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Reinhold Ruthe und sein Beitrag fur eine "Biblisch Therapeutische Seelsorge" in Deutschland

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dc.contributor.advisor Kessler, Volker
dc.contributor.advisor Sons, R. Martella, Annekathrin Hannelore 2016-10-07T12:37:23Z 2016-10-07T12:37:23Z 2015-11
dc.identifier.citation Martella, Annekathrin Hannelore (2015) Reinhold Ruthe und sein Beitrag fur eine "Biblisch Therpeutische Seelsorge" in Deutschland, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description.abstract Die vorliegende Masterarbeit ist ein erster Versuch, den Beitrag Reinhold Ruthes für die biblisch therapeutische Seelsorge in Deutschland wissenschaftlich zu untersuchen. Sie erforscht, wie der christliche Psychotherapeut Reinhold Ruthe in deutschen protestantischen Gemeinden prägte. In seinem integrativen und zugleich selektiven Ansatz macht Ruthe Erkenntnisse aus der Individualpsychologie und weiterer psychologischer Schulen für die christliche Seelsorge fruchtbar. Diese Quellen werden vorgestellt. Um seine Person und sein Werk besser zu verstehen, untersucht diese Arbeit Ruthes Biografie und zeigt den zeitgeschichtlichen Kontext auf. Dies wird durch ein Interview ergänzt, das Ruthe selbst zu Wort kommen lässt. Ein Überblick seiner Publikationen wird durch die Analyse ausgewählter Werke erweitert. Neben seiner Tätigkeit als Autor, prägte Ruthe die Seelsorgepraxis durch seinen Dienst als Lehrer und Seelsorger sowie indirekt durch seine Schüler. Aus all dem stellt diese Arbeit den besonderen Beitrag von Reinhold Ruthe für die Laienseelsorge und die Integration von Psychologie und Seelsorge im Gemeindealltag heraus This master dissertation is the first attempt to academically investigate Reinhold Ruthe’s shaping and influence on biblical therapeutical counseling in Germany. It explores how the Christian psychotherapist Reinhold Ruthe shaped German Protestant churches. Through his integrative and at the same time selective approach, Ruthe identifies insights, which he obtained from the individual psychology and other psychological schools, and makes them fruitful for Christian counseling. Such sources are presented. In order to better understand his person and his work, the dissertation examines Ruthe's biography, also giving insights on his historical context. This is enriched by an interview, which gives voice to Ruthe himself. An overview of his publications is also enhanced by the analysis of selected works. Besides his work as an author, Ruthe shaped the practice of pastoral care through his activities as teacher and counsellor and indirectly through his students. The dissertation presents through all this Reinhold Ruthe’s peculiar contribution for the laymen counseling and his efforts in the integration of psychology and pastoral care in daily church life de
dc.description.abstract This master dissertation is the first attempt to academically investigate Reinhold Ruthe’s shaping and influence on biblical therapeutical counseling in Germany. It explores how the Christian psychotherapist Reinhold Ruthe shaped German Protestant churches. Through his integrative and at the same time selective approach, Ruthe identifies insights, which he obtained from the individual psychology and other psychological schools, and makes them fruitful for Christian counseling. Such sources are presented. In order to better understand his person and his work, the dissertation examines Ruthe's biography, also giving insights on his historical context. This is enriched by an interview, which gives voice to Ruthe himself. An overview of his publications is also enhanced by the analysis of selected works. Besides his work as an author, Ruthe shaped the practice of pastoral care through his activities as teacher and counsellor and indirectly through his students. The dissertation presents through all this Reinhold Ruthe’s peculiar contribution for the laymen counseling and his efforts in the integration of psychology and pastoral care in daily church life en
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (193 leaves)
dc.language.iso de de
dc.subject Seelsorge de
dc.subject Pastoralseelsorge de
dc.subject Biblisch Therapeutische Seelsorge de
dc.subject Individualpsychologie de
dc.subject Reinhold Ruthe de
dc.subject Alfred Adler de
dc.subject Laienseelsorge de
dc.subject Seelsorgebewegungen in Deutschland de
dc.subject Counseling en
dc.subject Pastoral therapy en
dc.subject Biblical therapeutical counseling en
dc.subject Individual psychology en
dc.subject Laymen counseling en
dc.subject Counseling movement in Germany en
dc.subject.ddc 253.520943
dc.subject.lcsh Ruthe, Rheinhold, 1927- en
dc.subject.lcsh Pastoral counseling -- Germans en
dc.subject.lcsh Counseling -- Religious aspects -- Christianity en
dc.subject.lcsh Pastoral psychology en
dc.subject.lcsh Christianity -- Psychology en
dc.title Reinhold Ruthe und sein Beitrag fur eine "Biblisch Therapeutische Seelsorge" in Deutschland de
dc.title.alternative Reinhold Ruthe and his contribution to "Biblical Therapeutic Counseling" in Germany en
dc.type Dissertation en
dc.description.department Practical Theology en M. Th. (Pastoral Theology)

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