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Bewusmaking as fokus in opleidingsriglyne vir vrywillige beraders

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dc.contributor.advisor Schoeman, J.P. en Vorback, Alta Maria en 2009-08-25T11:04:10Z 2009-08-25T11:04:10Z 2009-08-25T11:04:10Z 2005-06-30 en
dc.identifier.citation Vorback, Alta Maria (2009) Bewusmaking as fokus in opleidingsriglyne vir vrywillige beraders, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description Summaries in English and Afrikaans
dc.description.abstract Across the world children are affected by factors such as poverty, HIV/AIDS, divorce and loss. More organisations are getting involved in the training of voluntary counsellors. Although these counsellors have the necessary theoretical knowledge they still experience problems in working effectively with these children. Possible reasons for this are these counsellors' own unfinished issues and loss. Within this study the focus is on creating awareness for counsellors within training situations from a Gestalt approach. As part of the fulfilment of the literature study an empirical study has been done. A qualitative study with a small portion of quantitative research has been done with the implementation of a training programme for voluntary counsellors. Various mediums were used to create heightened self-awareness with regard to various topics. Training guidelines are than given for creating awareness within training situations for voluntary counsellors. en
dc.description.abstract Dwarsoor die wereld word kinders beinvloed deur faktore soos armoede, HIV/VIGS, egskeiding en verlies. Al meer organisasies, soos Philippi Trust Namibia, raak betrokke in die opleiding van vrywillige beraders, ten einde bekostigbare dienste vir hierdie kinders daar te stel. Alhoewel hierdie beraders oor voldoende teoretiese kennis beskik, ervaar hulle steeds probleme om effektief met kinders te werk. Moontlike redes is vrywillige beraders se eie onvoltooidhede en verlies. Binne hierdie studie word op die bewusmaking van beraders binne opleidingsituasies gefokus ten einde selfbelewing daar te stel. 'n Literatuurstudie is gedoen waartydens aspekte bekom is: teoretiese perspektief op die volgende > Bewustheid en die vrywillige berader vanuit die Gestalt-benadering. > Riglyne binne opleidingsituasies vir verhoogde bewustheidsbelewing. Deur bogenoemde teoretiese perspektief word die eerste navorsingsdoelwit van die studie beantwoord. Ter aanvulling van die literatuurstudie is empiriese ondersoek ondermeem. Kwalitatiewe studie met kleiner komponent van kwantitatiewe navorsing is voltooi deur die implementering van 'n program vir vrywillige beraders. Die program het oor vyf dae geskied. Verskeie mediums is gebruik om selfbelewing rondom spesifieke onderwerpe te verhoog. Deur bogenoemde empiriese ondersoek word die tweede doelwit van die studie beantwoord. Na aanleiding van die studie word opleidingsriglyne vir die verhoging van bewustheid binne opleidingsituasies vir vrywillige beraders daargestel.
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (140 leaves)
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject Groups en
dc.subject Philippi Trust Namibia en
dc.subject Voluntary counsellor en
dc.subject The self en
dc.subject Contact en
dc.subject Gestalt approach en
dc.subject Mediums in play therapy en
dc.subject Awareness en
dc.subject Bewustheid
dc.subject Spelterapiemediums
dc.subject Gestalt-benadering
dc.subject Kontakmaking
dc.subject Die self
dc.subject Vrywillige berader
dc.subject Groepe
dc.subject.ddc 158.3
dc.subject.lcsh Counseling
dc.subject.lcsh Counselors -- Supervision of
dc.subject.lcsh Counselor and client
dc.subject.lcsh Volunteer workers in child welfare
dc.subject.lcsh Volunteer workers in mental health
dc.subject.lcsh Caregivers
dc.title Bewusmaking as fokus in opleidingsriglyne vir vrywillige beraders en
dc.type Dissertation en
dc.description.department Social work en M. Diac. (Play Therapy) en

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