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An investigation on the role of food gardens to food security and community development in Thulamela Municipality

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dc.contributor.advisor Masekoameng, Mosima Kwinda, Pfanani Charlotte 2023-11-10T09:19:43Z 2023-11-10T09:19:43Z 2023-07 2023-11
dc.description.abstract This study was conducted in the Thulamela Municipality, Vhembe District of Limpopo Province, South Africa. The study area is characterised by poverty-stricken rural households. A high proportion of households relied on agriculture to supplement food for their families. The main objective of the study was to investigate the role and contribution of food gardens to food security and community development. Prior studies elsewhere and experiences of developing countries recognised the positive impacts of food gardens in providing food security, household economic welfare and rural development. A longitudinal study was undertaken to collect data from a sample of 383 households and 82 focus groups individuals selected through purposive and snowball sampling. Qualitative and quantitative research methods were used to collect data using interview questionnaires, observation checklists, a 24-hour food recall, a food frequency questionnaire, and a focus-group checklist. Data were gathered on socio-demographics; the role and contribution of food gardens to food security, household income and community development; challenges to food gardening and strategies for sustainable year-round availability of food. The Statistical Package for Social Science Version 23.0 was used to analyse quantitative data while the content of qualitative data was analysed to develop themes. Inferential statistics was done to determine the significance of the findings through correlation testing and regression analysis. The findings revealed that 56% of food gardeners were men, with people of different age groups, educational background, training and experiences in food gardening. Almost all (99.7%) participants had food gardens, which allowed them access to food for consumption and selling. Food gardens enabled households to spend less money on food. Income earned by selling garden produces helped to buy uncultivated food stuff and other basic necessities. Different kinds of garden produces were available in different seasons, which allowed households to access food throughout the year. Indigenous vegetables were also utilised. Food gardens played a major role and contributed significantly to food security and community development. Moreover, food gardens promoted avenues for job creation, self-employment and self reliance. Challenges to food gardening were addressed to ensure a sustainable year-round supply of food. The study provided a framework for understanding the relationship between food gardening and food security. en
dc.description.abstract Ngudo iyi yo itwa kha Masipala wa Thulamela, Tshiṱirikini tsha Vhembe kha Vundu ḽa Limpopo, Afrika Tshipembe. Sia ḽa ngudo ḽo ṱalulwa nga miṱa ya mahayani i re na vhushai. Tshipiḓa tshihulwane tsha miṱa tsho ḓisendeka nga zwa vhulimi u tikedza zwiḽiwa zwa miṱa yavho. Tshipikwa tshihulwane tsha ngudo ho vha u ṱoḓisisa mushumo na u dzhenelela ha ngade dza miroho kha tsireledzo ya zwiḽiwa na mveledziso ya tshitshavha. Ngudo dzo rangelaho idzi huṅwe na tshenzhemo dza mashango ane a khou bvelela dzo dzhiela nṱha masiandaitwa mavhuya a ngade dza zwiḽiwa kha u ṋekedza tsireledzo ya zwiḽiwa, mutakalo wa ikonomi ya muṱa na mveledziso ya vhupo ha mahayani. Ngudo buḓa dzo itwa u itela u kuvhanganya data u bva kha miṱa ya 383 na zwigwada zwo sedzwaho zwa vhathu vha 82 vho nangiwaho nga kha tsumbonanguludzwa dzi re na ndivho na u vhudzisa vhaṅwe vhathu vha re kha ṱhoḓisiso. Ngona dza ṱhoḓisiso khwaḽithethivi na khwanthithethivi dzo shumiswa u kuvhanganya data nga u shumisa mbudzisombekanywa dza inthaviwu, mutevhe wa mbudziso dza mbono, u elelwa zwiḽiwa zwo liwaho kha awara dza 24, mbudzisombekanywa dza misi yoṱhe dza nga ha zwiḽiwa, na mutevhe wa tsedzuluso wa tshigwada tsho sedzwaho. Data yo kuvhanganywa kha demogirafi ya matshilisano, mushumo na u dzhenelela ha ngade dza zwiḽiwa kha tsireledzo ya zwiḽiwa, mbuelo ya miṱa na mveledziso ya tshitshavha; khaedu dza ngade dza zwiḽiwa na zwiṱirathedzhi zwa u wana zwiḽiwa ṅwaha woṱhe zwi sa nyeṱhi. Tshiputelo tsha mbalombalo tsha Saintsi dza Matshilisano Vesheni ya vhu 23.0 yo shumiswa u saukanya data ya khwanthithethivi, ngeno zwire ngomu zwa data ya khwaḽithethivi zwo saukanywa u bveledza thero. Mbalombalo khumbulelwa yo itwa u itela u vhona ndeme ya mawanwa nga kha u linga u elana na musaukanyo wa khumela murahu. Mawanwa o dzumbulula uri 56% ya vhoradzingade dza zwiḽiwa vho vha vhe vhanna, hu na vhathu vha vhukale ho fhambanaho, vhubvo ha pfunzo, vhugudisi na tshenzhemo kha ngade dza zwiḽiwa. Vhadzheneli vhane vha ita mbaloguṱe (99.7%) vho vha vhe na dzingade dza zwiḽiwa dzine dza vha konisa u swikelela zwiḽiwa u itela u ḽa na u rengisa. Ngade dza zwiḽiwa dzo konisa miṱa u shumisa tshelede ṱhukhu kha zwiḽiwa. Mbuelo yo wanalaho nga u rengisa zwibveledzwa zwa ngadeni yo thusa u renga zwiḽiwa zwine zwa sa tou limiwa na zwiṅwe zwithu zwa ndeme. Tshaka dzo fhambanaho dza zwibveledzwa zwa ngadeni dzo vha dzi hone nga khalaṅwaha dzo fhambanaho, zwe zwa konisa miṱa u swikelela zwiḽiwa ṅwaha woṱhe. Miroho ya vhongwaniwapo na yone yo shumiswa. Ngade dza zwiḽiwa dzo shuma mushumo muhulwane na u dzhenelela zwihulwane kha tsireledzo ya zwiḽiwa na mveledziso ya tshitshavha. Zwiṅwe hafhu, ngade dza zwiḽiwa dzo bveledza nḓila dza u sika mishumo, u ḓishuma na u ḓisendeka nga iwe muṋe. Khaedu dza ngade dza zwiḽiwa dzo tandululwa u itela u khwaṱhisedza nḓisedzo ya zwiḽiwa i sa nyeṱhi ṅwaha woṱhe. Ngudo dzo ṋekedza muhangarambo wa u pfesesa vhushaka vhukati ha u ita ngade dza zwiḽiwa na tsireledzo ya zwiḽiwa ve
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (xviii, 250 leaves) : color illustrations, color graphs, color map
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject Food security en
dc.subject Community development en
dc.subject Food garden en
dc.subject Household income en
dc.subject Food availability en
dc.subject Food accessibility en
dc.subject Food utilisation en
dc.subject Food stability en
dc.subject Household food security en
dc.subject Food insecurity en
dc.subject Tsireledzo ya zwiḽiwa en
dc.subject Mveledziso ya tshitshavha ve
dc.subject Ngade ya zwiḽiwa ve
dc.subject Mbuelo ya muṱa ve
dc.subject U vha hone ha zwiḽiwa ve
dc.subject U swikelelea ha zwiḽiwa ve
dc.subject Tshumiso ya zwiḽiwa en
dc.subject Vhudziki ha zwiḽiwa ve
dc.subject Tsireledzo ya zwiḽiwa muṱani ve
dc.subject U shaya tsireledzo ya zwiḽiwa ve
dc.subject.ddc 363.1920968257
dc.subject.lcsh Food security -- South Africa -- Limpopo en
dc.subject.lcsh Community development -- South Africa -- Limpopo en
dc.subject.other UCTD
dc.title An investigation on the role of food gardens to food security and community development in Thulamela Municipality en
dc.type Thesis en
dc.description.department Agriculture and  Animal Health en Ph. D. (Agriculture)

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