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Township clinic employees’ experience of the influence of an employee assistance programme on their wellness

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dc.contributor.advisor Van Niekerk, A. Mnisi, Nwabisa 2024-08-17T16:21:20Z 2024-08-17T16:21:20Z 2023-08-28
dc.description Text in English, abstracts in English, Tswana and Zulu en
dc.description.abstract This study investigated the experience of the influence of an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) on township clinic employee’s wellness. A qualitative research approach in line with the interpretivist paradigm was used in this study. Ten participants were used as a sample to collect data for this study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to collect data. The literature review study aimed to conceptualise wellness, its related constructs, and the experience of the influence of an EAP on employees' wellness. The empirical study aimed at discovering the level of employee understanding of an EAP and its purpose, exploring the obstacles that employees face in utilising EAPs. Furthermore, the empirical study aimed at understanding how township clinic employees perceive an EAP's impact on wellness. The study discovered recommendations for enhancing the EAP and proposed interventions to assist with communication, employee participation, and assisting all stakeholders involved in improving EAP effectiveness at the clinic. en
dc.description.abstract Phuputso ena e batlisitse boiphihlelo ba basebeletsi ba tleliniking ya makeisheneng ba Lenaneo la Thuso ya Basebetsi (EAP) le tshusumetso ya lona bophelong bo botle ba bona. Patlisisong ena, ho sebedisitswe mokgwa wa patlisiso ya boleng bo tsamaelanang le motho ya hlalosang. Baithuti ba leshome ba ile ba etswa disampole mme ba botswa dipotso ka dipuisano tse hlophisitsweng ho bokella dintlha. Hlahlobo ya dingolwa e entswe ho fana ka maikutlo a bophelo bo botle, kaho e amanang le yona, le tshusumetso ya boiphihlelo ba EAP ho bophelo bo botle ba basebetsi. Boithuto bo matla bo reretswe ho sibolla boemo ba kutlwisiso ya basebetsi ba EAP le sepheo sa yona, le ho hlahloba ditshitiso tseo basebetsi ba tobanang le tsona ha ba sebedisa di-EAP. E boetse e batla ho utlwisisa hore na basebetsi ba lemohile jwang phello ya EAP bophelong ba bona bo botle. Boithuto bona bo etsa dikgothaletso bakeng sa ho ntlafatsa EAP le ho sisinya mehato ya ho kenella ho thusa ka puisano le bonkakarolo ba basebetsi, le ho thusa bankakarolo bohle ba amehang ho ntlafatseng katleho ya EAP tleliniking. tn
dc.description.abstract Lolu cwaningo lucwaninge ngalokho abasebenzi basemitholampilo yasemalokishini ababhekene nakho ngokomthelela wohlelo lokusingathwa kwabasebenzi (we-EAP) maqondana nokuphila kwabo. Kusetshenziswe indlela yocwaningo yekhwalithethivu ngokuhambisanayo nesimo sokuqonda ngokuhumusha kulolu cwaningo. Kwasetshenziswa ababambiqhaza abayishumi njengamasampula kwaxoxwa nabo kulandelwa uhlelo lwemibuzo esangahlelwa kabusha ukuqoqa imininingwane. Kwabhekwa izincwadi kwenzelwa ukucabanga ngokuqonda maqondana nokuphila kahle, okuhlobene nokwakheka kwako kanye nomthelela we-EAP ekuphileni kahle kwabasebenzi. Ucwaningo olufakazelwe kuhloswe ngalo ukuba kutholakale izinga lokuqonda kwabasebenzi i-EAP nenjongo yayo, nokuhlola izithiyo abasebenzi ababhekana nazo ekusebenziseni ama-EAP. Luphinde lwafuna ukuqonda indlela abasebenzi abawubona ngayo umthelela we-EAP ekuphileni kahle kwabo. Ucwaningo lwenza izincomo zokuthuthukisa i-EAP futhi luphakamisa ukungenelela ukuze kulekelele ekuxhumaneni nasekuzibandakanyeni kwabasebenzi, futhi kusize bonke ababambiqhaza abathintekayo ekuthuthukiseni ukusebenza kwe-EAP emtholampilo. zu
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (ix, 108 leaves) : illustrations (color) en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject Employee Assistance Programme en
dc.subject Wellness en
dc.subject Employee wellness en
dc.subject Influence en
dc.subject Township clinics en
dc.subject Experience en
dc.subject Semi-structured interviews en
dc.subject Interpretive en
dc.subject Qualitative research en
dc.subject Health Studies (Medicine) en
dc.subject SDG 3 Good Health and Well-being en
dc.subject EAP tn
dc.subject Bophelo bo botle tn
dc.subject Bophelo bo botle ba basebetsi tn
dc.subject Tshusumetso tn
dc.subject Ditliliniki tsa makeisheneng tn
dc.subject Phihlelo tn
dc.subject Dipuisano tse se nang sebopeho tn
dc.subject Ya hlalosang tn
dc.subject Dipatlisiso tsa boleng tn
dc.subject I-EAP zu
dc.subject Ukuphila kahle zu
dc.subject Ukuphila kahle kwabasebenzi zu
dc.subject Umthelela zu
dc.subject Imitholampilo yasemalokishini zu
dc.subject Okubhekwene nakho zu
dc.subject Izingxoxo ezinemibuzo esangahlelwa kabusha zu
dc.subject Okuhlaziyekayo ukuze kuqondwe zu
dc.subject Ucwaningo lwekhwalithethivu zu
dc.subject.other UCTD en
dc.title Township clinic employees’ experience of the influence of an employee assistance programme on their wellness en
dc.type Dissertation en
dc.description.department Industrial and Organisational Psychology en M. Com. (Commerce) en

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