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Gebruik van musiek in opvoedkundig-sielkundige terapie

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dc.contributor.advisor Roets, H. E. (Hester Elizabeth) Van Schalkwyk, Catharina 2015-01-23T04:24:26Z 2015-01-23T04:24:26Z 1998-11
dc.identifier.citation Van Schalkwyk, Catharina (1998) Gebruik van musiek in opvoedkundig-sielkundige terapie, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description Afrikaans text
dc.description.abstract Die doel van hierdie studie was om vas te stel of musiek in terapie gebruik kan word deur ' opvoedkundige sielkundiges, asook wat die verskil is tussen musiekterapie en die terapeutiese aanwending van musiek deur ander terapeute. Vir die verkenning van die terapeutiese gebruik van musiek is 'n literatuurstudie gedoen oor die fenomeen musiekterapie, asook oor die terapeutiese gebruik van musiek. Die twee verskynsels is met mekaar vergelyk om ooreenkomste en verskille aan te dui. Die empiriese studie het aan die lig gebring dat musiek op baie verskillende maniere in terapie gebruik kan word en gekombineer kan word met ander hulpmiddels. Die emosionele en kognitiewe funksie wat musiek vervul is met die studie uitgewys. Musiek help byvoorbeeld om 'n emosionele klimaat te skep wat effektief in terapie gebruik kan word; en musiek kan 'n mens se denke stimuleer. Aanbevelings is ook gegee vir die terapeutiese gebruik van musiek. af
dc.description.abstract The object of the study was to determine if and how music can be used in therapy by the educational psychologist. The further aim was to determine the difference between music therapy and the therapeutic application of music by other therapists. In the exploration of the therapeutic use of music, a comparative study was done between music therapy as phenomenon and the therapeutic use of music, where similarities and differences were outlined. The empirical study showed that music can be used in different ways in therapy and can also be combined with other therapeutical aids. According to this study, music can fulfill an emotional and a cognitive roll. A pleasant emotional climate for therapy can be created and stimulate the client's thoughts. With this study it was possible to give guidelines for therapeutic applications of music. en
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (x, 216 leaves)
dc.language.iso af af
dc.subject Music therapy en
dc.subject Music in therapy en
dc.subject Cognition en
dc.subject Emotions en
dc.subject The part or the therapist en
dc.subject Planning of therapy en
dc.subject Combining therapeutic tools en
dc.subject Useful music for therapy en
dc.subject Parents en
dc.subject Teachers en
dc.subject.ddc 615.85154
dc.subject.lcsh Music therapy en
dc.subject.lcsh Cognition en
dc.subject.lcsh Music -- Psychological aspects. en
dc.title Gebruik van musiek in opvoedkundig-sielkundige terapie af
dc.title.alternative The use of music in educational-psychological therapy en
dc.type Dissertation
dc.description.department Psychology of Education M. Ed. (Voorligting)

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