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Perceptions of selected Namibian subject advisers on their role in supporting teaching and learning

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dc.contributor.advisor Ferreira, J. G. Tjozongoro, Assaria Twiwane 2020-08-14T09:57:31Z 2020-08-14T09:57:31Z 2019-11-15 2020-08-14
dc.description Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Zulu en
dc.description.abstract The purpose of this interpretive study was to explore the perceptions of selected Namibian subject advisers on their role in supporting teaching and learning. There are limited studies on the roles of subject advisers in supporting instruction. Delivery of quality teaching and learning prompts subject advisers to support teachers. The study is important to build upon the body of literature on instructional support and how subject advisers elsewhere support instruction. International and national scholastic literature was interrogated to seek more insight into the research topic. This qualitative study was located within a phenomenological/interpretive paradigm. The study explored the purpose of subject advisory support, how teachers’ support needs are identified, the roles of subject advisers, character traits of subject advisers, formats of support used by subject advisers, and the challenges as well as support provided to subject advisers. The study was conducted at three Regional Offices of Education, Arts and Culture in Namibia and included ten subject advisers selected through purposive sampling. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews and document analysis. Key findings emerged through the data analysis by identifying categories and themes. These findings emphasised that subject advisers understand the nature of instructional support differently. The findings revealed that subject advisers face challenges that make them less effective in teaching support. It was further evident that subject advisers receive limited support and that they need to be supported through training, provision of resources and reduction of workload. These conclusions and others informed the recommendations that are aimed at improving subject advisers’ practice. en
dc.description.abstract Die doel van hierdie vertolkende studie was om die persepsies van uitgesoekte Namibiese vakinspekteurs oor hul rol in onderrig- en leerondersteuning te ondersoek. Die bestaande studies oor die rol van vakinspekteurs in onderrigondersteuning is beperk. Die lewering van gehalte-onderrig en -leer spoor vakinspekteurs aan om onderwysers te ondersteun. Hierdie studie is belangrik omdat dit op die bestaande literatuur oor onderrigondersteuning en hoe vakinspekteurs elders onderrig ondersteun, moet voortbou. Internasionale en nasionale skoolverwante literatuur is geraadpleeg om meer insig oor die navorsingsonderwerp te kry. Hierdie kwalitatiewe studie val binne ʼn fenomenologiese/vertolkende paradigma. Die studie het ondersoek ingestel na die doel van vakinspekterende ondersteuning, hoe onderwysers se ondersteuningsbehoeftes geïdentifiseer word, die rol van vakinspekteurs, karaktereienskappe van vakinspekteurs, ondersteuningsformate wat deur vakinspekteurs gebruik word, en die uitdagings wat vakinspekteurs te bowe moet kom sowel as die ondersteuning wat hulle ontvang. Die navorsing is gedoen by drie streekskantore van Onderwys, Kuns en Kultuur in Namibië, en tien vakinspekteurs is deur doelbewuste steekproefneming gekies vir hierdie doel. Die data is deur halfgestruktureerde onderhoude en dokumentontleding ingesamel. Sleutelbevindings het deur die data-ontleding aan die lig gekom deur die identifisering van kategorieë en temas. Hierdie bevindings beklemtoon dat vakinspekteurs die aard van onderrigondersteuning verskillend verstaan. Verder onthul die navorsingsresultate uitdagings wat vakinspekteurs minder doeltreffend maak in hul onderrigondersteuning. Dit was ook duidelik dat vakinspekteurs beperkte bystand kry en dat hulle ondersteun moet word deur opleiding, voorsiening van hulpbronne en verminderde werkslas. Bogenoemde en ook ander gevolgtrekkings het aanleiding gegee tot die aanbevelings wat gedoen is en wat gemik is op die verbetering van vakinspekteurs se manier van doen. af
dc.description.abstract Lolu cwaningo oluhlaziyayo beluhlose ukuthola imiqondo yesihloko sabaluleki bezifundo baseNamibia abakhethiwe ngendima yabo yokuxhasa uhlelo lokufundisa nokufunda. Luncane kakhulu ucwaningo olwenziwe mayelana nendima edlalwa ngabaluleki bezifundo ekuxhaseni uhlelo lwezemfundo. Ukwethulwa kohlelo lokufundisa nokufunda kuphoqa abaluleki bezifundo ukuba baxhase othisha. Ucwaningo lubalulekile ekwakheni uhlaka lombhalo wobuciko ohlelweni oluxhasa ezemfundo nangendlela abeluleki bezifundo kwezinye izikhungo baxhasa izinhlelo zemfundo. Umbhalo wobuciko emhlabeni kanye nasezweni waphenywa ngenhloso yokufuna ulwazi olubanzi ngaphakathi kwesihloko socwaningo. Lolu hlobo locwaningo olwencike kwizingxoxo lwatholakala ngaphakathi kwepharadayimu yefenomenoloji/ yokuhlaziya. . Ucwaningo luye lwaphenya inhloso yohlelo oluxhasa ngezeluleko, indlela izidingo zothisha zivezwa ngayo, izindima ezidlalwa ngabaluleki bezezifundo, izimpawu zesimilo sabaluleki bezifundo, izinhlaka zokuxhasa ezisetshenziswa abaluleki bezifundo, kanye nezinselelo ezibhekene nabaluleki, kanyenoxhaso olunikezwa abaluleki bezifundo. Ucwaningo lwenziwa kumaHovisi eSiyingi ezeMfundo, eZobuciko kanye neZamasiko eNamibia kanti luye lwaxuba abeluleki bezifundo abayishumi abakhethwe ngohlelo lwesampuli olunenhloso. . Idatha yaqoqwa ngohlelo lwenhlolovo embaxambili kanye nokuhlaziywa kombhalo. Kuye kwavela ulwazi olubalulekile olutholakele ngokusebenzisa uhlelo lokuhlaziya idatha ngokukhipha izigaba kanye nezindikimba. Lolu lwazi olutholakele lugcizelela ukuthi abeluleki bezifundo banolwazi ngobunjalo bohlelo oluxhasa ezemfundo ngendlela eyehlukile. Ulwazi olutholakele lukhombisa ukuthi abeluleki bezifundo babhekene nezinselelo ezibenza ukuba bangakwazi ukusebenza kahle ohlelweni lokufundisa oluxhasayo.. Ngaphezu kwalokho kuye kwacaca ukuba abeluleki babengaxhaswa ngokwanele mayelana nokuqeqeshwa, ngokuhlinzekwa ngemithombo yezemfundo kanye nangokunciphisa umthamo womsebenzi. Lezi ziphetho kanye nokunye yikho okuye kwakha izincomo ezenziwe futhi ezazihlose ekuthuthukiseni imisebenzi yabeluleki bezifundo. zu
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (xvii, 163 leaves) en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject Role of subject advisers en
dc.subject Teaching and learning support en
dc.subject Teacher support en
dc.subject Subject advisers’ roles en
dc.subject.ddc 371.203096881
dc.subject.lcsh School supervisors -- Rating of -- Namibia en
dc.subject.lcsh School supervisors -- Namibia -- Attitudes en
dc.subject.lcsh School supervision -- Namibia en
dc.subject.lcsh Teachers -- In-service training -- Namibia en
dc.subject.lcsh Teachers -- Self-rating of -- Namibia en
dc.subject.lcsh Namibia. Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture en
dc.subject.lcsh Teaching -- Namibia -- Evaluation en
dc.title Perceptions of selected Namibian subject advisers on their role in supporting teaching and learning en
dc.type Dissertation en
dc.description.department Curriculum and Instructional Studies en M. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

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