The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) provides social grants to millions of vulnerable and impoverished members of society. Social grants are the government's response to poverty, as unemployment and poverty are at their highest levels since 2008. The social grants are intended to help those with low income. While social grants are intended to alleviate poverty and unemployment, there is an increase in the mistreatment and abuse of vulnerable grant recipients.
The objective of the study was to explore the nature of SASSA grant fraud in the Kgobokwane Village, Limpopo, gain insight into the lived experiences of the SASSA grant scam victims in Kgobokwane, and establish informed recommendations based on the findings of the study. A qualitative approach, together with one-on-one semi-structured interviews, were used to obtain information from participants. The sample consisted of eight SASSA grant recipients who were victims of the SASSA scam in the Kgobokwane area. An interview schedule with predetermined questions was used to obtain data. The data were analysed thematically, through coding and categorising. The study intends to make a significant contribution to gaining a better understanding of social grant fraud in Kgobokwane and to raise awareness that will empower the community and policymakers.
The general findings of the study revealed that social grant fraud has a diverse population, and victims reported suffering from financial, emotional, physical and psychological harm. The study found that deception and abuse of trust were employed to victimise participants. The study advocates for a social assistance framework to help victims, improve their lives and address victimisation. The framework consists of seven components that advance efforts to reduce future victimisation through victim empowerment, education and raising awareness. Recommendations made will assist the community of Kgobokwane, the citizens who stand to benefit from the study, the government, and policymakers in making informed decisions regarding social grant fraud.
Setheo sa Tšhireletšo ya Leago sa Afrika Borwa (SASSA) se fa dithušo tša leago go dimilione tša maloko a setšhaba ao a hlokago. Dithušo tša leago ke mokgwa wa mmušo wa go šogana le bohloki, ka ge tlhokego ya mešomo le bohloki di le maemong a tšona a godimodimo go tloga ka 2008. Dithušo tša leago di reretšwe go thuša bao ba hwetšago letseno la fase. Le ge dithušo tša leago di reretšwe go fokotša bohloki le tlhokego ya mešomo, go na le koketšego ya tshwarompe le tšhomišompe ya baamogedi ba dithušo bao ba hlokago.
Maikemišetšo a nyakišišo ye e be e le go nyakišiša mohuta wa bomenetša bja dithušo tša SASSA ka Motseng wa Kgobokwane, Limpopo, go hwetša kwešišo ya maitemogelo a batšwasehlabelo ba bomenetša bja dithušo tša SASSA go la Kgobokwane, le go tiišetša ditšhišinyo go ya ka dikutullo tša nyakišišo ye. Mokgwa wa khwalithethifi, mmogo le dipoledišano tša motho ka o tee ka o tee tšeo di rulagantšwego seripa, di šomišitšwe go hwetša tshedimošo go tšwa go bakgathatema. Sampole e be e na le baamogedi ba seswai ba thušo ya SASSA bao e bego e le batšwasehlabelo ba bomenetša bja SASSA tikologong ya Kgobokwane. Lenaneo la poledišano leo le nago le dipotšišo tšeo di beakantšwego pele le dirišitšwe go hwetša datha. Datha e sekasekilwe go ya ka kgwekgwe, go khouta le go tlhopha. Maikemišetšo a nyakišišo ke go ba le seabe se segolo mo go kwešišeng bokaone bomenetša bja dithušo tša leago go la Kgobokwane le go godiša temošo yeo e tlago matlafatša setšhaba le batšweletši ba melawana.
Dikutullo tša kakaretšo tša nyakišišo ye di utulotše gore bomenetša bja dithušo tsa leago bo ka mehuta ya go fapafapana, gomme batšwasehlabelo ba begile gore ba tlaišwa ke go tshwenyega ka tšhelete, maikutlo, mmele le monagano. Nyakišišo e hweditše gore boradia le tšhomišompe ya potagalelo di šomišitšwe go tlaiša batšwasehlabelo. Nyakišišo e thekga gore go be le foreimiweke ya dithušo tša leago go thuša batšwasehlabelo, go kaonafatša maphelo a bona le go rarolla bothata bja tlaišo. Foreimiweke ye e na le dikarolo tše šupa tšeo di tšwetšago pele maitapišo a go fokotša go tlaišwa ka moso ka matlafatšo ya batšwasehlabelo, thuto le go oketša temošo. Ditšhišinyo tše di dirilwego di tla thuša setšhaba sa Kgobokwane, badudi bao ba tlago go holega go nyakišišo ye,mmušo, le batšweletši ba melawana go tšea diphetho tše di nago le tsebo mabapi le bomenetša bja dithušo tša leago.
I-Ejensi Yezokuphepha Komphakathi yaseNingizimu Afrika (ebuye yaziwe ngokuthi yi-SASSA) ihlinzeka ngezibonelelo zikahulumeni kuyizigidi zamalungu omphakathi abuthakathaka ngokomnotho nampofu. Izibonelelo zikahulumeni ziyimpendulo kahulumeni ebuphofini, njengoba ukuntuleka kwemisebenzi kanye nobubha kusezingeni eliphezulu kusukela ngonyaka wezi-2008. Izibonelelo zikahulumeni zihloselwe ukusiza labo abahola kancane. Nakuba izibonelelo zikahulumeni kuhloswe ngazo ukuqeda ubumpofu kanye nokuntuleka kwemisebenzi, kuyakhula ukungaphathwa kahle nokuhlukunyezwa kwabamukeli bezibonelelo-mali njengoba babasencupheni.
Inhloso yocwaningo kwakuwukuhlola uhlobo lokukhwabaniswa kwezibonelelo ze-SASSA e-Kgobokwane Village, eLimpopo, ukuthola ulwazi mayelana nezisulu zomkhonyovu we-SASSA eKgobokwane, futhi kutholwe izincomo ezinolwazi ezisekelwe kokutholwe yilolu cwaningo. Indlela yekhwalithethivu, kanye nenhlolokhono yezingxoxo ezenziwa ubuzo nobuso futhi ezihleleke ngokungagcwele, yasetshenziswa ukuthola ulwazi kubahlanganyeli. Isampula ibihlanganisa abantu abayisishiyagalombili abathola isibonelelo sikahulumeni kwa-SASSA ababeyizisulu zomkhonyovu wakwa-SASSA endaweni yaseKgobokwane. Kusetshenziswe ishejuli yenhlolokhono enemibuzo enqunywe kusengaphambili ukuze kutholwe idatha. Idatha ihlaziywe ngokwetimu, ngokubhala amakhodi nokuhlukanisa ngezigaba. Ucwaningo luhlose ukuba negalelo elikhulu ekuqondeni kangcono ukukhwabanisa kwezibonelelo zikahulumeni e-Kgobokwane kanye nokuqwashisa okuzohlomisa umphakathi nabakhi bezinqubomgomo.
Okutholwe ocwaningweni jikelele kuveze ukuthi ukukhwabanisa kwezibonelelo zikahulumeni kwenzeke kubantu abahlukahlukene, futhi izisulu zibike ukuthi zihlukumezekile ngokwezimali, emoyeni, ngokomzimba nangokwengqondo. Ucwaningo luthole ukuthi ukukhohliswa nokuhlukumeza ukwethenjwa kwasetshenziswa ukuze kuhlukumeze ababambiqhaza. Lolu cwaningo lukhuthaza uhlaka losizo lwezenhlalakahle ukusiza izisulu, ukuthuthukisa izimpilo zabo kanye nokubhekana nokuhlukunyezwa. Lolu hlaka luqukethe izingxenye eziyisikhombisa eziqhubekisela phambili imizamo yokunciphisa ukuhlukumezeka esikhathini esizayo ngokunika izisulu amandla, imfundo kanye nokuqwashisa. Izincomo ezenziwe zizosiza umphakathi wase-Kgobokwane, izakhamizi ezizohlomula kulolu cwaningo, uhulumeni, kanye nabakhi benqubomgomo ekwenzeni izinqumo ezinolwazi mayelana nokukhwabanisa kwezibonelelo zikahulumeni.