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Rol van koinonia in kleingroepe in die opbou van die gemeente

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dc.contributor.advisor Theron, Jacques Petrus Johan Du Plessis, Willem Jacobus 2015-01-23T04:24:38Z 2015-01-23T04:24:38Z 1999-06
dc.identifier.citation Du Plessis, Willem Jacobus (1999) Rol van koinonia in kleingroepe in die opbou van die gemeente, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description Text in Afrikaans
dc.description.abstract Die probleemstelling van hierdie studie is naamlik: "Kan die groei of bestaan van kleingroepe in 'n gemeente 'n invloed hê op die vlak van koinonia wat die gemeente beleef." Hierdie vraag het relevant geword omdat die mens waarmee die kerk werk, gedurig verander. Sedert die "verligting" van die sewentiende eeu lewe ons in 'n tyd wat as die "modemisme" bekend staan. Die modemisme word gekenmerk deur die beklem­toning van die rasionele en individualisme van die individu. Sedert die tweede wereldoorlog het daar 'n verskuiwing begin plaasvind van 'n "modemistiese" na 'n "postmodemistiese" samelewing. Die postmodemis ontgogel deur die onvermoe van die modemisme om vrede in die wereld te verseker het 'n behoefte na "community" of koinonia begin ontwikkeL Dit het weer belangrik geword om iewers te behoort. Die tradisionele bedieningspraxis wat baie gesteun het op die beginsels van die modernisme is besig om ontoereikend te word vir die uitdagings van die post­ modernistiese mens. Die doel van hierdie studie is om 'n bedieningspraxis te ondersoek en te beskryf wat die behoefte na koinonia aan spreek - daardie diep innige omgang van mense met mekaar in liefde. Die term verwys na die diep lewens en Iotsverbondenheid wat 'n christelikegeloofsgemeenskap met mekaar behoort te deel. Die tradisionele bedieningspraxis het die ideaal na koinonia in die erediens gesien. Die uitgangspunt van hierdie studie is dat dit nie haalbaar is nie. 'n Nuwe bedieningspraxis waarin die kleingroep prominent figureer is eerder die ruimte waarbinne koinonia beleef kan word. Dit beteken dlat die studie 'n paradigmaskuif voorstaan van 'n tradisioneel "verkondigings" of"Herder-kudde-model" na 'n "liggaams"- of"charismatiesemodel". Die doel van die studie is om die postmoderne mens te lei na geloofsvolwassenheid, dit is die uiteindelike doel van 'n gemeentebouprogram. Hierdie groei na geloofsvolwassenheid is 'n pastorale proses waar lidmate deur 'n egte belewing van koinonia in 'n kleingroep, wat as 'n verlengde familie funksioneer, groei na geloofsvolwassenheid. Die studie steun die "selgemeentemodel" as bedieningspraxis om die groei na geloofsvolwassenheid in 'n gemeente te fasiliteer. Hierdeur sal koinonia as een van die wesenskenmerke van die kerk weer tot sy reg kom in die kerk. af
dc.description.abstract This study deals with the problem statement: "Can the growth or existence of small groups within a congregation influence the level of community experienced within that congregation?" The question is relevant because the church works with everchanging human beings. Since the "revolution" of the seventeenth century, we have been living in a period of "modernism" characterised by the emphasis being placed on rationalism and individualism. Since the Second World War a shift has taken place from a "modernistic" to a "post-modernistic" society. Post-modernistic man, disillusioned by the inability of the modernistic world to ensure peace, has developed a need for community. Involvement with other people and the need to belong has once again become important. Traditional ministry, based on the principles of modernism, has become inadequate to fulfil the challenges and requirements of post-modernistic man. The purpose of this study is to investigate a ministry practice which will address these requirements of community - namely a deep and profound relationship of caring between people. The term refers to a strong bond of common destiny which people should experience within a religious community. Traditional practices of ministry upheld the belief that this ideal of community could be attained within religious services. The premise of this study is that such a level of community is not achieved within traditional ministry practices. A new practice, in which small groups feature prominently, would be more conducive to a spirit of community. The study suggests a paradigm shift from the traditional model of"gospel preaching" or "pastoral-herd", to a more physical or charismatic model. The purpose of this study is to guide post-modernistic man towards religious adulthood, which is the ultimate goal of a congregational building program. This is a pastoral process where members of the congregation grow towards adulthood through a fervent experience of community within a small group, functioning as an extended family. The study promotes the "cell-church model" as appropriate ministry practice to facilitate the congregation's growth towards religious adulthood. Through this approach, community will once more take its rightful place as one of the quintessential features of the church. en
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (326 leaves) en
dc.language.iso af
dc.subject Church concept en
dc.subject Ecclesiology en
dc.subject Concept of officialdom en
dc.subject Congregational building en
dc.subject Pastoral process en
dc.subject Religious adulthood en
dc.subject Religious growth en
dc.subject Practical-theological eccesiology en
dc.subject Comparative ecclesiology en
dc.subject Church model en
dc.subject Modernism en
dc.subject Post-modernism en
dc.subject Koinonia en
dc.subject Community en
dc.subject Spirituality en
dc.subject Small group en
dc.subject Bible study group en
dc.subject Cell en
dc.subject Cell group en
dc.subject Cell group church en
dc.subject.ddc 253.7
dc.subject.lcsh Small groups en
dc.subject.lcsh Church group work en
dc.title Rol van koinonia in kleingroepe in die opbou van die gemeente af
dc.title.alternative The role of koinonia in small groups in the building up of the local church en
dc.type Thesis
dc.description.department Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology Th. D. (Praktiese Teologie)

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