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Argivale inligtingontsluiting en -herwinning vir die historiese navorser

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dc.contributor.advisor Kruger, J. A. Ingram, Annette 2015-01-23T04:24:49Z 2015-01-23T04:24:49Z 2000-05
dc.identifier.citation Ingram, Annette (2000) Argivale inligtingontsluiting en -herwinning vir die historiese navorser, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description Summaries in Afrikaans and English
dc.description Afrikaans text
dc.description.abstract Die doel van hierdie studie was om argivale inligtingontsluiting en -herwinning aan die einde van die 20ste eeu te ondersoek, verai met betrekking tot ernstige historiese navorsing. Inligting is op die volgende wyses ingesamel: ‘n uitgebreide literatuurondersoek, onderhoude met argivarlsse in beide staats- en privaatargiefbewaarpiekke en ‘n empiriese ondersoek deur middel van ‘n vraelys wat aan hoofsaaklik ernstige historiese navorsers versprei is. Die navorser het argivale vindmiddels soos inventarisse, gidse en indekse, sowel as die gerekenariseerde argivale databases, persoonlik ondersoek ten einde eerstehandse kennis van die voordele en nadele van hierdie navorsings- hulpmiddets te verkry. Daar is gevind dat tegnologiese ontwikkelings die aard van argiefbewaarplekke en argivale bronne verander het. Die impak van rekenaarnetwerke op die argivale milieu, sowel as die voor- en nadele verbonde aan die hantering van elektroniese argivale rekords en mondelinge geskiedenisargiewe, is gevolglik in besonderhede bespreek, Hoewel die ontsluiting van argivale bronmateriaai steeds op die beginsels van herkoms en oorspronklike orde gebaseer is, is sekere aanpassings noodsaaklik. Tog is geen toegang tot argivale inligtingbronne sonder hie rdie prosesse moontlik nie, Doeltreffende argivale inligtingherwinning kan slegs verwesenlik word indien genoeg fondse en opgeleide, ervare personeel beskikbaar gestel word. Vervolgens Is die veranderende aard van historiese navorsing belig, verat wat die keuse van ondemverpe betref. Moderne tendense ten opsigte van die geskiedenis van benede, of die geskiedenis van die aiiedaagse lewe, en die geskiedenis van vroue, in teenstelling met tradisionele historiese nadruk op politieke figure en gebeure, is bespreek. Die studie het verder aangetoon dat toeganklikheid tot argivale inligtingbronne die belangrikste behoefte van die historiese navorser is. Die beduidende rol wat die argivaris en argivale vindmiddels in historiese navorsing speel, is beklemtoon. Gedurende die empiriese fase is 'n ontleding van die antwoorde van respondente ten opsigte van navorsingsbesoeke aan argiefbewaarplekke gedoen, Historiese navorsers se ondervinding met betrekking tot argivale vindmiddels, gerekenariseerde argivale netwerke en leeskamerpersoneel is bespreek. Die ondersoek word afgesluit met beiangrike bevindings en 'n aantal aanbevelings rakende historiese navorsing as ‘n argivale aktiwiteit in 'n veranderende inligtingwereld. af
dc.description.abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate archival information organisation and retrieval at the end of the 20th century, especially with regard to serious historical research. Information was collected by the following means: an extensive literature survey, interviews with archivists in both state and private archives and an empirical survey by means of a questionnaire distributed amongst mainly serious historical resea rchers.The researcher personally examined archival finding aids such as inventories, guides and indexes, as well as the computerised archival database, for firsthand knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of these research aids. It was found that technological developments had changed the nature of archives and archival sources, the most important adjustment being to electronic information sources and oral history archives. The impact of computer networks on the archival milieu, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of dealing with electronic archival records and oral history archives, was subsequently discussed in detail. Although the organisation and description of archival source material are still based on the principles of provenance and original order, certain adaptations are necessary. Without these processes no access to archival sources is possible. Effective archival information retrieval can only be achieved if sufficient funds are made available and well-trained, experienced staff are appointed. Subsequently the changing nature of historical research, especially with regard to the choice of research topics, was discussed. Modern tendencies such as history from below, or the history of everyday life, and the history of women, were investigated, in opposition to traditional historical emphasis on important political figures and happenings. Research further showed that accessibility to archival information sources is of paramount importance to the historical researcher. The important role of the archivist and archival finding aids, is emphasised. During the empirical phase the answers of respondents about their visits to archives were analysed. The experiences of historical researchers with regard to archival finding aids, computerised archival networks, and reading room staff, are discussed. The study is concluded with important findings and a number of recommendations pertaining to historical research as an archival activity in a changing information world. en
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (xx, 356 leaves)
dc.language.iso af
dc.subject Argiewe af
dc.subject Argiefbewaarplek af
dc.subject Argivale bronne af
dc.subject Argivale inligtingontsluiting af
dc.subject Argivale inligtingherwinning af
dc.subject Argivale ordening af
dc.subject Argivale beskrywing af
dc.subject Argivale vindmiddels af
dc.subject Historiese navorsing af
dc.subject Historiese metodologie af
dc.subject Archives en
dc.subject Archival repositories en
dc.subject Archival sources en
dc.subject Archival information retrieval en
dc.subject Archival organisation en
dc.subject Archival description en
dc.subject Archival finding aids en
dc.subject Historical research en
dc.subject Historical methodology en
dc.subject.ddc 025.171
dc.subject.lcsh Archival materials -- Data processing en
dc.subject.lcsh Information storage and retrieval systems -- Archival materials en
dc.subject.lcsh Archives en
dc.subject.lcsh Cataloging of archival materials en
dc.title Argivale inligtingontsluiting en -herwinning vir die historiese navorser af
dc.title.alternative Archival information orgqanisation and retrieval for the historical researcher en
dc.type Thesis
dc.description.department Information Science D. Litt. et Phil. (Information Science)

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