Lolucwaningo luhlola ligalelo letindzaba letimfishane teSiswati ekulondvoloteni emasiko, imihambo nemagugu esive seMaswati laseNingizimu Afrika. Ngenca yekwandza kwekukhatsateka mayelana nekulahleka kwetincenye temasiko, imihambo kanye nemagugu alesive, lolucwaningo lugcile ekucilongeni kusebenta kwetindzaba letimfishane njengemtfombo lolondvolote letinsika temasiko lekukhatsatekwe ngato, kanye nekutedlulisela phambili kusitukulwane lesitawulandzela. Lolucwaningo lusebentise indlela yekhwalithethivu kwentela kuhlatiya umongo walokucuketfwe etindzabeni letimfishane letikhetsiwe kanye netingcikitsi tato, kakhulu leto letitsintsa emasiko, imihambo kanye nemagugu ebuve beMaswati. Kusetjentiswe sakhiwonchanti se-Africentric njengetiyori lechaza kabanti ngemongo wekulondvolotwa kwemasiko, imihambo nemagugu eBuswati kumibhalo yetindzaba letimfishane teSiswati. Imiphumela kulolucwaningo ibuke kutfutfukisa lwati mayelana neligalelo letindzaba letimfishane teSiswati ekulondvoloteni temasiko, iphindze ivule nemehlo ebafundzisi, tishayamtsetfo nebaholi bemmango labanelugcozi lwekuphakamisa emasiko, imihambo kanye nemagugu ebuve beMaswati etinkingeni talomuhla.
This study explores the role played by Siswati short stories in safeguarding the culture, norms, and heritage of the Emaswati community in South Africa. Against the backdrop of escalating concerns regarding the erosion of Emaswati culture, norms, and heritage, the study aims to analyze the effectiveness of short stories as conduits for the preservation and transmission of these cultural elements across successive generations. Employing a qualitative research approach, the study conducted an exhaustive analysis of the content and thematic elements present in Siswati short stories, with specific attention given to narratives addressing the cultural, normative, and heritage dimensions of Emaswati. The study has utilized Afrocentricity theory as its guiding framework, aiming to illuminate the preservation of cultural norms and heritage within Siwati short stories, while also delving into the contextual intricacies of the research. The findings of this study serve to enhance comprehension of the role of short stories in cultural preservation whilst providing actionable insights for educators, policymakers, and community leaders striving to uphold the Emaswati cultural heritage amidst contemporary challenges.