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The policing of illegal squatting in the greenbelts within Weltevreden Park area

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dc.contributor.advisor Montesh, Moses Mabudusha, Sekgololo Angel 2010-07-23T09:16:20Z 2010-07-23T09:16:20Z 2010-05
dc.identifier.citation Mabudusha, Sekgololo Angel (2010) The policing of illegal squatting in the greenbelts within Weltevreden Park area, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description Abstracts in English and Afrikaans en
dc.description.abstract After South Africa’s democratisation in 1994, the areas which had been deemed “only for whites” within the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality (CoJ) were opened to all citizens. These changes attracted a high in-migration of people seeking better living in the CoJ. This influx not only challenged the provision of employment but also impacted negatively on the availability of land and housing and on the maintenance of safety and security by the police. Lack of accommodation forced immigrants to squat in the open spaces (including in the greenbelts) within the CoJ. A literature review provided an understanding of this problem locally and internationally. Semi-structured interviews were also conducted with the affected stakeholders. The findings showed that the measures needed to combat the causes of illegal squatting are beyond police control. The involvement of departments such as Human Development, Labour, Home Affairs and Environmental Management is needed for a successful solution to the problem. en
dc.description.abstract Na Suid-Afrika se demokratisering in 1994, is die areas binne die Johannesburgse Metropolitaanse Munisipaliteit wat aanvanklik as vir “slegs blankes” beskou is, vir alle burgers oopgestel. Hierdie veranderinge het ’n hoë in-migrasie tot gevolg gehad van mense wat op soek was na ’n beter leefwyse in Johannesburg. Hierdie toevloei van mense het nie net aan werkvoorsiening ’n uitdaging gebied nie, maar het ook ’n negatiewe impak gehad op die beskikbaarheid van grondgebied en behuising, sowel as die handhawing van veiligheid en sekuriteit deur die polisie. Die gebrek aan behuising het immigrante gedwing om op oop ruimtes (insluitend die parkgordel) binne Johannesburg te plak. ’n Literatuuroorsig het begrip vir hierdie probleem op plaaslike sowel as internasionale vlak verskaf. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is ook met geaffekteerde belanghebbendes gevoer. Die bevindinge het getoon dat die maatreëls wat benodig word om die oorsake van onwettige plakkery te bestry, buite die polisie se beheer is. Die betrokkenheid van departemente soos Menslike Ontwikkeling, Arbeid, Binnelandse Aangeleenthede en Omgewingsbestuur is nodig ten einde die probleem suksesvol op te los. af
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (x, 136 leaves)
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject Illegal squatters en
dc.subject Democratisation en
dc.subject Greenbelt en
dc.subject Immigrants en
dc.subject Policing en
dc.subject.ddc 307.3360968221
dc.subject.lcsh Rural-urban migration -- South Africa -- Johannesburg en
dc.subject.lcsh Urbanization -- South Africa -- Johannesburg en
dc.subject.lcsh Squatters -- South Africa -- Johannesburg en
dc.subject.lcsh Squatter settlements -- South Africa -- Johannesburg en
dc.subject.lcsh Squatter settlements -- Government policy -- South Africa -- Johannesburg en
dc.subject.lcsh Majorities -- Housing -- South Africa -- Johannesburg en
dc.subject.lcsh Housing -- South Africa -- Johannesburg en
dc.subject.lcsh Greenbelts -- South Africa -- Johannesburg en
dc.subject.lcsh Local government and environmental policy -- South Africa -- Johannesburg en
dc.subject.lcsh Community policing -- South Africa -- Johannesburg en
dc.subject.lcsh Police-community relations -- South Africa -- Johannesburg en
dc.subject.lcsh Crime prevention -- South Africa --Johannesburg en
dc.subject.lcsh Law enforcement -- South Africa -- Johannesburg en
dc.subject.lcsh Johannesburg (South Africa) -- Social conditions en
dc.title The policing of illegal squatting in the greenbelts within Weltevreden Park area en
dc.type Dissertation en
dc.description.department Police Practice M. Tech.(Policing)

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