The purpose of the study was to explore and describe nurse educators’ experiences
with nursing education and training transformation in the Free State province. The
study was conducted at the two campuses of a nursing college in the Free State. A
descriptive explorative interpretative qualitative study was conducted. The research population was nurse educators in the nursing college in the Free State. Nonprobability
purposive sampling was done to recruit participants, and data were
collected through in-depth interviews with ten nurse educators in the nursing college.
An interview guide was developed and pretested for trustworthiness.
Data analysis was done concurrently with data collection, using a “hands-on” process,
also known as “dwelling on” data by the researcher. The researcher listened to audio
recordings and reread the transcriptions to immerse herself in the collected data. The
thematic approach was employed. The categories were clustered into subthemes and
grouped to form themes: 1) Transformation processes, 2) Availability of resources, 3)
Organisational factors, and 4) New nursing programme. A continuous comparison was
employed across the categories and themes to develop meanings.
The study’s findings indicated lack of involvement and communication challenges
triggered emotional responses among participants. They also reported a lack of
resources and management’s inability to deal with change processes that had a
negative impact on new programmes’ implementation. Hence, recommendations were made for nursing education to strengthen clinical practice and for further research
studies to facilitate the effective rendering of the new programmes. The study
concludes that in order for any educational transformation to be successful, nurse
educators’ experiences, beliefs, perceptions and views must be recognised.
Sepheho sa boithuto e ne e le ho fuputsa le ho hlalosa boiphihlelo ba barupelli ba
baoki malebana le phetoho ya thuto le kwetliso ya Baoki ba Freisetata; Afrika Boroa.
Diphuputso tsena di ile tsa etswa dikampong tse pedi tsa sekolo sa booki Freisetata.
Ho ile ha etswa boithuto ba boleng bo hlalosang-hlahlobo. Mohlala wa batho ba
ithutwang e ne e le barupelli ba baoki sekolong sa Booki Freisetata. Kgetho-mohlala
ka maikemisetso, ntle le bonnete ba kenelo sehlopheng (Non-probability Purposive
Sampling) e ile ya etswa ho thaotha barupelli. Dintlha li ile tsa bokellwa ka dipuisano
tse tebileng le barupelli ba leshome ba baoki sekolong sa booki. Ho ile ha sebeliswa
tataiso ya dipuisano e entsweng mme ya lekwa esale pele hore na e ka tsheptjwa
mme ha etswa mongolo oa dintlha tse hatisitsweng. Hlahlobo ya dintlha e entswe ka
nako e le nngwe le pokello ya dintlha, ho sebeliswa mokhwa wa matsoho o tsejwang,
hape e le "ho dula holima" pokellotaba ke mofuputsi. Mofuputsi o ile a mamela
dikhatiso, mme a bala dingoliloeng hape, ho ikakgela ka setotswana ho taba tse
bokeletsweng. Mokhwa wa Thematic o ile wa sebeliswa. Dihlopha di ile tsa
kopanngwa ka dihlowana, mme tsa arolwa ho etsa dihlooho, mme papiso e
tswellwang pele e ile ya sebeliswa ho phatlalla le dihlopha le dihlooho ho hlahisa
moelelo. Diphuputso tsa thuto di bontshitse 1) Phetoho tsamaisong 2) Pokeletso ya
disebedisoa 3) Maemo a tsamaiso le 4) Thupello tse ntjha. Ka hona, dikhothaletso tse
entsweng e ne e le tsamaisong ya thuto ya booki, ho matlafatsa ditshebeletso tsa
lefapha la bophelo bo botle; le phuputso tse ka tswelletswang pele ho phetahatsa
boleng ba mananeo a matjha. Boithuto bo dumela hore phetoho e phetahatseng
thutong e hloka ho ananelwa ha boiphihlelo , tumelo, temoho le maikutlo a barupelli
ba baoki.