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Gewetensvorming as agogiese opgawe in 'n gebroke fisiese werklikheid

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dc.contributor.advisor Oberholzer, M. O. (Mauritz Otto), 1940- Visser, Anna P. en 2015-01-23T04:24:28Z 2015-01-23T04:24:28Z 1994-01 en
dc.identifier.citation Visser, Anna P. (1994) Gewetensvorming as agogiese opgawe in 'n gebroke fisiese werklikheid, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description Text in Afrikaans
dc.description.abstract Gebrokenheid, op geestelike sowel as liggaamlike vlak, is 'n fait primitif van menswees. Literatuurstudie bring aan die lig dat die tema ender bespreking op uiteenlopende wyses in die Ooste en die Weste probeer beantwoord word. Twee Westerse medikus-sielkundiges van hierdie eeu, Frankl en Jung, het elk met sy eie besondere teorie (Logoterapie en 'n Argetipe-teorie} 'n poging aangewend om die gebrokenheids= vraagstuk te probeer beantwoord. Gewetensvorming staan sentraal in Frankl se Logoterapie. Jung beklemtoon die rol van die irrasionele en sy Argetipe-teorie herinner aan wat Jaspers grenssituasies en Kant idees genoem het. Die Oesterling steun op eeue-oue stelsels soos Yoga, Boeddhisme en Tao1sme. Daar is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat gewetensvorming, in die sin van gehoorsaming aan streng morele voorskrifte, ook in die genoemde stelsels sentraal figureer.
dc.description.abstract Brokenness on mental as well as physical level, is a fait primitif of being human. The study of related literature reveals that the theme under discussion is being answered in diverse ways by the East and the West. Two Western psychiatrists of this century, (Frankl and Jung} have each with his unique theory (Logotherapy and Archetypes) made an attempt to answer the question of brokenness. Conscience formation is central to Frankl's Logotherapy. Jung emphasizes the irrational and his theory of Archetypes reminds of what was termed boundary situations by Jaspers and ideas by Kant. The Oriental view is founded on centuries-old systems such as Yoga, Buddhism and Taoism. The conclusion has been reached that conscience formation in the sense of adhering to strict moral precepts is also central to the abovementioned systems.
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (ix, 172 leaves) en
dc.language.iso af
dc.subject.ddc 370.1 en
dc.subject.lcsh Conscience en
dc.subject.lcsh Education -- Philosophy en
dc.title Gewetensvorming as agogiese opgawe in 'n gebroke fisiese werklikheid en
dc.type Dissertation
dc.description.department Educational Studies M. Ed. (Fundamentele Pedagogiek) en

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