Employee retention is crucial for organisational efficiency, but South Africa's government departments face challenges as skilled employees often seek more lucrative private sector opportunities. This study explores the relationship between human resources management practices, job satisfaction (JS) and employee retention, within the context of South African immigration services. It further investigates whether JS statistically mediates the human resources management practices and employee retention relationship and examines demographic influences the research variables. This quantitative study targeted a probability sample of 212 government officials, collecting primary data utilising three validated scales.
The study’s findings reveal significant correlations between human resource management practices and employee retention, with JS acting as a mediator. Dissatisfaction is evident in pay, promotion and operating procedures. While most demographic variables yield no significant differences, job levels emerged as an exception. The study provides insights and recommendations for enhancing employee retention in South African government departments, offering guidance for implementing measures across the public service.
Go boloka badiri ke karolo nngwe e e botlhokwa ya tsamaiso bonolo ya setlamo efela mafapha a puso ya Aforika Borwa a lebagane le dikgwetlho ka badiri ba ba nang le bokgoni, bao ba tsamayang go kwa ya ditshonong tse di kgatlhisang tsa kwa maphateng a poraefete. Patlisiso e e batlisisa kamano magareng ga ditiragatso tsa Botsamaisi jwa Badiri, go kgotsofalela tiro (JS) le go boloka badiri, ka fa molebong wa ditirelo tsa bofaladi tsa Aforika Borwa. E batlisisa gape le gore a fa JS, ka mokgwa wa tiriso ya thutadipalo, e tsereganya kamano magareng ga ditiragatso tsa botsamaisi jwa badiri le go boloka badiri, mme e tlhatlhobe mokgwa oo palobatho e tlhotlheletsang dipharologanyo tsa patlisiso. Patlisiso e ya khwaletheithifi e ne e labile sampole ya badiredi ba puso ba le 212, mme gape e kokoanya tshedimosetso ka go dirisa dikale tse di tlhomamisitsweng di le tharo.
Diphitlhelelo tsa patlisiso di senola dikamano tse di botlhokwa magareng ga ditiragatso tsa botsamaisi jwa badiri le go boloka badiri, mme gape le gore JS e dira jaaka motsereganyi. Bosupi jwa go se kgotsofale bo bonagala mo go duelweng, go tlhatlhosiwa mo tirong le mo mekgweng ya go dira. Le fa bontsi jwa dipharologanyo tsa palobatho di sa tlhagise pharologanyo e e kalo, maemo a tiro a tsweletse a tlhaolegile. Patlisiso e neelana ka temogo le dikatlanegiso tsa go tokafatsa go boloka badiri mo mafapheng a puso ya Aforika Borwa, mme gape di neelana ka kaelo ya go tsenyatirisong dikgato mo tirelong tsa setšhaba ka bophara
Go swara basomi go bohlokwa go bokgoni bja mokgatlo, eupsa dikgoro tsa mmuso wa Afrika Borwa di lebane le ditlhohlo ka ge basomi ba bokgoni gantsi ba nyaka dibaka tse dikaone lekaleng la praebete. Nyakisiso ye e nyakisisa kamano gare ga mekgwa ya taolo ya methopo ya batho, go kgotsofala mosomong (JS) le go swara basomi, ka maemo a ditirelo tsa bofaladi ka Afrika Borwa. E nyakisisa gape ge e le gore JS ka dipalopalo e rarolla mekgwa ya taolo ya methopo ya batho le kamano ya go swara basomi le go lekola khuetso ya temokrafi ya phetogo ya nyakisiso. Nyakisiso ya bontsi yeo e lebantsego disupo tsa kgonagalo tsa basomi ba mmuso ba 212, ya kgoboketsa data ye kgolo go somisa dikala tse di kgonthisitswego tse tharo
Dikutollo tsa nyakisiso di tsweletsa kamano ye kgolo gare ga mekgwa ya taolo ya methopo ya batho le go swara basomi, le JS e soma bjalo ka morarolli. Go se kgotsofale go bontshitswe tabeng ya mogolo, tlhahloso le ditshepediso tsa go soma. Mola diphetogo tse dintsi tsa temokrafi di sa tsweletse diphapano tse bohlokwa, magato a mosomo a tswelela bjalo ka ao a sa akaretswego. Nyakisiso e fa dipono le maele a go kaonafatsa go swara basomi mo dikgorong tsa mmuso wa Afrika Borwa, ba aba tlhahlo ya go phethagatsa ditekanyetso go phatlalala le tirelo ya setshaba