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Situatief in Noord-Sotho

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dc.contributor.advisor Louwrens, L.J.
dc.contributor.advisor Lombaard, D.P. Barnard, Rietta 2021-07-20T11:54:34Z 2021-07-20T11:54:34Z 1987-06
dc.description Summaries in English and Afrikaans
dc.description.abstract During this research it became apparent that there are shortcomings in existing approaches regarding the conjunctions which may precede situatives in Northern Sotho, as well as their semantic functions. It has been found that conjunctions may appear in different semantic relations regarding situatives. These relations are classified as temporal, temporal-conditional, causal, contrastive and actualising. Although they display morphological, semantic and syntactic similarities, the situative and the relative are viewed as separate moods. On the semantic level , a relation between conditional situatives, on the one hand, and the conditional mood, on the other, has been observed . Situatives without conjunctions act either with a temporal semantic connotation or with a qualificative meaning. A distinction is made between situatives with a momental temporal meaning and situatives which indicate a lapse of time. This semantic difference among temporal situatives is related to the occurrence or omission of conjunctions. en
dc.description.abstract Uit hierdie ondersoek het dit geblyk dat daar l eemtes be staan in beskouinge rakende die aanwending van konjunktiewe voor situatiewe werkwoorde in Noord - Sotho, asook die semantiese funksies wat konjunktiewe het in gevalle waar hulle wel voor kom. Daar is bevind dat konjunktiewe in verskillende semantiese verbande tot situatiewe kan staan. Die verbande word getipeer as temporaal, temporaal -kondisi onaal, redegewend, teenstelling en aktualisering. Die situatief en relatief word as aparte modi beskou, ofskoon hulle morfologiese, semantiese en sintaktiese raakpunte vertoon. Op semantiese vlak is ook 'n verband waargeneem tussen situatiewe wat kondisie uitdruk enersyds, en die kondisionale modus, andersyds. Situatiewe sonder konjunktiewe tree op met 'n temporale betekeniskonnotasie of kwalifiserend op. Wat eersgenoemde betref, word onderskei tussen situatiewe met 'n momentaantemporale betekenis, enersyds, en situatiewe wat op tydsverloop dui, andersyds. Die onderskeid hou direk verband met die aan- of afwesigheid van konjunktiewe voor siluatiewe werkwoorde. afr
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (vii, 131 leaves)
dc.language.iso Afrikaans afr
dc.subject African languages en
dc.subject South African indigenous content en
dc.subject.ddc 496.397715
dc.title Situatief in Noord-Sotho en
dc.type Dissertation en
dc.description.department African Languages en M.A. (African Languages)

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