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Oorsake van leermislukking in die junior primêre fase van skole in die Windhoek stadsgebied

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dc.contributor.advisor Landsberg, Emmerentia Cloete Hendrika 2015-01-23T04:24:33Z 2015-01-23T04:24:33Z 2001-11
dc.identifier.citation Cloete Hendrika (2001) Oorsake van leermislukking in die junior primêre fase van skole in die Windhoek stadsgebied, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description Text in Afrikaans
dc.description.abstract Die doel van hierdie ondersoek is om die ekstrinsieke en intrinsieke oorsake van leermislukking met spesifieke verwysing na skole in die Windhoek stadsgebied te bepaal en om aanbevelings te doen hoe om leermislukking teen te werk. Leermislukking en druiping is onrusbarend hoog in skole in die Windhoek stadsgebied. Nadat die Ministerie van Onderwys die semi-outomatiese promoveringstelsel ingestel het, het druiping afgeneem maar leermislukking het toegeneem omdat leerders gepromoveer word sander dat hulle sukses in die vorige graad behaal het. Volgens die literatuurstudie lê die oorsake van leermislukking by die ouerhuis, die skool, die omgewing en in die leerder self. Die empiriese ondersoek toon ooreenkomste met die literatuurstudie wat betref die oorsake van leermislukking. Om die oorsake teen te werk • moet onderwysers beter opgelei word • moet die ouers meer bewus gemaak word van hulle rot in die leersukses van hulle kinders. • is meer skoolgeboue en onderwysers nodig om kleiner klasse te bewerkstellig. af
dc.description.abstract The purpose of this research is to establish the extrinsic and intrinsic causes of learning failure with specific reference to schools in the Windhoek municipal area and to make recommendations to counteract learning failure. Learning failure and grade failing are disconcertingly high in schools in the Windhoek municipal area. After the Ministry of Education implemented the semi-automatic promotion system, grade failing decreased, but learning failure increased because learners are promoted without achieving success in a prior grade. According to the literature study, the causes of learning failure are to be found in the home, the school, the environment, and the learner. Similarities regarding the causes of learning failure were found in the empirical investigation and the literature study. To counteract these causes • teachers should be better trained • parents should become more aware of their role in the learning success of their children • more school buildings and teachers are needed to limit class sizes. en
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (ix, 187 leaves) en
dc.language.iso af
dc.subject Learning failure en
dc.subject Semi-automatic promotion en
dc.subject Underachievement en
dc.subject Extrinsic causes of learning failure en
dc.subject Parental styles en
dc.subject School problems en
dc.subject Cultural problems en
dc.subject Learning difficulties en
dc.subject Environmental problems en
dc.subject Health problems en
dc.subject.ddc 371.285096881
dc.subject.lcsh Academic achievement -- Namibia -- Windhoek en
dc.subject.lcsh School failure -- Namibia -- Windhoek en
dc.subject.lcsh Underachievers -- Namibia -- Windhoek en
dc.subject.lcsh Promotion (School) -- Namibia -- Windhoek en
dc.subject.lcsh Education, Primary -- Namibia -- Windhoek en
dc.title Oorsake van leermislukking in die junior primêre fase van skole in die Windhoek stadsgebied af
dc.title.alternative Causes of learning failure in the junior primary school phase in the Windhoek municipal area en
dc.type Dissertation
dc.description.department Educational Studies M. Ed. (Spesiale Behoeftes Onderwys)

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