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Die invloed van ekspressiewe skryfoefeninge op die werkende geheue van adolescente en jong volwassenes (The influence of expressive writing on the memory of adolescents and young adults

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dc.contributor.advisor Janeke, H.C. Swart, Johanna Catherina 2019-05-23T11:41:09Z 2019-05-23T11:41:09Z 2018-12
dc.description Text in English en
dc.description Abstracts in Afrikaans and English
dc.description.abstract Ekspressiewe skryfwerk (ES) – as ‘n metode van intervensie gemik op fisiese en geesteswelstand van deelnemers – word reeds vir ongeveer drie dekades ondersoek. Klein en Boals beweer met hul 2001-studie dat ES ook ‘n positiewe invloed uitoefen op die werkende geheue van individue. Met die huidige studie word die vraag of hierdie bevinding ook van toepassing is op adolessente en jong volwassenes van Suidelike Afrika ondersoek. Dié projek betrek aanvanklik skoolleerders (N = 44) en eerstejaar universiteitstudente (N = 83) in die Suid-Kaap en met die skryfoefeninge word ‘n komponent bygevoeg by een van die eksperimentele groepe waar kognitiewe insette saam met die emosionele onthulling verlang word. Die studie-resultate toon heelwat teenstrydighede, dog die positiewe invloed van ES op die werkspan word by ‘n goeie aantal eksperimentele groep deelnemers waargeneem. Vorige navorsing dui op ‘n verlaging in die voorkoms van indringer- en vermydingsgedagtes na ES tesame met verbeterde werkspan en hierdie verband word van nader beskou deur die huidige studie. Die moontlikheid dat woordtelling per minuut as informele meting van werkspan aanvaar kan word, sowel as die moontlike verband tussen gemoedsvlak en skryfkondisie word ook met die projek ondersoek. af
dc.description.abstract During the past three decades expressive writing has been in the research spotlight as an effective method of intervention in the improvement of human well-being. In 2001 a study done by Klein and Boals claimed that expressive writing also has a positive influence on the working memory of the student participants. The current study investigates the influence of expressive writing on adolescents and young adults in the Southern Africa context. Solution-focused exercises, together with emotional expression during the writing sessions, add a cognitive component to the intervention which strive to create greater impact on working memory capacity (WMC). Previous research indicate that improvement in WMC goes hand in hand with the reduction in the prevalence of intrusive and avoidant thoughts. During the current project the relationship between working memory and these thoughts is investigated. Additionally the possibility of word count as informal measure for WMC are looked at as well as a possible association between mood level and writing condition. en
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (xv, 198 leaves) : illustrations, color graphs
dc.language.iso Afrikaans af
dc.subject Adolessente af
dc.subject Ekspressiewe skrywe af
dc.subject Gemoedsvlak af
dc.subject Impakgedagtes af
dc.subject Indringer-en vermydingsgedagtes af
dc.subject Jong volwassenes af
dc.subject Kognitiewe inset af
dc.subject Werkende geheue af
dc.subject Werkspan af
dc.subject Woordtelling af
dc.subject Adolescents en
dc.subject Cognitive input en
dc.subject Expressive writing en
dc.subject Impact thoughts en
dc.subject Intrusive and avoidant thoughts en
dc.subject Mood level en
dc.subject Word count en
dc.subject Working memory en
dc.subject Working memory capacity en
dc.subject Young adults en
dc.subject.ddc 808.042
dc.subject.lcsh English language -- Writing en
dc.subject.lcsh Long-term memory in adolescence en
dc.subject.lcsh Short-term memory en
dc.title Die invloed van ekspressiewe skryfoefeninge op die werkende geheue van adolescente en jong volwassenes (The influence of expressive writing on the memory of adolescents and young adults en
dc.type Dissertation en
dc.description.department Psychology en M.A. (Psychology)

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