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Kriminologiese ontleding van manlike observasiegevalle

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dc.contributor.advisor Neser, J. J.
dc.contributor.advisor Snyders, Frederik Jacobus Albertus, 1946- Ladikos, Anastasios, 1948- 2015-01-23T04:24:55Z 2015-01-23T04:24:55Z 1999-06
dc.identifier.citation Ladikos, Anastasios, 1948- (1999) Kriminologiese ontleding van manlike observasiegevalle, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description Afrikaans text
dc.description.abstract The purpose of this study was to retrospectively analyze a group of observation cases referred to a psychiatric institution through the criminal justice system by means of certain measuring instruments in order to determine on which grounds some of the cases were classified as criminals and others as state patients. The sample for the purposes of this investigation consisted of one hundred and forty-two cases referred to the Weskoppies hospital for psychiatric observation during 1988 to 1994. The measuring instruments were the South African Wechsler intelligence scale, the Rorschach projective technique and an information schedule which was used for the purpose of gathering biographical information and personal details of each particular case. The data collected through these instruments was statistically analyzed utilising frequencies and crosstabulations, chi-square tests, t-tests, correspondence analyses, factor analyses and regression analyses. The findings of this investigation revealed that crimes concerning personal relations and property crimes were more committed by criminals than state patients while crimes concerning communal life were encountered more amongst state patients than criminals. Non-person-directed crimes of violence were encountered proportionally more amongst state patients who had a history of substance abuse than in criminals with a similar history. State patients who had a history of substance abuse were proportionally more prosecuted on account of person-directed-crimes of violence than criminals with a similar history. The predictive measuring instrument developed by means of regression analysis indicated as important predictors three subtests of the South African Wechsler intelligence scale namely general information, digit-symbol substitution and picture arrangement as well as the variable "previous psychiatric treatment". The following recommendations were also made: The current endeavour to adapt the South African Wechsler intelligence scale for all population groups needs to be maintained and this adaptation should also be pursued in each country where the scale is used or was used in the past. It is advisable to draw up certain profiles of specific offenders by means of the Rorschach projective technique while the testing procedure should preferably be undertaken by the same researcher. Provision should be made that the accused be declared as state patients only on account of serious and violent crimes while the courts should have the right in appropriate cases to charge the accused with detention in accordance with chapter three of the Mental Health Act. The testimony of criminologists and psychologists should be added to the testimony of psychiatrists especially in cases of accountability or diminished accountability. The proposed predictive model may be further refined and adapted through the use of a larger, nation-wide sample resulting in the inclusion of a greater number of observation cases and variables. Due to the accelerating rate of revision associated with The DSM­ IV manual and the fact that its validity is questioned, ethically responsible psychiatrists, psychologists and criminologists are obligated to identify practices and procedures which threaten to misinform the legal system. en
dc.description.abstract Die doel van hierdie studie was om aan die hand van bepaalde meetinstrumente retrospektief 'n groep observasiegevalle wat deur die regstelsel na 'n psigiatriese inrigting verwys is, te ontleed, sodat daar vasgestel kon word op watter gronde sekere van die gevalle as misdadigers en ander as staatspasiente geklassifiseer is. Die steekproef vir die doeleindes van hierdie ondersoek het bestaan uit honderd twee-en-veertig gevalle wat vanaf 1988 tot 1994 na Weskoppieshospitaal vir psigiatriese waarneming verwys is. Die meetinstrumente wat gebruik is, was die Suid-Afrikaanse Wechsler-intelligensieskaal, die Rorschach-projeksietegniek en 'n inligtingskedule wat biografiese inligting en persoonlike besonderhede van elke besondere geval ingewin het. Die gegewens wat uit hierdie meetinstrumente versamel is, is statisties verwerk met behulp van frekwensies en kruistabellerings, chi­ kwadraattoetse, t-toetse, korrespondensie-analises, faktoranalises en regressie-ontledings. Die bevindinge van die ondersoek het aan die lig gebring dat persoonverhoudings- en eiendomsmisdrywe meer deur misdadigers as staatspasiente gepleeg word, terwyl gemeenskapslewe misdrywe meer by staatspasiente as misdadigers voorgekom het. Nie-persoonsgerigte geweldsmisdrywe het verhoudingsgewys meer onder staatspasiente met 'n geskiedenis van substansmisbruik as by misdadigers met 'n soortgelyke geskiedenis voorgekom. Staatspasiente met 'n geskiedenis van substansmisbruik is ook verhoudingsgewys meer as misdadigers met 'n soortgelyke geskiedenis weens persoonsgerigte geweldsmisdrywe aangekla. Die voorspellingsmeetinstrument wat met behulp van die regressie ontledings ontwikkel is, het drie subtoetse van die Suid­ Afrikaanse Wechsler-intelligensieskaal naamlik algemene inligting, syfersimboolvervanging en prentrangskikking asook die veranderlike "vorige psigiatriese behandeling" as die belangrikste voorspellers uitgewys. Die volgende aanbevelings word ook hiermee gemaak: Daar moet volgehou word met die huidige poging om die Suid­ Afrikaanse Wechsler-intelligensieskaal vir alle bevolkingsgroepe in Suid-Afrika aan te pas asook met die aanpassing van die meetskaal vir elke land wat dit tans gebruik of in die verlede gebruik het. Dit is raadsaam om met behulp van die Rorschach projektiewe tegniek bepaalde profiele ten opsigte van spesifieke oortreders op te stel terwyl die toetsingsproses verkieslik deur dieselfde ondersoeker waargeneem word. Daar moet seker gemaak word dat beskuldigdes slegs in die geval van ernstige en gewelddadige misdade tot staatspasiente verklaar word, terwyl die howe die bevoegdheid kry om in geskikte gevalle te beveel dat beskuldigdes ingevolge Hoofstuk 3 van die Wet op Geestesgesondheid aangehou moet word. Die getuienis van kriminoloe en sielkundiges behoort bygevoeg te word by die van psigiaters en wel in gevalle waar toerekeningsvatbaarheid of verminderde toerekeningsvatbaarheid ter sprake is. Die voorgestelde voorspellingsmodel kan verder verfyn en aangepas word deurdat 'n groter, landwye steekproef van alle observasiegevalle getrek word wat uiteraard 'n groter aantal veranderlikes sal insluit. Weens die versnellingstempo van hersiening met betrekking tot die DSM-IV handleiding en die feit dat sy betroubaarheid bevraagteken word, word aanbeveel dat eties verantwoordelike gedrag aan die kant van psigiaters, sielkundiges en kriminoloe gevolg word sodat praktyke en prosedures wat die regstelsel kan benadeel, geidentifiseer kan word. af
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (x, 265 leaves)
dc.language.iso af af
dc.subject.ddc 364.3730968 en
dc.subject.lcsh Criminal justice, Administration of -- South Africa -- Case studies en
dc.subject.lcsh Criminals -- South Africa -- Classification -- Case studies en
dc.subject.lcsh Criminal liability -- South Africa -- Case studies en
dc.subject.lcsh Criminal behavior -- South Africa -- Case studies en
dc.subject.lcsh Mentally ill offenders -- South Africa -- Case studies en
dc.subject.lcsh Insane -- Commitment and detention -- South Africa -- Case studies en
dc.subject.lcsh Observation (Psychology) -- Case studies en
dc.subject.lcsh Criminal psychology -- Case studies en
dc.title Kriminologiese ontleding van manlike observasiegevalle af
dc.title.alternative A criminological analysis of male observation cases en
dc.type Thesis
dc.description.department Criminology and Security Studies D.Litt. et Phil. (Kriminologie)

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