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Experiences of practitioners in early childhood development centres in impoverished and marginalised predominantly white communities

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dc.contributor.advisor Marais, Petro
dc.contributor.advisor Smit, Brigitte Knafo, Tilana 2016-10-04T09:55:40Z 2016-10-04T09:55:40Z 2015-12
dc.identifier.citation Knafo, Tilana (2015) Experiences of practitioners in early childhood development centres in impoverished and marginalised predominantly white communities, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description.abstract Poverty is a global concern and the implementation of a quality early childhood development (ECD) programme is one of the most powerful ways of breaking the poverty cycle. Although research has been done regarding ECD centres in impoverished, marginalised and predominantly black communities (informal settlements), there is little, if any, similar research regarding predominantly white settlements. The purpose of this narrative study is to explore and understand the experiences of ECD practitioners regarding their work in impoverished and marginalised predominantly white communities. I, therefore, conducted this study from a social constructivist paradigm. The participants constructed their realities based on their lived experiences and interaction with others. The experiences of the participants were also influenced by their entire ecological system – their everyday experiences in their work and lives, as well as more distal influences for example South-Africa’s socio-political dispensation and cultural influences. Consequently the study was framed within the Ecological Systems Theory of Bronfenbrenner. I collected data through narrative interviews with two participants (ECD practitioners), and through field notes from observations, documents, photographs and artefacts. From the coded data, four main themes emerged – social and personal experiences, experiences concerning place, experiences with camp leadership and experiences concerning support infrastructure. These themes will be useful to determine the kind of support that practitioners need to ensure the quality of ECD programmes to support the optimal development of the children. en
dc.description.abstract Armoede is ʼn globale probleem en kwaliteit kleinkinderontwikkelingsprogramme (KKO-programme) is een van die kragtigste maniere om die armoede-siklus te verbreek. Alhoewel daar navorsing omtrent KKO-sentra in verarmde en gemarginaliseerde oorwegend swart gemeenskappe (informele nedersettings) gedoen is bestaan daar min, indien enige, soortgelyke navorsing in oorwegend blanke nedersettings. Die doel van hierdie narratiewe studie is om die ervarings van KKOpraktisyns in hulle werk in verarmde en gemarginaliseerde oorwegend blanke nedersettings te ondersoek en te verstaan. Daarom het ek hierdie studie vanuit ‘n sosiaal-konstruktivistiese paradigma uitgevoer. Die deelnemers het hulle realiteite geskep gebaseer op hulle geleefde ervarings en interaksies met ander. Die ervarings van die deelnemers is ook beïnvloed deur hulle hele ekostelsel – hulle daaglikse ervarings in hulle werk en lewens, asook verwyderde stelsels van invloed soos Suid-Afrika se sosio-politieke bedeling en kulturele invloede. Gevolglik is hierdie studie geformuleer binne die Ekologiese Sisteemteorie van Bronfenbrenner as raamwerk. Ek het data versamel deur narratiewe onderhoude te voer met twee deelnemers (KKO-praktisyns), en deur veldnotas van waarnemings, dokumente, foto’s en artefakte. Uit die gekodeerde data het vier hooftemas navore gekom – sosiale en persoonlike ervarings, ervarings met betrekking tot plek, ervarings met kampleierskap en ervarings rakende ondersteuningsinfrastruktuur. Hierdie temas sal bruikbaar wees om die soort ondersteuning te bepaal wat praktisyns benodig om ʼn kwaliteit KKOprogram te verseker om sodoende die optimale ontwikkeling van die kinders te ondersteun. af
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (viii, 375 leaves) : illustrations (chiefly color) en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject Impoverished and marginalised community en
dc.subject Informal settlement en
dc.subject Squatter camp en
dc.subject Predominantly white community en
dc.subject Early Childhood Development centre en
dc.subject Early Childhood Development practitioner en
dc.subject Non-government organisation en
dc.subject Volunteers en
dc.subject Young children en
dc.subject Verarmde en gemarginaliseerde gemeenskap af
dc.subject Informele nedersetting af
dc.subject Plakkerskamp af
dc.subject Oorwegend blanke gemeenskap af
dc.subject Kleinkinderontwikkelingsentrum af
dc.subject Kleinkinderontwikkelingspraktisyn af
dc.subject Nie-regeringsorganisasie af
dc.subject Vrywilligers af
dc.subject Jong kinders af
dc.subject.ddc 372.210869420968
dc.subject.lcsh Poor children, White -- Education (Early childhood) -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Early childhood education -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Early childhood educators -- South Africa en
dc.title Experiences of practitioners in early childhood development centres in impoverished and marginalised predominantly white communities en
dc.type Dissertation en
dc.description.department Early Childhood Education en M. Ed. (Socio-Education)

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