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The lived experiences of psychologists working in correctional centres in Gauteng, South Africa

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dc.contributor.advisor Fourie, M.E. Harripersadh, Shonitha 2024-09-03T12:53:49Z 2024-09-03T12:53:49Z 2022-03
dc.description Text in English with summaries in English, Afrikaans and Malagasy en
dc.description.abstract Psychologists are one of the groups of professionals tasked with the quintessential role of correcting offending behaviour through a rehabilitation process, thereby curbing the rate of recidivism and enhancing societies. However, the turnover rate of psychology professionals in the Department of Correctional Services (DCS) has become a significant concern over the years. The number of psychologists employed in the DCS is relatively low in relation to the number of offenders incarcerated at the correctional centres. This becomes a challenge in providing effective rehabilitative services to offenders. To make sense of the high turnover rate, this study explored the lived experiences of psychologists working in the Gauteng Region correctional centres. A qualitative, interpretative phenomenological approach (IPA) was employed to explore and interpret how psychologists experience, perceive and make meaning of themselves and their world within the correctional context. Purposive sampling was employed to select a sample of thirteen (13) participants, and semi-structured interviews were conducted with each participant to gain a deeper understanding of their experiences within the correctional context. The transcripts were analysed using IPA methods to interpret and derive meanings about the participant’s experiences. Nine (09) master themes and 47 superordinate themes were identified and extensively discussed. The outcome of the study clearly identified the reasoning’s / motivations as to why psychologists choose to resign from the DCS after working for only a limited period. Based on the findings of the study, recommendations have been provided that will assist the DCS in the implementation of an effective retention strategy for psychologists. en
dc.description.abstract Sielkundiges is een van die groepe professionele persone wat die hoofrol het om oortredende gedrag deur 'n rehabilitasieproses reg te stel en sodoende die tempo van herhaling te beperk en samelewings te verbeter. Die omsetkoers van sielkundige professionele persone in die Departement van Korrektiewe Dienste (DKD) het egter oor die jare 'n groot bekommernis geword. Die aantal sielkundiges wat in die DKD in diens is, is relatief minder in verhouding tot die aantal oortreders wat by die korrektiewe sentrums opgesluit is. Dit word 'n uitdaging om effektiewe rehabilitasiedienste aan oortreders te verskaf. In 'n poging om sin te maak van die hoë omsetkoers, het hierdie studie die geleefde ervarings van sielkundiges wat in die Gauteng Streek korrektiewe sentrums werk, ondersoek. 'n Kwalitatiewe, interpretatiewe fenomenologiese benadering (IPA) is aangewend om te verken en te interpreteer hoe sielkundiges ervaar, waarneem en betekenis van hulself en hul wêreld binne die korrektiewe konteks maak. Doelgerigte steekproefneming is gebruik om 'n steekproef van dertien (13) deelnemers te kies en semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is met elke deelnemer gevoer om 'n dieper begrip van hul ervarings binne die korrektiewe konteks te verkry. Die transkripsies is met behulp van IPA-metodes ontleed om die deelnemer se ervarings te interpreteer en betekenisse af te lei. Nege (09) meestertemas en 47 superordinate temas is geïdentifiseer en breedvoerig bespreek. Die uitkoms van die studie het duidelik die redenasies/motiverings geïdentifiseer oor hoekom sielkundiges kies om uit die DKD te bedank nadat hulle vir slegs 'n beperkte tydperk gewerk het. Gebaseer op die bevindinge van die studie, is aanbevelings verskaf wat die DKD sal help met die implementering van 'n effektiewe retensiestrategie vir sielkundiges af
dc.description.abstract Sehlopha sa dingaka tsa mahloko a kelello ke se seng sa dihlopha tsa bohlokwa tse itshupileng haholo ha re tla lefapheng la Tlhabollo ya Batshwaruwa (DCS), haholo jwang ha re tla tabeng tsa ho leka ho fokotsa botlokotsebe le ntshetso pele ntlafatsong ya sechaba sa rona. Ke ka hona re bonang Lefapha la Tlhabollo ya Ba Tshwaruwa (DCS) le tsitlalleng ho hira ditsebi tsa mahloko a kellello ho leka ho lwantshwana le taba ena ya botlokotsebe bo jeleng setsi ha ka na. Ho bonahala e le taba e tla nka nako e telele pele e tla loka hobane dipalopalo di bothsa e le hore lenale la dingaka tsa mahloko a kelello le tlase haholo ha re le bapisa le lenane la batshwaruwa ba leng ditlamong ka sena sebaka. Ka hona ho batla ho ba boima ho lefapha ho fana ka tshebeletso tsa otlolohileng ha re tla ntlheng ya thlabollo ya batshwaruwa. E le ho leka ho utlwisisa kapa ho na ho fihlela sehlohlolong sa ditaba ha re tla nthleng a sitisang tlhabollo ya batshwaruwa. Ke ka hona ke ileng ka nka qeto ya ho etsa dipatliso ho latela sengolwa sena (research/study), ka hona ke bile le dipuisano le dingaka tse sebelletsang lefapha la Tlhabollo ya Batshwaruwa tlase ho Profinisi ya lebatowa la Gauteng. Mme dipatlisios tsena di entswe ho latela mokhoa o bitswang (Qualitative Research) mme wa qapodiswa ka mokgwa wa boleng o bitswang feela ho re ke (IPA: Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis) ho leka ho ba le boiphihlelo kapa boitsibelo ba ho re na dingaka tsena tsa mahloko a kelello di fihlella jwang moelelo mosebetsing wa bona ha re tla mosebetsing wa bona wa ho hlabolla batshwaruwa. Ke ngaka tsa mahloko a kellello tse ka bang (13) leshome le nang le metso e meraro tseo ke ileng ka kena dipuiosanong le tsona e le ho seka seka taba ya tlhabollo ya batshwaruwa. Dipuisano tsaka le bona di ile tsa qapodiswa ho latela mokgwa wa (IPA) ho leka ho utlwisisa ho re dingaka tsena tsa mahloko a kelello di fumana moelelo jwang mosebetsing ona wa bona o boima wa ho hlabolla batshwaruwa. Mme dipuisanong tsena ke fihlelletse lenane la dihlooho tse ka bang robong (09) le tse (47) mashome a mane a metso e supileng tse ka sehloohong tseo sengolwa kapa thuto ena e di hlalositseng ka botebo. Ka hona dipatlisiso di bontshitse ka botlalo mabaka a etsang hore dingaka tsena tsa mahloko a kellello di phumane di tsamaya lefapheng la tlhabollo ya batshwaruwa ka morao ho sebetsa nako e kgutshwane haholo lefapheng ka baka la ho senatefelwe ke ho etsa mosebetsi wa bona wa thlabollo ya batshwaruwa. Mme ho ya ka dipatlisiso tsa sengolwa sena ke lekile ho tla ka metjha eo lefapha la Tlhabollo ya batshwaruwa e ka latelang ho fokotsa tshubutlhellano eo dingaka tsa mahloko a kellello di tsamayang ka yona lefapheng. st
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (xvi, 373 leaves) en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject SDG 3 Good Health and Well-being en
dc.subject.other UCTD en
dc.title The lived experiences of psychologists working in correctional centres in Gauteng, South Africa en
dc.type Thesis en
dc.description.department Psychology en Ph. D. (Psychology) en

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