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A virtual integrated network emulator on xen (viNex)

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dc.contributor.advisor Van der Poll , John Andrew
dc.contributor.advisor Jolliffe, Robert Mark Mukwevho, Mukosi Abraham 2011-02-17T13:28:16Z 2011-02-17T13:28:16Z 2010-11
dc.identifier.citation Mukwevho, Mukosi Abraham (2010) A virtual intergrated networks emulator on xen (viNex), University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description.abstract Network research experiments have traditionally been conducted in emulated or simulated environments. Emulators are frequently deployed on physical networks. Network simulators provide a self-contained and simple environment that can be hosted on one host. Simulators provide a synthetic environment that is only an approximation of the real world and therefore the results might not be a true re ection of reality. Recent progress in virtualisation technologies enable the deployment of multiple interconnected, virtual hosts on one machine. Virtual hosts run real network protocol stacks and therefore provide an emulated environment on a single host. The rst objective of this dissertation is to build a network emulator (viNEX) using a virtualisation platform (XEN). The second objective is to evaluate whether viNEX can be used to conduct some network research experiments. Thirdly, some limitations of this approach are identified en
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (xix, 147 leaves) en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject Virtual computer system en
dc.subject.ddc 004.6
dc.subject.lcsh Computer science en
dc.subject.lcsh Local area networks (Computer networks) en
dc.title A virtual integrated network emulator on xen (viNex) en
dc.type Dissertation en
dc.description.department Computing en M. Sc. (Computer Science)

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