dc.contributor.advisor |
Harry, Nisha |
dc.contributor.author |
Motlhanke, Ponatshego Palesa
dc.date.accessioned |
2023-10-09T10:32:35Z |
dc.date.available |
2023-10-09T10:32:35Z |
dc.date.issued |
2023-06 |
dc.identifier.uri |
https://hdl.handle.net/10500/30551 |
dc.description.abstract |
The intention of this study was to explore recruiters’ perceptions when hiring persons with a criminal record. Recruiters are the gatekeepers and champions of the recruitment process and therefore play an integral part in ensuring open entry into employment for persons with a criminal record. The premise of the study is that individuals with criminal records are not employed, mainly because of the recruiters’ perceptions of holders of criminal records, regardless of the nature of the crime, and this influences their recruitment undertakings.
In order to explore the above, a grounded theory approach was adopted, using corresponding qualitative measures in this regard. Further, a focus group method, involving five (5) participants, was employed in gathering data. The sample comprised HR professionals who are tasked with the recruitment function within their respective organisations. The Johannesburg Region was used, as Johannesburg is one of the most prominent cities in South Africa; in addition, the participants were based in the Johannesburg area.
The study found that recruiters are receptive to people with criminal records and believe in reintegrating them into the job market. However, these ideals are obstructed by management as well as anticipated stigma from colleagues. The study therefore concluded that the stigma in play here is indirect, thus contributing to barriers to entry for persons with criminal records. |
en |
dc.description.abstract |
Die bedoeling van hierdie studie was om die persepsie van die werwer te ondersoek wanneer hy 'n persoon met 'n kriminele rekord aanstel. Werwers is die poortwagters en kampvegters van die werwingsproses en speel daarom 'n integrale rol in die verskaffing van oop toegang vir persone met 'n kriminele rekord tot hul werk. Die uitgangspunt van die studie is dat werwers Individue met kriminele rekords nie in diens is nie, hoofsaaklik as gevolg van die persone se persepsie van houers van kriminele rekords, ongeag die aard van die misdaad, en dit beïnvloed hul werwingsondernemings.
Ten einde bogenoemde te ondersoek, is 'n grondige teorie-benadering gevolg met behulp van ooreenstemmende kwalitatiewe maatstawwe in hierdie verband. Die fokusgroepmetode is gebruik om data te versamel, waar vyf (5) deelnemers aan die sessie was. Die steekproef bestaan uit MH-personeel wat die werwingsfunksie binne hul onderskeie organisasies het. Die Johannesburg-streek is gebruik as een van die mees prominente stede in Suid-Afrika. Daarbenewens is die deelnemers in die Johannesburg-omgewing gevestig.
Die studie het bevind dat werwers ontvanklik is vir mense met kriminele rekords en glo dat hulle weer in die arbeidsmark geïntegreer word. Hierdie ideale word belemmer deur bestuur sowel as verwagte brandmerk van medekollegas. Die studie het dus tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die brandmerk wat hier gevorm word, indirek is en sodoende bydra tot die persone met 'n strafregtelike hindernis tot toegang. |
af |
dc.description.abstract |
Maikalesetso a thuto eno ke go batlisisa ka ga ponelo ya mobatla badiri ka motho yo o nnang le rekoto ya bosenyi. Ba batla badiri balebeledi le bagaka ba tsela ya go batla badiri, mme batshameka karolo e tona direng gore tsela ya go tsena e bulegile go motho yo nnang le rekoto ya bosenyi, mo tirong ga e bonolo.
Ntlha phisego ya thuto ke gore ba batla tiro ba nnang le rekoto ya bosenyi ga ba bone tiro, segolo ka ntlha ya rekoto ya bone ya bosenyi, go sa kgathelesege mofuta wa bosenyi.
Go tsweletsa se fa godimo, patlisiso fa ene gwa tswelediwa go dirisiwa mokgwa boleng mo patlisisong eno. Mokgwa wa setlhopha yo o dirisitsweng dipalo, go dirisitswe ba tsaya karolo ba le batlhano mo karolong eno. Batsaya karolo ba ne ba dirwa ba diri ba profeshenale (bo mmakgontshe) ba di karolo tsa badiri mo ditirong tsa bone. Kantoro ya bogareng ya Gauteng ene ya dirisiwa jaaka nngwe ya ditoropo tse di botlhokwa mo Afrika Borwa, go tlaleletsa, ba tsaya karolo ka gore bodulo ba bone, bo mo Gauteng.
Di patlisiso di fitlheletswe gore ba batli ba badiri ba amogela batho ba di rekoto tsa bosenyi, le dumela go ba busetsa mo marakeng a ditiro. Ditlhaloganyo tseno di thibelelwa ke batsamaisi le go tshwenyega ga badiri mmogo, a iphetlhele seso se dirang maparego go tsena ga batho bao ba nnang le direkoto tsa bosenyi. |
tn |
dc.format.extent |
1 online resource (ix, 128 leaves) : color illustrations, color graph |
dc.language.iso |
en |
en |
dc.subject |
Recruiters |
en |
dc.subject |
Perception |
en |
dc.subject |
Stigma |
en |
dc.subject |
Criminal record |
en |
dc.subject |
Werwer |
af |
dc.subject |
Persepsie |
af |
dc.subject |
Skandmerk |
af |
dc.subject |
Kriminele rekord |
af |
dc.subject |
Mobatla-badiri |
tn |
dc.subject |
Ponelo |
tn |
dc.subject |
Rekoto ya bosenyi |
tn |
dc.subject.ddc |
658.31110968221 |
dc.subject.lcsh |
Ex-convicts -- Employment -- South Africa -- Johannesburg |
en |
dc.subject.lcsh |
Criminal records -- South Africa -- Johannesburg |
en |
dc.subject.lcsh |
Stigma (Social psychology) -- South Africa -- Johannesburg |
en |
dc.subject.other |
dc.title |
A qualitative study of perceptions of recruiters when hiring persons with criminal record |
en |
dc.type |
Dissertation |
en |
dc.description.department |
Industrial and Organisational Psychology |
en |
dc.description.department |
M.A. (Industrial Psychology) |