The aim of this study was to the investigate the role of financial and fiscal reforms in upscaling renewable energy access for the business sector as a mechanism to promote sustainability, reduce carbon emissions, and enhance energy security in South Africa. The literature review analysed the available incentives for South African businesses to establish policy impediments towards energy security and decarbonisation goals. This qualitative, comparative review benchmarked best policy practice in China, Denmark, India, and Germany, as countries that have advanced in their transition towards renewable energy. The findings of the study indicate that the cost of compliance is high and fiscal instruments are onerous and complex. Furthermore, some businesses lack awareness of their eligibility to access renewable energy tax incentives. For financial instruments, the predetermined rate is critical in ensuring that an excessive burden is not imposed on the fiscus. The study recommends simplifying the design of financial and fiscal instruments to ensure that more South African businesses upscale renewable energy investments. Additionally, lowering the administrative costs of compliance as well as limiting the multiple agencies that govern financial and fiscal reforms can contribute towards simplifying the administrative and regulatory burden.
Tshipikwa tsha ngudo iyi ndi u sedzulusa mushumo wa tshanduko dza masheleni na dza ikonomi kha u alusa fulufulu ḽi vusuludzeaho u itela u swikelela sekhithara ya vhubindudzi sa kushumele kwa u bveledza u ṱuṱuwedza ho khwaṱhaho kana u dzingindela u fhungudza u phaḓalala ha khaboni na u khwaṱhisedza tsireledzo ya fulufulu kha ḽa Afrika Tshipembe. Maṅwalwa o sengulusa u wanala ha zwiṱukuṱuku zwa mbadelo kha mabindu a Afrika Tshipembe u itela u thoma phoḽisi ya ṱhuṱhuwedzo yo livhiswaho kha tsireledzo ya fulufulu na zwipikwa zwa u fhelisa khaboni. Tsedzuluso ya mbambedzo ya khwaḽithethivi yo ela phoḽisi dza khwiṋesa dzi itwaho kana yo edzwaho kha ḽa China, Denmark, India na Germany, sa mashango o bveledzaho tshanduko yao u ya kha fulufulu ḽo vusuludzwaho. Mawanwa a ngudo o sumbedza uri mutengo wa u tevhedza u nṱha na zwishumiswa zwa ikonomi zwi khou lemela na u konḓa. Zwiṅwe hafhu, maṅwe mabindu a shaya tshenzhelo ya u tea hao u swikelela zwiṱuṱuwedzi zwa muthelo zwa fulufulu ḽo vusuludzwaho. U itela zwishumiswa zwa masheleni, phimo yo dzulaho yo tiwa ndi ya ndeme kha u khwaṱhisedza uri muhwalo muhulu a u khou engedzwa kha ikonomi. Ngudo dzi themendela u leludza nyolo dza zwishumiswa zwa masheleni na zwa ikonomi u khwaṱhisedza uri mabindu manzhi a Afrika Tshipembe a gonyisa u bindudza kha fulufulu ḽo vusuludzwaho. Nṱhani ha izwo, hu na u fhungudza mbadelo dza ndaulo ya u tevhedza khathihi na u fhima mazhendedzi manzhi ane a langa tshanduko ya masheleni na ya ikonomi na u kona u dzhenelela kha u leludza muhwalo wa ndaulo na wa ndangulo.
Maikaelelo a thutopatlisiso eno e ne e le go sekaseka seabe sa diphetogo tsa ditšhelete mo go oketseng phitlhelesego ya maatla a a ntšhwafatsegang mo lephateng la kgwebo, e le sediriswa sa go tsweletsa tsweletsego, go fokotsa tlhagiso ya khabone le go tokafatsa go nna teng ga maatla mo Aforikaborwa. Tshekatsheko ya dikwalo e lokolotse diketleetso tse di bonwang ke dikgwebo tsa Aforikaborwa gore di tlhame dipholisi tsa ditshiamelo tse di lebisang kwa go nneng teng ga maatla le maitlhomo a go fedisa khabone. Tshekatsheko eno ya khwalitatifi le papiso e lekanyetsa ditiragatso tse di gaisang tsa dipholisi kwa Tšhaena, Denmark, India le Jeremane, jaaka dinaga tse di setseng di tsweletse pele mo go kgabaganyetseng kwa maatleng a a ntšhwafatsegang. Diphitlhelelo tsa thutopatlisiso di supa gore ditshenyegelo tsa kobamelo di kwa godimo mme didiriswa tsa ditšhelete di opisa tlhogo e bile di marara. Mo godimo ga moo, dikgwebo dingwe ga di na kitso ya gore di ka fitlhelela diketleetso tsa lekgetho la maatla a a ntšhwafatsegang. Malebana le didiriswa tsa ditšhelete, kelo e e setseng e beilwe e botlhokwa go netefatsa gore matlotlo a naga ga a rwesiwe mokgweleo o o boitshegang. Thutopatlisiso e atlenegisa gore go nolofadiwe moralo wa didiriswa tsa ditšhelete le matlotlo go netefatsa gore dikgwebo tsa Aforikaborwa di le dintsi di oketsa dipeeletso tsa maatla a a ntšhwafadiwang. Go tlaleletsa moo, go fokotsa ditshenyegelo tsa tsamaiso ya kobamelo gammogo le go lekanyetsa palo ya ditheo tse dintsi tse di tsamaisang diphetogo tsa ditšhelete go ka akgela mo go nolofatseng mokgweleo wa tsamaiso le taolo.