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Bemagtiging van adolessente slagoffers van gesinsgeweld

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dc.contributor.advisor Grobler. H. B. (Mr.) en Olivier, Annelie en 2009-08-25T10:54:40Z 2009-08-25T10:54:40Z 2009-08-25T10:54:40Z 2005-11-30 en
dc.identifier.citation Olivier, Annelie (2009) Bemagtiging van adolessente slagoffers van gesinsgeweld = Empowerment of adolescent victims of family violence, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description.abstract The research deals with the empowerment of adolescent victims of family violence. The purpose of the study was to give an account of the therapeutic intervention process of two case studies, by means of a descriptive, qualitative type of research. This research was executed via semi-structured interviews by the researcher. The population in the study was limited to adolescent victims between the age of twelve to eighteen years, who are victims of family violence. The sample in this study was two respondents. The children are students at a high school in Roodepoort. After completion of the empiric study it was concluded that the adolescent who is exposed to family violence, is empowered if a therapeutic process - like the one suggested by Oaklander (1994:289) which applies gestalt play therapeutic techniques - is followed. As clearly shown in the literature, the researcher came to the conclusion that family violence has a destructive effect on the adolescent and that he can be empowered by gestalt play therapy. OPSOMMING Die navorsing handel oor die bemagtiging van adolessente slagoffers van gesinsgeweld. Die doel van die studie was om deur middel van 'n beskrywende, kwalitatiewe tipe navorsing die terapeutiese intervensieproses van twee gevallestudies te beskryf. Hierdie navorsing het met behulp van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoudvoering geskied. Die populasie in die studie was begrens tot adolessente slagoffers tussen die ouderdom twaalf tot agtien jaar wat slagoffers van gesinsgeweld is. Die steekproef in hierdie studie was twee respondente. Die kinders is verbonde aan 'n hoërskool te Roodepoort. Daar is na afloop van die empiriese studie tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat indien 'n terapeutiese proses - soos wat deur Oaklander (1994:289) voorgestel word met die benutting van gestaltspelterapeutiese tegnieke - deurloop word, die adolessent wat aan gesinsgeweld blootgestel word, bemagtig word. Soos ook uit die literatuur duidelik blyk, het die navorser die afleiding gemaak dat gesinsgeweld vernietigend op die adolessent inwerk en dat hy deur gestaltspelterapie bemagtig kan word. en
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (118 leaves)
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject Gestalt therapy en
dc.subject Gestalt play Therapy en
dc.subject Empower en
dc.subject Adolescent en
dc.subject Developmental phases en
dc.subject Techniques en
dc.subject Family violence en
dc.subject Victim en
dc.subject Therapeutic process en
dc.subject Expose en
dc.subject Gestaltterapie en
dc.subject Gestaltspelterapie en
dc.subject Bemagtig en
dc.subject Adolessent en
dc.subject Ontwikkelingsfase en
dc.subject Tegnieke en
dc.subject Gesinsgeweld en
dc.subject Slagoffer en
dc.subject Terapeutiese proses en
dc.subject Blootstel en
dc.subject.ddc 616.8914
dc.subject.lcsh Child abuse
dc.subject.lcsh Gestalt therapy
dc.subject.lcsh Play therapy
dc.subject.lcsh Adolescent psychotherapy
dc.subject.lcsh Social work with teenagers
dc.subject.lcsh Teenagers--Abuse of
dc.subject.lcsh Victims of family violence
dc.title Bemagtiging van adolessente slagoffers van gesinsgeweld af
dc.title.alternative Empowerment of adolescent victims of family violence en
dc.type Dissertation en
dc.description.department Social work en MDIAC (PLAY THERAPY) en

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