dc.contributor.advisor |
Mcdonald, M. E. W. (Maria Elizabeth Wilhelmina), 1945-
dc.contributor.author |
Ntsandeni, Ruth Fulufhelo
dc.date.accessioned |
2015-01-23T04:24:01Z |
dc.date.available |
2015-01-23T04:24:01Z |
dc.date.issued |
1999-11 |
dc.identifier.citation |
Ntsandeni, Ruth Fulufhelo (1999) Guidelines for the teaching of Afrikaans as an African language in colleges of education in the Northern Province, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <http://hdl.handle.net/10500/15672> |
en |
dc.identifier.uri |
http://hdl.handle.net/10500/15672 |
dc.description |
Summaries in English and Afrikaans |
dc.description.abstract |
This study concerns the teaching and learning of Afrikaans as a foreign language
in colleges of education in the Northern Province. An empirical survey was
conducted at Makhado and Shingwedzi Colleges of Education where teachers
are trained for the Primary Teachers' Diploma. This study seeks to identify issues
which perpetrate negative attitudes to the subject of Afrikaans, as is manifested
by low student enrolment, or its absence. Apart from the fact that South Africa
is proclaimed by the Constitution of the country to be both multilingual and
multicultural, non-Afrikaans student teachers seem to ignore the advantages of
including Afrikaans as one of the units of their linguistic flexibility. The study thus
identifies the knowledge, skills and attitudes which teachers and student
teachers should acquire in this foreign language during their training in order to
be successful practitioners in the field. The study endeavours to inform its
learners that the language should be regarded as a tool of communication, not
one of politics. This knowledge is necessary as African learners tend to associate
the subject Afrikaans with the apartheid era of government.
Chapter two deals with theoreticar considerations which underpin the teaching of
the subject of Afrikaans. The role of language policy and its planning was
identified as the basis of negative attitudes towards the language.
Chapter three deals with instructional issues pertaining to the teaching of the
subject of Afrikaans as a foreign language. These issues include the How? and
Why? of factors to be considered in the teaching of the subject with the aim of
enhancing the teachers' understanding of the subject. Research is conducted
on problematical areas.
Chapter four concentrates on the empirical research. The research endevours
to identify issues in the teaching of the subject
The thesis concludes that there is a need to revisit the aims of learning the
Afrikaans language and a need to concentrate on cultivating a culture of learning
in the subject of Afrikaans. This can be accomplished by enriching the language
through acquiring various teaching skills and addressing various needs of
learners. |
en |
dc.description.abstract |
Hierdie studie handel oor die onderrig en leer van Afrikaans as vreemde taal in
onderwyskolleges in die Noordelike Provinsie. h Empiriese studie is gedoen by
die Makhado Onderwyskollege en die Shingwedzi Onderwyskollege waar
onderwysers vir die Primere Onderwysdiploma opgelei word. In hierdie navorsing
word getrag om die faktore wat aanleiding gee tot die lae inskrywingsyfer vir
Afrikaans as vak te identifiseer. Afgesien van die feit dat die Grondwet van SuidAfrika
voorsiening maak vir veeltaligheid en multikulturaliteit, ignoreer nieAfrikaanssprekende
studente die voordele wat daaraan verbonde is om Afrikaans
as vak by hulle studiepakket in te sluit. Die kennis; vaardighede en houdings wat
onderwysers en onderwysstudente moet verwerf om Afrikaans as vreemde taal
suksesvol te kan onderrig, word hier ge'identifiseer. Poging word aangewend om
aan te toon dat Afrikaans as werktuig vir kommunikasie aangewend moet word
en nie as h politieke werktuig nie. Hierdie kennis is noodsaaklik, aangesien
leerders die taal en dus ook die vak Afrikaans, meestal assosieer met die
voormalige apartheidsregering.
Hoofstuk twee handel oor die teoretiese aspekte wat die grondslag van die
onderrig van die vak Afrikaans vorm. Die rol wat die taalbeleid tans speel en ook
in die verlede gespeel het, word ge"identifiseer as basis vir die negatiewe
ingesteldhede teenoor die taal. ,
Hoofstuk drie handel oor onderrigaangeleenthede betreffende die vak Afrikaans
as h vreemde taal. Hierdie sake sluit in die Hoe? en Waarom? van faktore wat
in ag geneem word by die onderrig van die vak wanneer beoog word om die
onderwyser se insig betreffende die vak te verbeter. Navorsing is gedoen oor
areas wat problematies blyk te gewees het.
In hoofstuk vier word die empiriese navorsing weergegee. Hierdie navorsing trag
om sekere aangeleenthede betreffende die onderrig van die vak oop te dek.
Die tesis volstaan daarmee dat daar 'n nood is om die doelstellings met die
onderrig van Afrikaans weer eens te beskou en dat dit ook nodig is om daarop te
konsentreer om die onderrig van Afrikaans op aile vlakke te bevorder. Dit kan
bereik word deur die verryking van die taal deur middel van die aanleer van
verskillende onderrigvaardighede en deur die behoeftes van die leerders aan te
spreek. |
af |
dc.format.extent |
1 online resource (xix, 263 leaves) |
dc.language.iso |
en |
dc.subject.ddc |
439.368007116825 |
dc.subject.lcsh |
Afrikaans language -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Foreign speakers -- Case studies |
en |
dc.subject.lcsh |
Afrikaans language -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- South Africa -- Northern Province -- Case studies |
en |
dc.subject.lcsh |
Afrikaans language -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Political aspects -- Case studies |
en |
dc.subject.lcsh |
Language and languages -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- South Africa -- Northern Province -- Case studies |
en |
dc.subject.lcsh |
Language policy -- South Africa |
en |
dc.subject.lcsh |
Language and education -- South Africa -- Northern Province |
en |
dc.subject.lcsh |
South Africa -- Languages -- Political aspects |
en |
dc.title |
Guidelines for the teaching of Afrikaans as an African language in colleges of education in the Northern Province |
en |
dc.type |
Thesis |
dc.description.department |
Educational Studies |
dc.description.degree |
D. Ed. (Didactics) |