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Persepsie van grondslagfase-onderwysers en ouers aangaande die effektiwiteit van vestibulere oefeninge om sensoriese en motoriese ontwikkeling te bevorder

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dc.contributor.advisor Gous-Kemp, Catharina Susanna Claassens, Heidi 2021-03-17T03:56:21Z 2021-03-17T03:56:21Z 2020-01
dc.description Abstracts in Afrikaans and English en
dc.description.abstract Inklusiewe onderrig ondersteun die insluiting van alle leerders met verskillende behoeftes en vaardighede in klaskamers, wat baie keer te groot, of te verskillend vir doeltreffende onderrig is. Beweging as deel van ‘n vroeë leerervaring is noodsaaklik vir optimale neurale ontwikkeling. Dit beïnvloed organisasie en stimuleer die spesifieke neurologiese sisteme nodig vir optimale funksionering en ontwikkeling van die brein. Sensoriese integrasie disfunksie word gesien as die wortel van baie leerprobleme. Die vestibulêre sisteem is direk verbind met die sensoriese en motoriese sisteme. ‘n Sensoriese integrasie disfunksie het ‘n duidelike invloed op die vestibulêre sisteem. Die vestibulêre sisteem het baie interkonneksies met baie dele in die brein, byvoorbeeld propriosepsie en die tassisteem. Doeltreffende funksionering van die sensoriese, motoriese en vestibulêre sisteme word verlang vir ‘n hoë vlak van prestasieverrigting in sport en akademie. Wanneer die vestibulêre sisteem gestimuleer word, het dit ‘n direkte positiewe invloed op die sensoriese en motoriese ontwikkeling van leerders. Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal wat die persepsie van grondslagfase-onderwysers en ouers is oor die rol en voordele wat vestibulêre oefeninge te weeg kan bring in die motoriese en sensoriese ontwikkeling van leerders. Leerders in graad 1 van ‘n privaatskool, asook van grade 2 en 3 van ‘n plaasskool is gekies as deelnemers in die studie. Die keuse van leerders was op grond van die bereidwilligheid van hulle en hul ouers om aan die studie deel te neem. Leerders het ‘n vestibulêre oefenprogram drie maal per week gedoen vir die tydperk van agt weke. Observasie-vraelyste is deur onderwysers en ouers ingevul na afloop van die derde sessie elke week. Vir die vraelys het ouers en onderwysers gekyk na die verbetering in aandagspan, konsentrasie, luistervaardigheid, oogkontak, sosiale interaksie en samewerking. Onderhoude is met ouers en onderwysers gedoen na aanleiding van die observasievraelyste wat vir die agt weke voltooi is. Transkripsies van die onderhoude is gedoen en afleidings is gemaak deur analise van die observasie-vraelyste en die getranskribeerde onderhoude. Al ses die ontwikkelingsareas by beide skole het verbetering getoon oor die agt weke. Dit dui daarop dat vestibulêre oefeninge wel ‘n invloed op die sensoriese en motoriese ontwikkeling het. af
dc.description.abstract Inclusive education promotes the inclusion of learners with different needs and capabilities in classes which are often too big and diverse for effective teaching. Movement as an early learning experience is necessary for optimal neural development. It influences organisation and stimulates the specific neurological systems required for optimal functioning and development of the brain. Sensory integrative dysfunction is believed to be at the root of many learning disorders. The vestibular system is directly connected with the sensory and motor systems. The vestibular system will be directly affected when a sensory integrations dysfunction presents. In fact, the vestibular system has many interconnections with almost every other part of the brain like proprioception and the tactile system. Proper functioning of the sensory, motor and vestibular systems is required for higher level performance in sport and academics. When the vestibular system is stimulated, it will result in a positive influence on the sensory and motor development of learners. The aim of this study is to determine the perceptions of foundation phase teachers and parents regarding the role or benefits of vestibular exercises in promoting learners’ motor and sensory development. Learners in Grade 1 of a private school and Grade 2 and 3 learners of a farm school in the northern Free State were selected as participants in the research. Learners were selected on the basis of the willingness of them and their parents to participate in the research. The participants did exercise sessions three times a week for thirty minutes over a period of eight weeks. Observation sheets were completed for all eight weeks, for the duration of the exercise program, by teachers and parents. These sheets were completed weekly after the third sessions in that week. The observation sheets listed concentration, attention span, listening, eye contact, cooperation, social interaction and self-esteem as developmental areas. Interviews were done after the period of eight weeks with the parents and teachers. The interviews conducted with both parties were taped and meticulously transcribed. This helped the researcher to get a better understanding of the study and to analise data and draw conclusions.All six areas of development showed improvement at both schools over the period of eight weeks. This indicates that stimulating the vestibular system promotes sensory and motor development. en
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (xv, 172 leaves) : color illustrations, color graphs en
dc.language.iso Afrikaans en
dc.subject Vestibulêre sisteem af
dc.subject Sensoriese sisteem af
dc.subject Motoriese sisteem af
dc.subject Sensoriese integrasie af
dc.subject Propriosepsie af
dc.subject Aandagspan af
dc.subject Konsentrasie af
dc.subject Luistervaardigheid af
dc.subject Sosiale interaksie af
dc.subject Oogkontak af
dc.subject Samewerking af
dc.subject Vestibular system en
dc.subject Sensory system en
dc.subject Motor system en
dc.subject Sensory integration en
dc.subject Proprioception en
dc.subject Attention span en
dc.subject Concentration en
dc.subject Listening skills en
dc.subject Social interaction en
dc.subject Eye contact en
dc.subject Self-esteem en
dc.subject Cooperation en
dc.subject.ddc 155.4123096853
dc.subject.lcsh Sensorimotor integration -- South Africa -- Bothaville en
dc.subject.lcsh Motor ability in children -- South Africa -- Bothaville en
dc.subject.lcsh Child development -- South Africa -- Bothaville en
dc.subject.lcsh Physical therapy for children -- South Africa -- Bothaville en
dc.subject.lcsh Vestibular apparatus en
dc.subject.lcsh Primary school teachers -- South Africa -- Bothaville -- Attitudes en
dc.subject.lcsh Parents -- South Africa -- Bothaville -- Attitudes en
dc.title Persepsie van grondslagfase-onderwysers en ouers aangaande die effektiwiteit van vestibulere oefeninge om sensoriese en motoriese ontwikkeling te bevorder af
dc.type Dissertation en
dc.description.department Inclusive Education en M. Ed. (Inklusiewe Onderwys)

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