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Individualisation of glass in motor vehicle accidents

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dc.contributor.advisor Horne, Juanida Van der Linden, Charlize 2024-06-19T11:54:13Z 2024-06-19T11:54:13Z 2010-08
dc.description.abstract The intention with this research is to determine how physical matching of glass can be used as individualization technique in hit-and-run incidents by South African Police Service investigators, forensic analysts and forensic specialists. Another aim of this research is to establish the importance of physical matching as an investigative tool to identify the suspect of a hit-and-run crime scene. An introduction, definition and explanation are given of certain key theoretical concepts such as physical matching, individualization, motor vehicle accidents, hit-and-run accidents, forensic and criminal investigations and their objectives and purposes. The importance of physical matching as investigative tool and the process of physical matching for individualization purposes are also discussed and explained as are the chain of custody of evidence. A large part of this research deals with the role of individualization in the investigation process and important principles regarding the collection, packaging and dispatching of glass. The findings of the research are discussed and recommendations subsequently made regarding the shortcomings identified. The findings that were made related to the research questions, ‘what is physical matching’ and “How can physical matching of glass be used as an individualization technique in the investigation of hit-and-run incidents? Further findings were made in respect of individualization of evidence, process of physical matching, forensic and criminal investigations, purpose of conducting evidence, identification and individualization, principles when collecting, packaging and dispatching of glass and chain of custody. Recommendations were made regarding training and skills transfer to address the shortcomings identified. en
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (100 leaves) en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject Physical matching of glass en
dc.subject Individualization technique en
dc.subject Hit-and-run incidents en
dc.subject South African Police Service investigators en
dc.subject Forensic analysts en
dc.subject Forensic specialists en
dc.subject.other UCTD en
dc.title Individualisation of glass in motor vehicle accidents en
dc.type Dissertation en
dc.description.department Police Practice en M. Tech. (Forensic Investigation)

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