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The interplay between the rule of law, substantive equality and affirmative action in employment and higher education : an international perspective

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dc.contributor.advisor Tshoose, Clarence
dc.contributor.advisor Squelch, Joan Duvenhage, Jacques Clarence 2023-10-16T11:11:48Z 2023-10-16T11:11:48Z 2022-07
dc.description.abstract Affirmative action in South Africa has been the subject of much debate about redressing past discriminatory injustices and achieving a more equal and just society. This has been particularly relevant to achieving equality for women and persons with disabilities, who have been subjected to societal segregation and discrimination in the workplace and educational institutions. The purpose of this thesis is therefore to examine critically the nature, purpose and implementation of affirmative action in the context of employment and education that is underpinned by the rule of law and the constitutional right to equality. It is argued that affirmative action aimed at redressing past injustices and dealing with ongoing discrimination and inequality is supported and justified by a substantive approach to the rule of law and equality under the Constitution. In examining affirmative action with respect to women and persons with disabilities in employment and education specifically, this thesis has focused on three jurisdictions: South Africa, Malaysia and the United States. All three jurisdictions provide key insights into the nature and development of affirmative action. To this end, the thesis has examined the development and application of affirmative action from a constitutional and an international law perspective, and with respect to the most relevant employment and education legislation. The key themes that emerge from this research, and which respond to the research questions and aims, relate to the historical contexts from which affirmative action developed, the international human rights framework adopted, or its lack of adoption, to protect the rights of women and persons with disabilities, the promotion of equality within a constitutional framework and whether affirmative action has indeed become an enduring principle of law rather than a temporary measure. The conclusion reached is that while society has taken important steps to promote equal opportunities for women and persons with disabilities in the workplace and educational institutions, barriers to attaining equality and non-discrimination continue to exist. There is therefore an ongoing need to adopt and implement special measures that contribute positively to the removal of barriers to equal of opportunity and non-discrimination and enable their attainment. en
dc.description.abstract Regstellende aksie in Suid-Afrika is die onderwerp van baie debat oor die regstelling van diskriminerende ongeregtighede in die verlede en die bereiking van 'n meer gelyke en regverdige samelewing. Dit was veral relevant vir die bereiking van gelykheid vir vroue en persone met gestremdhede wat onderwerp is aan sosiale segregasie en diskriminasie in die werkplek en opvoedkundige instellings. Die doel van hierdie tesis is dus om die aard, doel en implementering van regstellende aksie krities te ondersoek in die konteks van indiensneming en onderwys wat ondersteun word deur die oppergesag van die reg en die grondwetlike reg op gelykheid. Daar word aangevoer dat regstellende aksie wat daarop gemik is om vorige ongeregtighede reg te stel en om voortdurende diskriminasie en ongelykheid aan te spreek, ondersteun en geregverdig word deur 'n substantiewe benadering tot die oppergesag van die reg en gelykheid kragtens die Grondwet. In die ondersoek van regstellende aksie spesifiek met betrekking tot vrouens en persone met gestremdhede in indiensneming en onderwys, het hierdie tesis gefokus op drie jurisdiksies: Suid-Afrika, Maleisië en die Verenigde State. Al drie jurisdiksies bied belangrike insigte in die aard en ontwikkeling van regstellende aksie. Vir hierdie doel het die tesis die ontwikkeling en toepassing van regstellende aksie vanuit ’n grondwetlike en ’n internasionale regsperspektief ondersoek, en met betrekking tot die mees relevante indiensnemings- en onderwyswetgewing. Die belangrikste temas wat uit hierdie navorsing na vore kom, en wat die navorsingsvrae en -doelwitte aanspreek, hou verband met die historiese kontekste waaruit regstellende aksie ontwikkel het, die internasionale menseregteraamwerk wat aangeneem is, of die gebrek aan aanneming daarvan, om die regte van vroue en persone met gestremdhede te beskerm, die bevordering van gelykheid binne ’n grondwetlike raamwerk en of regstellende aksie inderdaad ’n blywende regsbeginsel geword het eerder as ’n tydelike maatreël. Die gevolgtrekking waartoe daar gekom is, is dat hoewel die samelewing belangrike stappe gedoen het om gelyke geleenthede vir vroue en persone met gestremdhede in die werkplek en opvoedkundige instellings te bevorder, hindernisse tot die bereiking van gelykheid en nie-diskriminasie steeds bestaan. Daar is dus 'n voortdurende behoefte om spesiale maatreëls aan te neem en te implementeer wat positief bydra tot die verwydering van die hindernisse tot gelyke geleenthede en nie-diskriminasie, en die bereiking daarvan moontlik maak. af
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (x, 505 leaves)
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject Affirmative Action en
dc.subject Discrimination en
dc.subject Employment en
dc.subject Education en
dc.subject Formal equality en
dc.subject People with disabilities en
dc.subject Policies and procedures en
dc.subject Rule of law en
dc.subject Substantive equality en
dc.subject Women en
dc.subject.lcsh Educational law and legislation en
dc.subject.lcsh Affirmative action programs in education -- Law and legislation en
dc.subject.lcsh Educational equalization -- Law and legislation en
dc.subject.lcsh Discrimination in employment -- Law and legislation en
dc.subject.lcsh Education, Higher -- Law and legislation en
dc.subject.lcsh Rule of law en
dc.subject.lcsh 379.26
dc.subject.other UCTD
dc.title The interplay between the rule of law, substantive equality and affirmative action in employment and higher education : an international perspective en
dc.type Thesis en
dc.description.department Mercantile Law en

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