In 2008, the South African government introduced the Ilima-Letsema Programme (ILP) to create sustainable agricultural activities and improve the food security of farming communities. The impact this programme has had at the grassroots level has, however, not been thoroughly investigated. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the contribution of this programme to food security and poverty alleviation in the Midvaal Local Municipality of Gauteng, in South Africa. The objectives were to determine the socio-demographic characteristics of the beneficiaries; the impact of the programme on agricultural production; what factors influenced that impact; the food security status of the beneficiaries (with reference to availability, access and stability); and the contribution of the programme to net income, poverty alleviation and job creation. To this end, the study employed a quantitative research approach and survey design. Data were collected from 196 beneficiaries of the ILP through face-to-face interviews using a structured survey questionnaire. SPSS v. 24 was used to analyse the quantitative data. Descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation and standard error of mean) ordered logistic regression, binomial test and Wilcoxon signed ranks test were applied. The socio-demographic results revealed that more males (53.6%) than females benefited from the ILP, with 60.7 per cent aged 51 years and above. About 43.4 per cent owned the land they farmed on, with an average farm/plot size of 4.4 ha. The respondents’ average annual income was R47 513.59, with 75 per cent relying on income earned from farming to sustain their livelihoods. The ILP was found to contribute significantly to the agricultural production (crop and livestock) of the beneficiaries, with only farming experience having a positive and significant (p < 0.05) impact. As regards the contribution of the programme to food security, the food availability of 55.6 per cent of the respondents improved, with 76.5 per cent reportedly producing food throughout the year, after receiving support. In addition, 52 per cent had access to food, and 54.5 per cent had the necessary farming experience to continue producing food, resulting in food stability. The results of the Wilcoxon signed rank test indicated that the ILP played a significant role in uplifting the beneficiaries from the upper-bound poverty line, creating job opportunities and improving income. Although the study was conducted at the local level, the findings showed that the programme improved the livelihoods of the farmers. For that reason, it was recommended that government increase the budget allocation for the programme and make it more inclusive, to enable most farming communities to benefit from it.
Ka 2008, mmušo wa Afrika Borwa o tsebagaditše Lenaneo la Ilima-Letsema (ILP) go hlola mešomo ya temo ya go ya go ile le go kaonafatša tšhireletšo ya dijo ya ditšhaba tše di lemago. Khuetšo yeo lenaneo le le bilego le yona maemong a fase, le ge go le bjalo, ga se ya nyakišišwa ka botlalo. Maikemišetšo a nyakišišo ye e be e le go sekaseka seabe sa lenaneo le go tšhireletšo ya dijo le phedišo ya bohloki ka Mmasepaleng wa Selegae wa Midvaal wa Gauteng, ka Afrika Borwa. Maikemišetšo e be e le go laetša dibopego tša sošio-temokrafi ya baholegi; khuetšo ya lenaneo go tšweletšo ya temo; ke mabaka afe ao a tutueditšego khuetšo yeo; maemo a tšhireletšo ya dijo a baholegi (ge go bolelwa ka khwetšagalo, phihlelelo le tielelo); le seabe sa lenaneo go letseno la nete, phedišo ya bohloki le tlhomo ya mešomo. Go fihla mo, nyakišišo e šomišitše mokgwa wa nyakišišo wa khwanthithethifi le tlhamo ya nyakišišo. Datha e kgobokeditšwe go tšwa go baholegi ba 196 ba ILP ka dipoledišano tša go dirwa ka sebele go šomišwa lenaneopotšišo la nyakišišo leo le rulagantšwego. SPSS v. 24 e šomišitšwa go sekaseka datha ya khwanthithethifi. Dipalopalo tša go hlaloša (bolela, phapogo ya maemo le phošo ya maemo ya magareng), poelomorago ya dithulaganyo ya maemo, teko ya dikarolo tše pedi le teko ya maemo a saennwego ya Wilcoxon di šomišitšwe. Dipoelo tša leago le palo ya batho di utulotše gore banna ba bantši (53.6%) go feta basadi ba hotšwe ke ILP, ka diphesente tše 60.7 tša mengwaga ye 51 le go feta. Diphesente tše e ka bago tše 43.4 ke beng naga yeo ba lemago go yona, ka palogare ya bogolo bja 4.4 ha polasa/poloto. Palogare ya letseno la ngwaga ka ngwaga la bakgathatema e be e le R47 513.59, ka diphesente tše 75 tše di ithekgilego godimo ga letseno leo le hweditšwego temong e tšwetšapele boiphedišo bja bona. ILP e hweditšwe e na le seabe se segolo go tšweletšo ya temo (dibjalo le diruiwa) ya baholegi, ka maitemogelo a bolemi fela ao a nago le khuetšo ye botse le ye bohlokwa (p < 0.05). Mabapi le seabe sa lenaneo go tšhireletšo ya dijo, khwetšagalo ya dijo ya diphesente tše 55.6 tša bakgathatema e kaonafetše, ka diphesente tše 76.5 tšeo go begilwego gore di tšweletša dijo ngwaga ka moka, ka morago ga go amogela thekgo. Go tlaleletša, diphesente tše 52 di kgonne go fihlelela dijo, gomme tše 54.5 di be di na le maitemogelo ao a nyakegago a temo gore ba tšwele pele go tšweletša dijo, moo go dirago gore dijo di be gona. Dipoelo tša teko ya maemo ao a saennwego ya Wilcoxon di laeditše gore ILP e kgathile tema ye bohlokwa mo go ntšheng baholegi ka gare ga bohloki bjo bogolo, go hlola dibaka tša mešomo le go kaonafatša letseno. Le ge nyakišišo ye e dirilwe maemong a selegae, dikutullo di bontšhitše gore lenaneo le le kaonafaditše mokgwa wa balemi wa bophelo. Ka lebaka leo, go šišinywa gore mmušo o oketše kabo ya tekanyetšo ya lenaneo le go le dira gore le akaretše bohle, go kgontšha bontši bja ditšhaba tše di lemago gore di holege go lona.
Nga 2008, muvhuso wa Afrika Tshipembe wo ḓivhadza Mbeknyamushumo ya Ilima-Letsema (ILP) u itela u sika mishumo ya zwa vhulimi i sa nyeṱhi na u khwiṋisa tsireledzo ya zwiḽiwa zwa zwitshavha zwa vhalimi. Masiandaitwa a mbekanyamushumo iyi kha vhuimo ha fhasi, fhedzi, ha athu vhuya a sedzuluswa nga vhuronwane. Ndivho ya ngudo ho vha u ela u dzhenelela ha mbekanyamushumo iyi kha tsireledzo ya zwiḽiwa. Ndivho ya ngudo iyi ho vha u ela u dzhenelela ha mbekanyamushumo ya tsireledzo ya zwiḽiwa na u fhelisa vhushai kha Masipala Wapo wa Midvaal ngei Gauteng, kha ḽa Afrika Tshipembe. Zwipikwa zwo vha u vhona zwiṱaluli zwa demogirafi na matshilisano a vhavhuelwa; masiandaita a mbekanyamushumo ya zwa vhubveledzi ha zwa vhulimi; vhuimo ha tsireledzo ya zwiḽiwa ya vhavhuelwa (ho sedzwa u vha hone, u swikelela na vhudziki); na u dzhenelela kha mbekanyamushumo ya mbuelo ya nethe, u fhelisa vhushai na u sika- mishumo. U swika zwino, ngudo dzo shumisa maitele a ṱhoḓisiso dza khwanthithethivi na nyolo dza tsedzuluso. Data yo kuvhanganyiwa u bva kha 196 vha ILP nga inthaviwu vho livhana zwifhaṱuwo nga u shumisa mbudzisombekanya dzo dzudzanywaho. SPSS v. 24 yo shumiswa u saukanya data ya khwanthithethivi. Mbalombalo dza ṱhalutshedzo (u bva kha muelo wa vhukati, wo linganelaho na vhukhakhi ho linganelaho ha vhukati) u humela murahu ha nzudzanyo ho tevhekanaho, thesite dza bainominala na thesite dza vhuimo dzo sainiwaho dza Wilcoxon dzo shumiswa. Mvelelo dza demogirafi na matshilisano dzo dzumbulula uri vhanna vhanzhi (53.6%) u fhira vhafumakadzi vho vhuelwa u bva kha ILP, hu na phesenthe dza 60.7 dza vhukale ha miṅwaha ya 51 na u fhira. Phesenthe dza 43.4 ndi vhaṋe vha mavu, hu na mbalotahikati ya bulasi/puloto ya muelo wa 4.4 ha. Mbalotshikati ya mbuelo ya ṅwaha wa vhafhinduli yo vha i R47 513.59, hu na phesenthe ya 75 yo ḓisendekaho nga mbuelo i wanalaho u bva kha zwa vhulimi u itela u kona u tshila. ILP yo wanala i khou dzhenelela vhukuma kha mveledziso ya zwa vhulimi (ha zwiliṅwa na zwifuwi) zwa vhavhuelwa, vhane vha vha na tshenzhelo ya zwa vhulimi fhedzi ine ya vha na masiandaitwa mavhuya mahulwane (p < 0.05). Mayelana na u dzhenelela kha mbekanyamushumo ya tsireledzo ya zwiḽiwa, u wanala ha zwiḽiwa kha phesenthe dza 55.6 ya vhafhinduli ho vha khwiṋe, hu na phesenthe dza 76.5 vha tshi khou bveledza zwiḽiwa ṅwaha woṱhe, nga murahu ha u wana muvhigo. Nṱhani ha izwo, phesenthe dza 52 dzo kona u swikelela zwiḽiwa, phesenthe dza 54.5 dzi na tshenzhelo ya zwa vhulimi yo teaho na u bvelaphanḓa na u bveledza zwiḽiwa, zwine zwa ḓisa vhudziki ha zwiḽiwa. Mvelelo ya thesite dza vhuimo dzo sainiwaho dza Wilcoxon dzo sumbedza uri ILP yo shuma mushumo muhulwane kha u takula vhavhuelwa u bva kha vhuimo ha vhushai hu hulwane, ha sikwa zwikhala zwa mishumo na u khwiṋisa mbuelo. Naho ngudo yo itwa kha vhuimo hapo, mawanwa o sumbedza uri mbekanyamushumo yo khwiṋisa matshilo a vhalimi. Nga ṅwambo wa izwo, hu themendelwa uri muvhuso u engedze nyavhelo ya mugaganywagwama u itela uri i vhe ine ya katela zwinzhi, na u konisa zwitshavha zwa vhalimi zwinzhi uri zwi vhuelwe vhukuma u bva kha izwo.