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Fundamenteel-agogiese besinning oor die eise van kulturaliteit in 'n multikulturele samelewing

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dc.contributor.advisor Roelofse, J. J. (Jacobus Johannes) Louw, Pieter van der Byl en 2015-01-23T04:24:59Z 2015-01-23T04:24:59Z 1994-06 en
dc.identifier.citation Louw, Pieter van der Byl (1994) Fundamenteel-agogiese besinning oor die eise van kulturaliteit in 'n multikulturele samelewing, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description Text in Afrikaans
dc.description.abstract Hierdie proefskrif oor 'n Fundamenteel-agogiese besinning oor die eise van kulturaliteit in 'n multikulturele samelewing beklemtoon kulturaliteit as een van die antropiese grondvorme en die eise dienaangaande om kulturaliteit te realiseer. Die mens is as unieke synde in sy gerelasioneerdheid tot sy medesyndes, sy geofisiese omgewing en die transendentale in-en-aan-die-wereld teenwoordig. As sodanig is hy in gerelasioneerdheid tot die horn omringende besig om 'n leefwereld te stig. Hy doen dit in die tyd en in historiese verbondenheid en in medesynsbetrokkenheid met sy medemens. Sy leefwereldstigting realiseer hy kragtens sy synsfundamentalium van kulturaliteit. Onderliggend aan sy kulturaliteitvergestaltende leefwereldstigting le 'n bepaalde normeen waardesisteem. Hierdie norme en waardes dien as riglyne vir sy Ieefwereldstigtende Dasein. Kulturaliteitvergestalting is ook nie 'n individuele aangeleentheid nie. Die mens stig sy leefwereld saam met medesyndes as gemeenskap-in-struktuur volgens gemeenskaplike norme en waardes. As gemeenskap-in-struktuur organiseer die mens homself as kollektiewe synde in samelewingsinstellings, waaronder die gesin, skool, kerk en staat. Hierdie (en ander) samelewingsinstellings speel 'n funksie-spesifieke rol as moveerder van kulturaliteitvergestalting, wat impliseer dat elke samelewingsinstelling die norme- en waardesisteem van die gemeenskap waarin hy ageer 6f handhaaf 6f bevraagteken en selfs nihileer. Kulturaliteitvergestalting as aangeleentheid wat in die tyd plaasvind, beteken die huidige, post-moderne tegnokratiese era, is die vergestaltingstyd van kulturaliteitvergestalting. 'n Verkenning van die post-moderne era toon dat kulturaliteitvergestalting blootgestel word aan die bedreiginge van die tyd, waaronder die geofiese aftakeling/vernietiging van die aarde as primere vergestaltingsbodem van kulturaliteit, asook antropies-eksistensiele bedreiginge wat die outentieke, waardige menswees as Dasein en Sosein as partikuliere, genormeerde syn erodeer. Hierdie bedreiginge van kulturaliteit figureer as omgewingskending en -vemietiging asook die dehumaniseringstendense van die tegnokratiese tirannie op veral sosio-politieke en sosio-ekonomiese terreine. Om die mens kulturaliteitvergestaltend deur genormeerde leefwereldstigting as kultuurskepping sy Dasein te laat vergestalt, kan verskeie eise as moontlikheidsvoorwaarde gestel word. Die eise geld vir die mens as individu en mens-ingemeenskap en hou verband met die erkenning van sy menswaardigheid, sy norme en waardes op grond waarvan hy sy Dasein kulturaliteitvergestaltend realiseer, asook die bewaring en sinvolle benutting van die geofisiese gegewene as bestaansvoorwaarde vir alle lewe. Slegs dan leef hy voluit.
dc.description.abstract This thesis highlights culturality as an anthropic fundamentalium and the imperatives governing it in order to realise culturality. Man as unique being is immanent in his relatedness to his fellow human beings, his geophysical environment and the transcendental being in and at the world. As such, man is engaged in creating a life-world within time and historicity and in co-existential engagement with his fellow man. Man realises his life-world in terms of the fundamentalium of being pertaining to his culturality. Underlying his creation of a life-world reflecting his culturality, is a certain system of values/norms operating as guidelines for his Dasein created by his life-world. Shaping culturality is not an individual act. Man with his fellow man as society in structure creates his life-world in terms of common norms/values, organising himself as collective being in social institutions, including the family, school, church and state, which play a function-specific role to actuate the creation of culturality, implying that each one either maintains or questions or even utterly rejects norms/values of the society within which it operates. The creation of culturality as something temporal means that the present post-modem technocratic era serves as a temporal focus for it. Scrutiny of this era shows that the creation of culturality faces threats posed by this very era, among others the geophysical despoiling/destruction of earth as the primary locus for the creation of culturality as well as anthropic-existential threats eroding authentic human dignity as Dasein and Sosein as particular normed being. These threats are manifested as environmental violation and destruction as well as the tyrannic technocratic proclivity towards dehumanization, especially socio-politically and socio-economically. For man to realise his Dasein by normed creation of a life-world as the creation of culture, various imperatives may operate as conditions of potentiality for man individually and socially, relating to his human dignity, the norms/values by which he realises his Dasein through the creation of culturality as well as the conservation and meaningful utilization of the geophysical environment as condition of the geophysical environment as erudition for life. Only then does man fully exist.
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (xi, 210 leaves) en
dc.language.iso af
dc.subject.ddc 370.194 en
dc.subject.lcsh Multicultural education en
dc.subject.lcsh Fundamental education en
dc.title Fundamenteel-agogiese besinning oor die eise van kulturaliteit in 'n multikulturele samelewing en
dc.type Thesis
dc.description.department Educational Studies D.Ed. (Filosofie van die Opvoeding) en

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