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The importance of legislation in the provision of national and public library services in Zambia

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dc.contributor.advisor Ngoepe, Mpho
dc.contributor.advisor Mnkeni-Saurombe, Nampombe Zulu, Paul 2015-05-07T09:39:19Z 2015-05-07T09:39:19Z 2014-11
dc.identifier.citation Zulu, Paul (2014) The importance of legislation in the provision of national and public library services in Zambia, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description Text in English en
dc.description.abstract Legislation plays an important role in the provision of public and national library services. However, in Zambia libraries that perform the functions of public and national libraries are operating without a legislative mandate. As a result, there is a fragmentation of library services as there is no single institution which performs all the functions of a national library service. Although several efforts were made before to enact national library service legislation, no Act of Parliament has been passed to date (2014). This study sought to provide empirical evidence to refine our insight of the benefits of having national library service legislation and the consequent implications of not having any legislation in the provision of library services. Quantitative data was collected through questionnaire administration to public library staff; interviews with senior government officials, and executive members of the ZLA and ZALICO; and document analysis on text from grey literature. The existence of the statistical significance of association between “Importance of library legislation” and “Provision of library services in Zambia” was measured and confirmed using Pearson chi-square χ2. Public library facilities, services and collections in Zambia were found to be below par, and it was concluded that this was due to lack of library legislation. The study recommends that appropriate legislation that puts together the functions of public and national libraries under one institution be enacted in Zambia as soon as possible. It is also recommended that further research be undertaken to investigate the current status of library facilities, services and collections in selected neighbouring countries where library legislation has been passed. en
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (xii, 168 leaves) : coloured illustrations
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject Library legislation en
dc.subject Public libraries en
dc.subject National library en
dc.subject National library service en
dc.subject Zambia Library Service en
dc.subject Zambia Library Association en
dc.subject Zambia Library and Information Service Bill en
dc.subject National Library Policy en
dc.subject.ddc 344.9206894
dc.subject.lcsh Library legislation -- Zambia
dc.subject.lcsh National libraries -- Zambia
dc.subject.lcsh Public libraries -- Law and legislation -- Zambia
dc.subject.lcsh Federal aid to libraries -- Zambia
dc.subject.lcsh Legal deposit of books, etc. -- Zambia
dc.title The importance of legislation in the provision of national and public library services in Zambia en
dc.type Dissertation en
dc.description.department Information Science en M.A. (Information Science)

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