
en |
dc.subject |
Social constructivism |
en |
dc.subject |
Entrepreneurskap onderwys |
af |
dc.subject |
Onderwysers se praktyke |
af |
dc.subject |
Verduidelikende opeenvolgende benadering |
af |
dc.subject |
Pedagogiese inhoud kennis |
af |
dc.subject |
Leerder-gesentreerde metodes |
af |
dc.subject |
Onderwyser-gesentreerde metodes |
af |
dc.subject |
Beskrywende statistiek |
af |
dc.subject |
Inferential statistiek |
af |
dc.subject |
Self-doeltreffendheid |
af |
dc.subject |
Sosiale konstruktivisme |
af |
dc.subject.ddc |
338.0407126885 |
dc.subject.lcsh |
Entrepreneurship -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Lesotho |
en |
dc.subject.lcsh |
Business teachers -- Lesotho -- Rating of |
en |
dc.subject.lcsh |
High school teachers -- Lesotho -- Rating of |
en |
dc.title |
Entrepreneurship education teachers’ practices in preparing learners for the world of work : a case of Lesotho secondary schools |
en |
dc.type |
Thesis |
en |
dc.description.department |
Curriculum and Instructional Studies |
en |
dc.description.degree |
D. Ed. (Curriculum and Instructional Studies) |