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Enhancing service delivery through records management in Mogale City Local Municipality

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dc.contributor.advisor Schellnack-Kelly, Isabel Makgahlela, Kgoori Aubrey 2021-09-02T12:33:16Z 2021-09-02T12:33:16Z 2021-07
dc.description Includes summary in English and Afrikaans
dc.description.abstract Records are essential to the efficient administration of municipalities and more critical to the facilitation of good governance, transparency and accountability. Despite this, the records management processes of many municipalities in South Africa have remained ineffective and inefficient. The study investigated the extent to which records management enhances service delivery in Mogale City Local Municipality. The objective was to determine how far sound records management goes in enhancing the public services, accountability, transparency and good governance. The study sought to address the following research questions: “What contribution, if any, does records management play in enhancing service delivery?”; “Are there any suitable standards and practices for creation and maintenance of records MCLM?”; “To what extent does records management impact on transparency and accountability in Mogale City Local Municipality?” and “Identifying the benefits derived from records management in the municipality.” The study was underpinned by the record life-cycle and records continuum models. The literature reviewed was based on themes derived from the research questions, the underpinning models and broader areas of the study. The study adopted an interpretivist paradigm, which is associated with the qualitative research approach. The study adopted a single case study design and data were collected through the use of interviews and observation. The qualitative data collected were presented and analysed in narrative description. The findings of the study revealed that there is a positive correlation between records management and effective service delivery. In conclusion, it is evident that the future well-being and quality of basic service delivery depend on the ability of the MCLM to utilise records management strategic planning processes. Records contain information that will assist the municipality in determining the required resources, and moreover, in setting or improving service standards. The records management policy in the municipality must be adhered to and practiced consistently to ensure compliance and sound records management. This affirms the need for reformed records management strategies to enable administration efficiency and improved service delivery in the municipality. en
dc.description.abstract Rekords is noodsaaklik vir die doeltreffende administrasie van munisipaliteite en meer krities vir die fasilitering van goeie bestuur, deursigtigheid en verantwoordbaarheid. Ten spyte hiervan het die rekordbestuursprosesse van talle munisipaliteite in Suid-Afrika ondoeltreffend en ondoeltreffend gebly. Die studie het die mate waarin rekordbestuur die dienslewering in Mogale City Plaaslike Munisipaliteit verbeter, ondersoek. Die doel was om te bepaal hoe ver klankrekordbestuur gaan om die openbare dienste, verantwoordbaarheid, deursigtigheid en goeie bestuur te verbeter. Die studie het probeer om die volgende navorsingsvrae aan te spreek: "watter bydrae, indien enige, doen rekordbestuursspel in die verbetering van dienslewering?"; "Is daar enige geskikte standaarde en praktyke vir die skepping en instandhouding van rekords MCLM?"; "Tot watter mate het rekordbestuursimpak oor deursigtigheid en verantwoordbaarheid in Mogale City Plaaslike Munisipaliteit?" en "die identifisering van die voordele wat uit rekordbestuur in die Munisipaliteit afkomstig is." Die studie is gerugsteun deur die rekord lewe-siklus en rekords kontinuum modelle. Die literatuur is gebaseer op temas wat afgelei is van die navorsingsvrae, die onderliggende modelle en breër areas van die studie. Die studie het 'n interpretivist paradigma aangeneem, wat geassosieer word met die kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering. Die studie het 'n enkele gevallestudie aangeneem en data is ingesamel deur die gebruik van onderhoude en observasie. Die kwalitatiewe data wat ingesamel is, is aangebied en ontleed in narratiewe Beskrywing. Die bevindinge van die studie het getoon dat daar 'n positiewe korrelasie tussen rekordbestuur en effektiewe dienslewering is. Ten slotte is dit duidelik dat die toekomstige welstand en gehalte van basiese dienslewering afhang van die vermoë van die MCLM om rekordbestuur-strategiese beplanningsprosesse te benut. Rekords bevat inligting wat die Munisipaliteit sal help om die vereiste hulpbronne te bepaal, en verder in die opstel of verbetering van diensstandaarde. Die rekordbestuurbeleid in die munisipaliteit moet nagekom en konsekwent beoefen word om nakoming van voldoening en goeie rekordbestuur te verseker. Dit bevestig die behoefte aan Reformatoriese rekordbestuurstrategieë om administraseringdoeltreffendheid en verbeterde dienslewering in die Munisipaliteit moontlik te maak.
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (xi, 100 leaves) : color illustrations
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject Records en
dc.subject Records management en
dc.subject Service delivery en
dc.subject Accountability en
dc.subject Good governance en
dc.subject Transparency en
dc.subject Records procedures manual en
dc.subject Local government en
dc.subject Municipalities en
dc.subject.ddc 352.3870968222
dc.subject.lcsh Records -- Management
dc.subject.lcsh SIMS (Information retrieval system)
dc.subject.lcsh Document delivery -- South Africa -- Mogale City
dc.subject.lcsh Municipal services -- South Africa -- Mogale City
dc.subject.lcsh Information resources management -- South Africa -- Mogale City
dc.title Enhancing service delivery through records management in Mogale City Local Municipality en
dc.type Dissertation en
dc.description.department Information Science en M.A. (Information Science)

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