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Ground states of triton and alpha nuclei

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dc.contributor.advisor Rampho, Gaotsiwe Joel Chinyanga, Kumbirai Theotimus 2023-07-05T11:32:33Z 2023-07-05T11:32:33Z 2022-11 2023-07
dc.description.abstract The few-body integrodifferential equations are approximations to the few-body Schr¨odinger equation in hyperspherical coordinates. The few-body integrodifferential equations for identical particles reduce to a single integrodifferential equation in two variables only. The structure of the integrodifferential equation does not dependent of the number of particles in the system. The integrodifferential equation has previously been solved using the adiabatic approximation method, the projection method and the perturba tion method. In this dissertation we solve the few-body integrodifferential equations directly using the Lagrange mesh method. We apply the equations to Triton and alpha nuclei which are three-body and four-body systems, respectively. We treat the nucleons as interacting through spin-dependent nucleon-nucleon potentials. The few-body inte-grodifferential equations develop into a system coupled integrodifferential equations in the case of spin-dependent potentials. All our results are compared to those found in literature. en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject Eigenvalue problem en
dc.subject Faddeev equations en
dc.subject Few-body systems en
dc.subject Ground-state energy en
dc.subject Hyperspherical harmonics en
dc.subject Hypercentral potential en
dc.subject Integrodifferential equations approach en
dc.subject Potential harmonics en
dc.subject Spin-dependent potential en
dc.subject Symmetric states en
dc.subject.ddc 530.14
dc.subject.lcsh Eigenvalues en
dc.subject.lcsh Few-body problem en
dc.subject.lcsh Integro-differential equations en
dc.title Ground states of triton and alpha nuclei en
dc.type Dissertation en
dc.description.department Physics en M. Sc. (Physics)

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