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Verkenning van buffer- en risikofaktore wat ’n rol speel in die ontwikkeling van gehoorgestremde kleuters

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dc.contributor.advisor Van Rensburg, Beatrix Jansen Roux, Marike 2012-01-31T10:25:34Z 2012-01-31T10:25:34Z 2011-02
dc.identifier.citation Roux, Marike (2011) Verkenning van buffer- en risikofaktore wat ’n rol speel in die ontwikkeling van gehoorgestremde kleuters, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description Afrikaans text, abstract in Afrikaans and English en
dc.description.abstract Die doel van die studie is om buffer- en risikofaktore te verken wat ‟n rol in die ontwikkeling van gehoorgestremde kleuters kan speel. Gehoorgestremde kleuters presenteer met ‟n gehoorverlies, wat hul van normaalhorende kleuters onderskei. Tog beskik alle kleuters oor primêre behoeftes. Lewenskwaliteit word verbeter deur behoeftevervulling, wat die ontwikkelingsproses beïnvloed. Hierdie behoeftes word vervul deur die kleuter, asook faktore vanuit die omgewing. ‟n Literatuurstudie is onderneem as teoretiese raamwerk, wat teorieë omtrent die omgewing en behoeftes, buffer- en risikofaktore en kleuterontwikkeling insluit. Data is vanuit ‟n kwalitatiewe benadering ingesamel deur semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude en ekokaarte saamgestel deur ouers van gehoorgestremde kleuters. Kontrolering en integrering van data het deur triangulering geskied. Buffer- en risikofaktore binne kleuters self, die gesin en die breër gemeenskap is verken. Die studie is verkennend en beskrywend, en toegepaste navorsing is gebruik. So is gevolgtrekkinge en aanbevelings gemaak om toepaslike ondersteuning aan ouers van gehoorgestremde kleuters te bewerkstellig. af
dc.description.abstract The aim of the study is to explore the protective and risk factors that may contribute to the development of hearing-impaired toddlers. Hearing impaired toddlers present with a hearing loss, which distinguish them from toddlers with normal hearing. However, all toddlers have primary needs. Quality of life is improved by the fulfilment of needs, which influences the developmental process. These needs are fulfilled by the toddler, as well as by factors from the environment. A literature study was conducted as theoretical framework. This included theories regarding the environment and needs, protective and risk factors, and toddler development. In this qualitative study, data collection was conducted by semi-structured interviews and the compilation of ecomaps by parents of hearing impaired toddlers. Triangulation was used to verify and integrate data. Protective and risk factors were explored within the toddler, the family and the wider community. This study is exploratory and descriptive and applied research was used. In this way conclusions and recommendations were made to provide appropriate support to parents of hearing impaired toddlers. en
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (160 leaves) en
dc.language.iso af en
dc.subject Gehoorgestremdheid af
dc.subject Ekosistemiese Teorie af
dc.subject Gestalt-veldteorie af
dc.subject Behoeftes af
dc.subject Kleuterontwikkeling af
dc.subject Buffer- en Risikofaktore af
dc.subject Ekokaart af
dc.subject Kwalitatiewe Navorsing af
dc.subject Hearing impairment en
dc.subject Ecosystemic Theory en
dc.subject Gestalt Fieldtheory en
dc.subject Needs en
dc.subject Toddler development en
dc.subject Risk and Protective Factors en
dc.subject Ecomap en
dc.subject Qualitative Research en
dc.subject.ddc 155.4512
dc.subject.lcsh Hearing impaired children -- Psychology en
dc.subject.lcsh Hearing impaired children -- Rehabilitation en
dc.subject.lcsh Deaf -- Psychology en
dc.subject.lcsh Gestalt therapy en
dc.subject.lcsh Hearing disorders in children -- Treatment en
dc.title Verkenning van buffer- en risikofaktore wat ’n rol speel in die ontwikkeling van gehoorgestremde kleuters af
dc.title.alternative Exploring the risk and protective factors that contribute to the development of hearing-impaired toddlers en
dc.type Dissertation en
dc.description.department Social Work en M. Diac. (Spelterapie)

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